𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠'𝕤 𝕠𝕕𝕕 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Lee Juyeon:

I was finishing up my cocktail when Haknyeon skipped back to our table. He had just finished his turn dancing with Akira and it was now my turn. She was too occupied talking to her best friend to notice my arrival. So I snuck up behind her and tried to surprise her. Until she suddenly elbowed my stomach and turned around. "Ouch what the heck?" I hissed, gripping my abdomen in pain. A look of worry washed over her face upon recognizing me. "Oh my god, Juyeon I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else." She exclaimed while helping me up. I chuckled awkwardly "That's okay."

When we returned to the dance floor, the DJ started playing loud hype music. I immediately began dancing happily while she awkwardly moved from side to side. Her annoyance clearly displayed on her face. "Ugh this sucks." She complained to me and I frowned. I leaned closer to her and whispered "Wanna get out of here?" She nodded and I took her hand. Leading her out of the ballroom and into one of the abandoned hallways. She leaned against the wall to catch her breathe. Now's my chance. I cornered her, putting my hands up against the wall, trapping her in between the wall and myself.  She was almost as tall as me, only a few couple of inches shorter. "What are you doing?" She asked, folding her arms together.

"You see, Younghoon hyung told me your lips tasted really sweet. I've been wanting to see if they were sweet like candy or sweet like a strawberry since the moment I laid eyes on you." She scoffed and sent me a glare "Are you fucking kidding me?" I shook my head "Soo.. Wanna make out? It's not like we have anything better to do. Plus nobody's gonna notice even if we're gone for a couple more minutes." I tried convincing her."No." She firmly replied. "Please..?" I gave her my best doe eyes. "Ugh fuck it. But just five minutes." She agreed! With that, I didn't waste a single moment as I crashed my lips onto hers. She responded immediately by intertwining her hands in my hair. Both of my hands went to her thighs, lifting her up with ease. She wrapped her legs around my waist surprisingly quickly, considering the fact that she was wearing a ball gown.

Pulling me closer, she smiled into the kiss. At that moment, I felt nothing but pure and utter pleasure. Younghoon hyung was right. She really did know what she was doing. After a few more minutes filled with involuntary moans, intense pleasure, and making a mess of our appearances, we broke apart. I gently put her down with a smug smile. "Don't look at me like that. That was a one time thing Juyeon. Don't come back to me asking for that again." She grinned and walked off while cleaning herself up to look more presentable. I rushed behind her and went straight to Sunwoo to tell him it was his turn. He looked at me weirdly but I just brushed it off. As soon as he left, I sat down to calm my racing heart and the adrenaline surging through my body. That was intense.

Different people came by to visit our table and meet us. After a while to entertaining and talking to those people, Hyunjae accompanied me to go get some drinks. As we were about to reach the table, we spotted Akira and Sunwoo talking to a member of Pentagon, if I'm not wrong. We hid behind a fake plant and tried to listen in on the conversation. Sunwoo had an arm wrapped around her waist as she angrily spoke to the Pentagon member. Unfortunately for the two of us, neither of us knew how to lipread, but from the pure expression on Akira's face, I could tell she was very disturbed. "Do you think we should interfere?" Hyunjae asked me. "I don't know." Just then, she took Sunwoo's hand and began walking away. The two of us rushed back to our table, completely forgetting about our drinks. We got there and sat down, acting like nothing had happened. Moments later, the two came back and Akira put her hands on her head and heaved out a sigh.

All of us looked to Sunwoo who just shrugged, saying she was tired. Keeping secrets now, are we? I'll make sure to ask him about it later at home. The rest of the night, Akira acted completely normal after coming back from the bathroom. We were announced as Akashi and Jihoon's successors and they made a toast in honor of us. Akira and Alex met Akashi and Jihoon and it was honestly really funny watching them trying not to fangirl. After a few moments of chatting with the two middle aged men, The Marionettes and Hae left the ball, claiming that they were tired from the night's events. About an hour later, the ball ended and we were on our way home.


