𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℝ𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕪

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I was beyond exhaustion, on the brink of passing out as we arrived home that night. The entire day was spent finding the perfect ballgowns, eating at expensive restaurants, dying our hair and doing our nails. I think it was safe to say that I was hardly recognizable at all with my new look. Finally able to change into some comfy pyjamas, I got under the covers of my bed and checked my Instagram. I noticed I had received a DM from someone, and upon further inspection, I saw that it was from Haknyeon. It was sent this evening. I quickly sent a reply back to him "Aah yeah! Y'all are goin too right?" I went to grab myself a cup of milk and some cookies, and by the time I was back, he had gotten online and replied. Gosh, he must've been waiting for quiet some time.

He responded with; "Of course we're going! Who's the third girl btw?" I finished up the first cookie and hastily typed "That's Alex's gf. Her name is Hae. U knw Ocean child?" After a moment he replied once more, saying he knew who Ocean child was. "That's Hae." I informed him. 

"Is she going to the ball too? Joon is a big fan of her work, he would love to meet her."

"Yeah! She's going as Alex's date."

"Do u have a date?"

"Nah. I don't rlly see the point of it."

"Is it that? Or did nobody ask ur srry lil butt?" He teased. How dare he!

"Oh shut up u dickcheese. I don't need no man."

"Oh nvm then, I was gonna ask u to be my date"

"Yuh right. As if. We barely even know each other" 

"Lmao is it rlly that serious?"

"Nope. I'm just bored-"

"Aight, well I gtg but I'll text ya later! Can't wait to see u at the ball!"

"Okay bye dickcheese! I look forward to meeting u too. (Not rlly, but I'll let u dream)."


I chuckled to myself. Haknyeon was a fun guy and I really enjoyed talking to him. His good looks were just a bonus, in my opinion. I put my phone away along with the now empty cup of milk and the empty cookie tray as well. Getting under the covers, I fell asleep and drifted off into dreamland. 


I woke up to the impact of both Hae and Alex jumping on top of my sleeping figure. "Ouch aah fuck. What the fuck is your problem? That hurt like a bitch. You better get off before I count to 3" I growled at the two. They screamed and scrambled to get off of me. I smirked and got up "What's got you two so excited?" "Bitch?-" Alex spoke but was interrupted by Hae. "Tonight's the baalll~" She sing-songed. I realized and my eyes went wide. "Shit shit shit." "What is it honey?" Alex looked concerned at my sudden reaction. I gripped my Orange hair and looked at the two. "I look like fucking Ron Weasley! I can't go out looking like this! We need to dye my hair a different color right now. Why did you even choose this color in the first place? Oh god." I hadn't left the house yesterday either because of my hair. Since it was only colored day before yesterday, the pigment was still very dark and I thought this colour didn't suit me at all.

The girls burst out laughing "Jesus Christ Akira. You look gorgeous." Alex and Hae both took me by one arm each, and led me to the full-length mirror in my room. "See? You look hot as fuck, and if I wasn't already with Alex, I would totally fuck you." Hae teased me. Alex whined and glared at Hae. "Yah stop it. I would never fuck you. My straight ass won't let me." I reasoned with her. "Okay change into something else, the stylists are coming over soon" Alex instructed and dragged Hae out of the room. This was going to be fun. I smiled to no one in particular and quickly freshened up, changing into some sweats and a cropped shirt. That way I could take it off without ruining my hair and makeup later. I heard the doorbell ring just as I sat down to eat some breakfast. "Akira the stylists are here! Hurry your ass up!" Alex screamed at me from the living room where they were setting up to get our hair and makeup done.

Not gonna lie, even though I acted totally nonchalant about it, I was really excited on the inside. I still couldn't process the fact that we were actually going to the ball. Hae went first because she was the most excited, and also so that she could stall time until I was done eating. I took my precious time eating because, food comes first. Always. After Hae it was my turn. I sat down on the stool as the makeup artist got out her stuff and began working on my face. I told her not to do such heavy makeup and to keep it simple. Hae on the other hand, was getting her dress fit by one of the few stylists we hired for the day. Alex was panicking, talking about how the two of us were "Taking our jolly time while she was still not ready at all and there were only three hours left until the ball started." I chuckled and looked at my reflection on the mirror. I gasped, totally taken by surprise at my appearance. For once, I actually felt confident wearing makeup.

"Oh my god this is perfect. You did amazing! Thank you so much" I gave the makeup artist a hug out of appreciation. "Damn, you are lucky. That means a lot ma'am. She doesn't usually willingly hug people." Alex explained to the surprised woman. "Oh it's nothing. You look beautiful." The artist told me. I grinned and left Alex to get ready with her as I made my way towards the stylist with my dress. Soon after putting the dress on, I went to the last stylist to do my hair. Hae was also getting her hair done by one of the stylists. The stylist curled my orange locks (which I still wasn't happy with) and left them. I didn't want to braid my hair or do anything with it, so I just requested for her to simply curl it. I was extremely satisfied with the end product and Alex handed me the finishing touch. A silver masquerade mask.

I looked myself in the mirror one last time before leaving. Still in awe of my appearance. Surprisingly enough, I actually like how my orange hair contrasted with the jade green dress. It all fell into place. This was perfect. I thanked the stylists once more and we got inside the limo, heading on our way to the Manor. "I can't wait to meet The Boyz for real this time!" Alex spoke. "Oh yeah, you have a fanboy from The Boyz Hae." I remembered to tell Hae about Haknyeon's friend Hyunjoon, was it..? "Oh wow really? I'm flattered." She fluttered her eyelashes and smiled. I rolled my eyes as Alex chuckled. "How do you think the guys will react to your new look?" Alex asked me. "I honestly don't know. That's one thing I'm partially worried about." I admitted. "Don't worry honey, You'll be fine." Hae comforted me.

After an hour's drive, and myself having to stop Hae and Alex from drinking too much before the party, we arrived at the venue. When we got out of the limo, all three of us were dumbstruck. Knowing that it was a Manor, we were expecting a really fancy exterior. What we didn't expect was a manor of this large a scale. To say it was huge would honestly be an understatement. The exterior itself was marvelous. There was so much detail in every single nook and cranny visible to the naked eye. From the detailing nears the massive windows, to the shape of the building and the quality of the structure. Damn, never crossed my mind that they were this rich. My heart was beating uncontrollably out of my chest as Alex took a hold of one of my hands. Hae on her other side. I squeezed her hand tightly, to which she shot me a reassuring smile.

Setting my nerves aside, we walked to the front entrance, I was gripping onto Alex's hand tightly like my life depended on it. I didn't know what was going to happen in there. Nor did I know who I would come across face to face with. For all we know, my brother could be in there. My parents could be in there. My role models, Akashi and Jihoon would be in there. A thousand scenarios played in my head of the possible outcomes of this ball. Why was I getting this nervous? Just smile throught it Akira, stay positive! With that in mind, we walked in and went deeper into the heart of the ball. I stopped in my tracks as I saw two very familiar figures approaching us. My heart dropped a thousand feet and I was at a loss for words. 


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