𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

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Everyone was a bunch of nerves today. It was D-day. Their mission was to take place in the matter of a few moments. 9 members of The Boyz, along with Alex were patiently yet anxiously waiting in their van. After arriving 25 minutes earlier than anticipated, the wait seemed like a good few hours before they could make any move. Nevertheless, the club opened and the line started filing inside. Nothing suspicious yet. Alex thought to herself in the midst of nervously fiddling with her fingers. She looked to her side and found Sunwoo sweating bullets. Sighing, she took out a handkerchief and handed it over to the hot pink-haired. "Don't worry. Hopefully, it'll all work out fine. We trained hard for this." She smiled and awkwardly pat his shoulder. The said boy managed to crack a small smile at the older while wiping his face "I hope so."

A static sound was heard through their earpieces before Sangyeon's voice reached through. "Alright, this is it. Let's get going." With that, all of them carefully got out of the van. Discreetly making their way towards the front entrance of the club. Sunwoo, Haknyeon and Alex were the first to go, followed by the rest of the remaining guys. All except for Hyunjae, Changmin, Kevin and Akira, who were embarking on a separate part of the mission. Stealing the actual payment from Pentagon's mansion. The group split up upon coming into contact with the bustling crowd inside the club. Regrouping once more after walking through to the other side. They soon approached a dark stairwell, where a woman in a suit, donning a ponytail stood on guard. "Names and IDs." She monotonously spoke. Sangyeon stepped up front "Sangyeon. The Boyz. We have a meeting." He answered her back and raised the duffel bag he was carrying.

With one glance at the duffel bag, the woman spoke again "I'm sorry sir, but I have to examine the contents of the bag first or else I cannot allow you to take it inside." She reached out for the bag. Sangyeon smiled at the woman in return, while muttering "Nothing to worry about. Just some money. 500,000 dollars to be exact." The woman thoroughly examined the worn-out duffel bag. Upon clearing it out, she let them ascend up the dark staircase until the group were met with a door. Younghoon slowly opened the door, and the sight in front of their eyes was merely a large, dark room. It was nothing but a vast empty area, almost resembling the insides of a warehouse. There were 12 chairs placed in the middle of the room, meant for the 12 members of The Boyz. In front of the line of chairs, was a flat-screen TV on a stand. What is this? Where are the members of Pentagon? Questions went off in their heads, as the room and its odd features sparked the curiosity in them.

Everyone got into their fighting stances, cautious of what was to suddenly pop out of the darkness that engulfed the room. Much to their relief, and dismay, HUI emerged from one of the dark corners of the room. Holding nothing but a small remote, which they could only assume was for the television. He chuckled menacingly "Please, sit down. No need to assume any fighting will take place tonight. We're just here to seal the deal." Sunwoo scoffed, as the 10 of them made their ways towards the chairs in the middle of the room. Hesitantly sitting down, they could now see the line of Pentagon members standing behind the TV, as well as the ugly smirk plastered across Akira's brother's face. For a split second as Sunwoo made eye contact with Yuto, the latter rolled his eyes and shook his head. The smirk never leaving his face. Making Sunwoo wish he could just go and strangle his crush's brother right then and there.

**** [ At the same time, elsewhere ] ****

"God, why do these bushes have to have so many thorns!" Akira kicked up a fuss as the four proceeded to sneak around the back of Pentagon's mansion. After weeks of observing and studying the blueprint of the house they were given by Kino, they could navigate around the house at ease. But that didn't mean they didn't have little obstacles in the middle of their expedition. Such as the thorny bushes, the motion sensor lights around the perimeter of the land, and a whiny Akira. "Shut up kid, or you're gonna get us discovered!" Hyunjae hissed, obviously getting driven to the edge by her triggering behaviour. She scoffed, but remained silent for the rest of the time, as they finally reached the window to the vault. They waited for around 10 minutes -as Akira had counted- before Kino finally managed to carry out his part of the plan and open the window.

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