𝔸 𝕗𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟

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"I'm extremely sorry sir, ma'am. This was not how the plan was supposed to go." HUI had his head down as he spoke to my wife and I. "I know this was not how the plan was supposed to go, you dumbass!" I screamed at him. My wife put a reassuring hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Goddamnit. Incompetent imbeciles." I muttered more to myself. "You should leave, dear. Make sure to grab some snacks from the chef before you go." She spoke gently to HUI, who immediately nodded and walked out of my office. I leaned back on my office chair, my wife walking behind it and massaging my shoulders. "Calm down for a bit, honey. Let's talk this through, yeah?" She spoke and leaned down to kiss the crown of my head as I hummed.

"So. What will we do about the plan now?" She pondered. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the backrest. "Not only that, but the dumbass also lost the fucking USB. Thank god you thought of the idea to create a copy and give it to Bangtan." I sighed. She chuckled "I know I'm smart. Thank you." I smiled "For now, let's just tell Bangtan to keep it safe until we think of something, yeah?" I heard my wife heave a sigh before moving to sit down in front of me on the table. "Hae's dead. What a pity though. She was like the daughter we never had." She spoke to me. "Yeah. What an obedient one. Too bad she had to leave like that. Just like her sister." I answered.


In the middle of the woods, I was leaned against my car, with my wife beside me. We were waiting for Bangtan to show up for our meeting. "What is taking them so long?" I huffed in annoyance. "Calm down, they're here." my wife points at a black van approaching us. I stood up taller and walked a few steps ahead. The two of us, along with our bodyguard had been waiting for their arrival for a good 30 minutes, and I was getting impatient. The first to exit the black van, was Park Jimin. The man might have been short, but he made up for his height with immense strength and endurance. Next was Kim Taehyung. Highly skilled, very stylish, and extremely loyal. Kim Seokjin stepped out after. The decisive oldest who could crack a good joke.

I smirked as Min Yoongi exited the van. One of the best hackers I had ever worked with. I saw someone waving at me and my gaze shifted to Jung Hoseok. The getaway driver with extremely fast reflexes. Jeon Jungkook stood next to him. Specialized in guns and sniping, the man has pinpoint accuracy which never fails. The last man to exit the van was none other than Kim Namjoon. Their leader, my closest accomplice, and a young prodigy in the industry. Namjoon strode forward in long steps, reaching us within the matter of a few seconds. He put a hand out and firmly shook my hand "Pleasure to meet you again, sir. I apologize for the long wait. We had a mission to take care of." His dimples became prominent as he smiled. I smiled warmly in return "That's alright. The pleasure is all mine." 

The rest of the men gathered around us forming a semi-circle. Each muttering their own greetings towards myself and my wife, as Seokjin made small talk with her. I took a quick moment to observe all of the faces around me before speaking "Is the USB safely with you?" Taehyung took out a small USB from his suit and spun it in his fingers. I nodded, reassured that they still had the USB safely. "May I ask, what exactly is in the USB? You told us not to examine the contents and simply to keep it safe. Why?" Yoongi broke the silence that lingered in the air with one of his curious questions. I put a hand up and motioned a finger to my bodyguard, who knew what to do. My bodyguard walked to the back of our car, getting out a laptop. Taking the USB from Taehyung, he took a few moments to set it up. 

"Be quiet and listen," I instructed as the audio began playing. After the recording was finished playing, I saw the reactions of all of the members of Bangtan. They looked confused and worried. "How did someone record that meeting? We made sure the warehouse was empty and locked before we made the deal with The Boyz." Jungkook piped up. "Pentagon got this recording. You all should be thankful it wasn't some other gang that took this. Or our plan might as well have failed." I explained, trying not to let my temper get the best of me. "Uh.. So what now..?" Jimin interjected. "Pentagon threatened The Boyz, that's why they broke off the deal with you in the first place." I continued. Everyone nodded in understanding, trying hard to process the new turn of events.

"We dealt with it though. Well, we thought we did. We gave you a copy of the audio because we thought we might lose the first one during the meeting we had with The Boyz. And unfortunately, we did. Hae... She was killed. Kino, he was a mole. And The Boyz managed to get the USB, with the help of someone." I sighed in disappointment. Pinching the bridge of my nose. "And who might that someone be?" Seokjin inquired. "Akira Takahashi." Everyone gasped in disbelief. I could slightly make out a mixture of 'No way, it can't be and oh shits' through the crowd. I waited for them to quiet down before letting them ask me any questions.

"What did you do with the mole?"

"Hae killed him before we could deal with him."

"Do you have a plan, for now?"

"As of now, It's essential that we keep the USB safe. About The Boyz, I don't find it necessary to kill Sangyeon, now that Hae is dead. We don't have to keep our end of the deal and get revenge for her. After all, we didn't even know Hwayoung privately."

The men surrounding me, all nodded along. Ourselves having been affiliated through my brother for seven years now, they knew about all of our business relations. Much like how we knew about their activities. This led them to gain knowledge of our plan to keep tabs on Akira through Hae. They also knew about Hae wanting revenge for Hwayoung's death. They kept close relations with Pentagon as well, Pentagon being my gang and thus under myself and our name. This was only a small web in the midst of our large network of connections, worthy of overthrowing those spoiled bastards. Akashi and Jihoon. People like them, who were born with silver spoons in their mouth aren't as deserving of all the power and riches they have. People like us, who have risen from the bottom and worked our way up the hierarchy to gain the power we have now, we are the ones who should be the biggest criminals out there. Not them.

This was why we had Bangtan make the deal with The Boyz to overthrow Akashi and Jihoon. Bangtan just being the face of the operation, whilst in reality it was myself and my wife who were the brains. Our plan foiled though, with the unexpected interruption from Pentagon, who had no clue of the deal between ourselves and Bangtan. All of this in the end, has led to the mess we are in now.

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