𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕕

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Lee Sangyeon:


Bang. The sound of a gun firing was heard as I closed my eyes and prepared to die. Expecting the sudden pain of the bullet wound to course through my body. I had given up. This was it. But the pain never came. "No!" I heard the love of my life scream for me. The same woman who stepped in front of me. Shielding me from the bullet as it penetrated straight through her chest. Going limp, she fell in front of me as I opened my eyes. In shock, I fell to my knees crying. Cradling her body and watching as all the light from her beautiful face disappeared until she was left an empty shell. A sad smile engraved on her face. "Why? Why?" I kept asking myself as they wheeled her dead body away. It should've been me. But being the stupid idiot she was, she jumped to save me. My stupid idiot, died for me. For all 12 of us.

My Hwayoung. I didn't cry anymore, once she was out of my sight. I couldn't. I had to stay strong for the boys. Running to me, Eric wrapped his arms around me and sobbed hard. I held him tight with my hands that were covered in her blood. I kept him close to me, trying my hardest not to shed tears of my own, as the rest of the boys enveloped us in a group hug. We stayed like that for a long time. Keeping each other close, crying our hearts out, and comforting each other. The most important person in our lives just died for us. She left us. Just like that. There was no way to bring her back anymore. She was gone for good. She left us all much too soon.

End of flashback~

"She was the only woman I ever had eyes for. The love of my life. Loved by all of the boys as well. A sister to the older guys, a motherly figure to the maknaes. Everyone loved and cherished her. She was truly the glue that held this family together. And now, she's gone. 3rd April was the day. 3rd April 2018. Thus the numbers 3.4.18." I showed Akira the second ring on my finger. The one which she couldn't decipher. "Oh, I'm so sorry.." She put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "It's alright. Just goes to show what things love makes you do." She nodded along to my words "W-who killed them..?" She hesitated to ask. "Akashi and Jihoon's henchmen." Her eyes widened as she gasped. "After the mission with Pentagon, we'll make them pay. I promise you that. Oh, and I'm sorry for bringing back old memories with that nickname."

I smiled fondly at the young girl I had grown to care for. "No worries. About time you found out. You're part of the family too now." She smiled warmly and pulled me into an unexpected embrace. I was shocked at first, seeing as how she usually isn't into skinship and affection. Living in this household has definitely changed that part of her. I thought to myself and chuckled, ruffling her hair. Over the past couple of months our groups have been working together, we have ultimately developed close bonds with each other, albeit unknowingly in some cases. This girl in my arms whom I once found irritating yet impressive, is like a little sister to me now. "Train hard and be careful, okay. I don't want what happened to me, to take place with you too." I advised her, to which her eyebrows furrowed "What do you mean?"

I chuckled "I see the way you and Sunwoo look at each other. That's the same way I used to look at Hwayoung. And Sunwoo, he's different around you, in a good way. I've never seen him so happy, active and most importantly, affectionate before. You might not know it, but you've changed him for the better. He's changed you too. You both are perfect for each other." She sighed and looked out the balcony, leaning against the railings. "I never really thought about it that way. Before I met him, I've always felt like there was some part of me that felt incomplete. Seeing how happy Alex and Hae are together, I thought I was waiting for someone I loved. I didn't feel that empty space anymore, after meeting you guys. After meeting him.." She blushed.

She looked up at me "Do you really think I'm falling in love with the Kim Sunwoo? That annoying prick, that jerk, that dumbass, that douche. My douche.." She mumbled the last part and blushed a deeper shade of red. She's so whipped. She spoke and I chuckled "Firstly, I don't think. I know. Secondly, you've already fallen for him. You just don't realize it kid, but it's awfully obvious. You're both so whipped for each other." I voiced my thoughts. Her warm smile is what made me vow to myself. Whatever happens on the mission day after tomorrow, I will not let anything get in between Akira and Sunwoo. Even if it was the last thing I did. With a newfound hope and determination, I smiled back and appreciated the warm setting of the sun along the beautiful horizon.

At that moment, it really seemed like my Hwayoung was looking down on us happily. I could only hope once again, that she was proud of how far we've come. And proud of me, for living up to her dream. We stood there in comfortable silence. One of my arms draped over Akira's shoulders, holding her close to me. "Uh.. Hey. Quit the touchy feely shit. 'Kira it's time." Speak of the devil. "What time?" I pondered to annoy Sunwoo even further. Akira moved out of my hold, and stood up straight. The moment she did that, Sunwoo walked over to her, and put an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The two of them lightly blushed. These two, I swear to god. I chuckled. "Sunwoo and I spend time together everyday, starting from the minute the sun sets." She pointed to the setting sun. I nodded.

"Right. Then shouldn't you be on your way now?" I inquired, to which Sunwoo mumbled a yes. I laughed as Sunwoo took a hold of Akira's arm and dragged her away. Akira and I, spared each other a knowing look before she smiled and disappeared out of my sight. A few more moments of looking out at the scenery, I saw that it was almost time for dinner. I must've been here for hours. Strolling towards my room, I heard faint chattering and laughing from inside Sunwoo's room. Smiling to myself I proceeded to shower and change into clean clothes from my sweaty training wear. I then made my way downstairs to dinner, only arriving fourth after Hyunjae, Jacob, and Haknyeon. Everyone soon filed in and we had a happy and peaceful dinner. After becoming the second oldest in the house, Alex had gained much respect from the guys. And so, she created this rule where we don't talk about business or missions during meals.

Apparently mealtimes are supposed to be helping us distract ourselves from this life and talk about useless stuff. Nevertheless, we started implementing that rule, and it's surprisingly going great. The entire table would burst out laughing from time to time, and it really gives me a satisfying sense of togetherness. Like we're finally beginning to go back to being a happy family. It's almost like Hwayoung sent Akira and Alex here, to help us heal. No wonder Akira reminds me of her so much. The mission is the day after tomorrow. If everything goes well, nobody will have to get hurt, and we can all make it out alive, and in one piece. But there is no way of guaranteeing that, for all we know, Bangtan could somehow get involved in this mission too.

In relation to all of the preparation we have been conducting, The Marionettes learned how to use knives, as well as guns. The Boyz on the other hand, learned the art of conning. We have to work together and be prepared for anything. Both physically, and mentally. Therefore, after dinner, I announced to everyone that tomorrow will be a day to rest and collect their thoughts. I knew everyone desperately needed it and I did too. Although everyone was currently celebrating the well-deserved free day, I knew that deep in their hearts, much like mine, there was a sense of fear and anticipation for what the mission holds for us. I could only hope for the best, and that my now complete family makes it out alive after successfully completing the mission. This was only our first actual mission conning, and there was immense contemplation and pressure on our minds. Was this the right decision? Is this al going to fail? Will this be the end of The Boyz? Am I going to lose the very people I love and have left in this world?

 Was this the right decision? Is this al going to fail? Will this be the end of The Boyz? Am I going to lose the very people I love and have left in this world?

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