ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖?

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Alex gasped, putting a hand to her mouth, the other one shaking as it held tightly on to the arm of her chair. Chanhee, who was sitting near her gave her a puzzled glance, before it turned into one of worry. "What's wrong, Chanmi?" He asked her, taking a hold of her hand in both of his. Chanhee's question however, was answered by Kino and Akira, as they called out the name Alex was dreading to hear. She could not believe what was happening. The love of her life. Her girlfriend of three years. The woman she was planning on proposing to, had betrayed them. "Oh, Hae.." Kino's voice came through. Everyone let out small huffs and gasps of surprise and disbelief. The members of Pentagon were no less surprised, however Sangyeon had a knowing look on his face. Tears sprung from her eyes at the unbelievable sight.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion for Sunwoo, as he watched the scene on the TV unfold. And it seemed, that the other members felt that way too. Kino started explaining something, when Hae shot him. He collapsed to the ground as Hyunjae burst into a series of sobs. Nobody could help themselves as unbeknownst to them, they shed silent tears. Sunwoo couldn't help but be reminded of how Hwayoung had died almost exactly like that in front of them, 2 years prior. It felt like history was repeating itself. He glanced over to Sangyeon, who had tears running down his face as he refused to look at the TV. All of them were clearly disturbed by the incident similar to the one that scarred them previously. Sunwoo watched as everyone dropped down on their knees, embracing each other. He watched as Akira leaned in to kiss Kino's forehead and cursed himself for feeling jealous at a moment like this.

Guilt. That was all Lee Sangyeon was feeling, as he watched his brothers crying for their close friend, and one's lover. Kino had willingly sacrificed himself for The Boyz. The two of them knew it was inevitable, the day they met at the cafe'. Yet he was more than ready to give himself away, if it meant that The Boyz and most importantly for him, Hyunjae was safe. Sangyeon couldn't have been more thankful for the member of Pentagon. But, what now? Their plan was partially successful, but what did they have to do now? It was yet another one of those rare instances, where Sangyeon had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do. The death of their comrade, had affected them much harder than he anticipated. Despite having prepared for it a few days prior himself, he was still shaken by Kino's death. He couldn't look anyone in the eye. He couldn't watch the scene. It was too painful for him to watch, as it was almost like a nagging reminder of how Hwayoung died for him and the guys.

Standing up, he shook his members out of their dazes, scurrying to leave as soon as possible, without having to have an encounter with Hae. "Come on, we're leaving. Jacob, inform the others at the mansion to come back home." Sangyeon instructed his members firmly, and they followed without a word. After all, what did they have to say? Or what could they say? Opening the door, he was stopped as Yuto took a hold of his arm. The Boyz scrambled to free their leader and leave, but to no avail as the door opened to a smirking Hae. "Not so fast boys. My mission is still not done yet." With that, the members of Pentagon scurried to tie up The Marionette Boyz (Their combined group as named by Haknyeon and Eric) to their chairs with large ropes. There was no way for them to leave. Sangyeon's heart dropped. This was not how the plan was supposed to carry out.

Hae proudly walked to the middle of the room, in front of the hostages. HUI immediately wrapping an arm around her waist as she continued smirking. Alex raised an eyebrow at this. Confused beyond her wits. "Hae, baby. Please tell me this is all some sort of prank. Right? I know you won't betray me like that. I love you.." She spoke in denial. Hae rolled her eyes "I mean, at first you were really interesting, and if I'm being honest, I really did love you through the first two years of our relationship. But, you just suddenly got boring, and uninteresting. So, yeah. I'm over you. I have been, for a while. It's over, Alex. He's my boyfriend." She motions towards HUI bluntly, as the latter smiled proudly. Alex choked back tears, and refrained from screaming out profanities, only staring at her now ex-girlfriend.

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