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Waking up, I smiled to myself. Taking in the pleasant feeling of being alone in this place. If only I could actually afford to live like this by myself. I'm honestly getting a bit tired of them now. I'm getting tired of acting now. Taking my own sweet time, I got ready and ate breakfast. Tomorrow is the day. The day that I finally get revenge. The day I will be able to leave this place for good. The day I get my freedom. Getting in the car, I drove off to my boyfriend's dorm. A good 15 minutes later, I arrived and I was greeted with a pancake flying at me. Irritated, I stormed in and stood in the middle of the living room with my arms crossed. Waiting for everyone to gather around. As they saw my face, everyone quiet down and stood around me. "What is the meaning of this?" They didn't reply. I thought so.

My boyfriend walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my cheek. I shook him off, annoyed with how carefree the guys were being. "Guys, tomorrow is a big day. What the fuck are you doing when you're supposed to be getting ready?" I tried to speak as calmly as possible. "We're relaxing." One of the idiots spoke. "Uh, yeah. I can see that Woo. You're not supposed to be relaxing right now for fucks sake!" I retorted. He stepped back with his hands up in surrender. I shook my head in disappointment when another one of the guys spoke "Honestly, what the hell are we supposed to fucking do? It's not like we have a big plan anyway. It all depends on what the other team does. What is the problem with you? Ever since we agreed to this, you just waltz in, and act like you own everything."

That was it. That was the last straw. I was ready to pounce on him but was restricted by my boyfriend who was much stronger than myself. "Oh yeah? Well, guess what, fact check: I can take away everything you own if you don't abide by my rules, and I don't have to uphold my end of the deal. One more thing that annoys me and I swear to god Yeo-" I didn't even get to finish as he sighed and walked out of the room. Serves him right. Grumbling to myself, I walked out to the balcony, my boyfriend in tow. I mumbled an "Ugh, get out of my sight Hong. You too" and glared at the other members on my way out. "I'm sorry about this. I know how much this means to you.." My boyfriend calmed me down. I nodded "It's all because of him. First I lost my sister. And then she died. Because of him. I'll never be satisfied until I see his head on a stick. I need him dead. That bastard has lived long enough." I ranted, trying to keep myself from shedding tears.

He rubbed circles on my back soothingly. "Don't worry babe. It'll all be over soon." I nodded and wiped some stray tears from my face. "So, what exactly is the plan?" He pondered. I mumbled, "You have the meeting with them set tomorrow, right?" To which he nodded. "Okay, good. Now, all we have to do is trick them with that fake video we created. The "proof" that you actually did break the USB. Then we make them pay the amount, coax their leader to follow you to talk privately. That's when the rest of the members restrict the others, and I can go in for the kill. Get him on the spot, and we immediately leave with the money. After that, we can show the actual proof to Akashi and Jihoon. That'll be sure to end The Boyz for good." I instructed.

"Sounds like a solid scheme. It's alright with me." He smiled. "I just hope those pricks aren't smart enough to figure out our plan and prepare something in advance.." I considered the alternate outcome. The guy next to me chuckled "Oh please. They won't know what's coming. Once they see you, it's game over for them" he stated proudly and pat the small of my back. "Now, I still didn't get my kiss." He pouted and put a finger to his lips. I chuckled and got on my tiptoes planting a chaste kiss on his lips. "Good. Now how about we go relax for the time being. It's not until tomorrow night, and we still have quite some time in our hands. And you can stay over for the night..?" He cheekily added. "Fine. And after tonight, I can do it as much as I please, without having to hide it!" I singsonged and he bobbed.


My heart was beating out of my chest in with excitement and anticipation. Today is D-day. The day I can finally achieve what I have been running after. We were all filing out the front door when one of the idiots turned around, hoping to go back inside the house. I grabbed his wrist before he could walk further "Where do you think you're going, Kino?" He shifted his body before his eyes landed on mine. "Uh. I left something downstairs. In the inventory. I'm gonna go get it. You guys go on ahead, I'll be right there." He smiled and broke free of my grip, before turning and walking once more. I tugged on my boyfriend's sleeve "Go there with the guys. I'm gonna check on Kino and I'll come to the club by bike." I had to know if he was lying.

He nodded and ushered the rest of the guys away. Making sure to be silent and stealthy, I watched as Kino walked downstairs. I had always had an odd feeling about Kino and where his true loyalty lay. So far, it looked like he wasn't lying. I discreetly followed him, maintaining a safe distance between us. We soon arrived at the bottom of the stairs, from which a long narrow hallway extended, three choices apparent. Either to go left; to the inventory, right; to the safe and straight ahead to the basement. Defying his own statement, he takes the right turn, walking to the safe. Glancing backwards from time to time as if he knew someone was following him. I knew something was suspicious about him.

I was intrigued as I watched him punch in the passcode to the safe. He entered the room, myself following without his knowledge. Walking straight to the singular deadbolted bulletproof Window, he took out some sort of equipment to assist him in removing the heavy-duty protection on the glass. After a few rushed moments, he was able to release the confines and open the window. My blood boiled at what I was seeing. Through the window, entered none other than my beloved Akira Takahashi, alongside Lee Jaehyun, Ji Changmin, and Moon Hyungseo. What a surprise. I was standing behind the outer walls of the vault. The perfect place where I could see and hear everything that was going on.

Kino showed them to the money, which had been paid to Pentagon by The Boyz. The advance payment for destroying the USB proof. The four hurriedly stuffed a backpack with all of the money. I turned the camera of my phone on, placing it on top of a ledge and pressing video record. I took out my gun and revealed myself to them. Pointing it painfully slowly at each one of them before it finally settled in Kino's direction. It was no doubt that everyone was surprised to see me standing there. Everyone except Kino of course, who had a knowing smile on his face. I glared at them long and hard before speaking.



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