"Sunwoo, Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him. "What is it hyung? I'm really tired so please make it quick. He sat down on his bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. We had both freshened up and changed into our pyjamas. "What exactly happened at the drink table today? With that member of Pentagon?" His eyes widened slightly before they went back to their sleepy state. "Nothing. That guy was just annoying Akira. And you know how she is by now. She got pissed and went off on him." He answered nonchalantly. "Are you sure? You better not be lying to me." He scoffed. "Oh my god hyung is that all? I need my sleep now, so I would really appreciate it if you leave me alone. Thanks." With that he turned around, and lay down. I sighed and went to sleep as well. No point in pondering over something I'm not even involved in. 

The next morning, I woke up to Eric placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Good Morning hyung!". I wiped my cheek and smiled "Morning Eric." He got off my bed and stood up "We have a meeting after breakfast. Be quick." With that, he left my room. Typical baby. Breakfast went by like a breeze, everyone was acting normal except for Sunwoo. Something tells me he lied to me last night. Shrugging it off, I continued watching him as he silently ate without butting in on the conversations like he usually does. Or making a savage comment and getting his head smacked by Jacob hyung. What exactly happened last night that made him act like this? A game of rock paper scissors after breakfast determined who was going to wash the dishes. It was myself and Chanhee. The two of us got to work and the rest of the guys went to the meeting room.

"Is something wrong with Sunwoo?" Chanhee asked me, it seems I'm not the only one who noticed. "I don't know. He's been acting strange after the ball last night." I shrugged. The two of us walked to the meeting room and sat down as Sangyeon hyung began speaking. "We have a problem. Pentagon got the advance, but they still didn't destroy the evidence.. Kino informed myself and Hyunjae last night." He sighed. There were gasps escaping everyone's mouths.Of course, we should have known. "What do we do about it?" Changmin asked. "We need our money back, and we need to get the evidence to destroy it ourselves-" Sangyeon hyung proposed. "But what about Bangtan?" Eric pondered. I nodded in agreement, as did the others. Sangyeon hyung slumped down onto his chair and buried his face in his hands. "I don't know.."

Wow. This was a first. Hyung was usually never unsure of anything. "Min, have you thought of anything?" Jacob hyung asked Changmin, stepping up to cover for Sangyeon hyung. With a small pout, the latter sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry.." He muttered. Suddenly, Chanhee stood up from his chair beside me. We were all taken by surprise at his sudden outburst. "Hyung! What gives?" Sunwoo hissed, obviously taken by surprise. No shit. With a huge smile on his face, Chanhee beamed "Let's call The Marionettes!" Sangyeon hyung looked up in question. I noticed Sunwoo also suddenly seemed more interested in the conversation now that The Marionettes were mentioned. Does this have something to do with Akira? "You're onto something Chanie." Kevin agreed. "We can con Pentagon and get our money and the recording! Worry about Bangtan later!" Chanhee continued.

Now smiling, Sangyeon hyung stood up and rushed to Chanhee, embracing him. "That's fantastic! Good work Cha-" "Wait wait can't we think of something else? I don't want to work with those people. We can't trust anybody and they're the biggest con-artists in the country! What if they con us again? We can't risk that. I don't trust them. We've managed to carry out hundreds of missions without anybody's help. We can deal with this ourselves too." Sunwoo burst out. Immediately sitting down afterwards. Interesting.. Very interesting. "What are you talking about Sunwoo? I trust them. Alex is my new bestie now! What about you guys?" Chanhee asked. Everyone in the room nodded along in agreement to Chanhee's statement. "That's settled then. We will contact them and ask for their help. I'm sure you'll warm up to them soon Sunwoo, you seemed pretty close to Akira last night?" Sangyeon hyung teased him and winked. His face turning a bright red as he growled. Haknyeon glared at Sunwoo from across the table, obviously jealous and pissed at him. I'm intrigued to see how this plan is going to go through.

 I'm intrigued to see how this plan is going to go through

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