𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕪

573 22 44

Kim Younghoon:

I woke up, a headache threatening to happen any second now. Suddenly remembering the activities that took place at the bar, I immediately sprung up from my bed. Wait, my bed? How did i get here..? The last thing I remembered was having a heated makeout session with a girl I just met. What was her name..? Nari..? Something like that. Despite my exhaustion, I had many questions to be answered and I trudged out of bed to go find someone. Walking out of my room, I found Sangyeon hyung, Jacob hyung and Sunwoo in the living room. "Hungover? Let me make you some soup." Jacob hyung said, and left the room as I nodded. I sat down near Sunwoo and looked up at Sangyeon hyung who's gaze felt like it was burning holes through me.

I scratched the nape of my neck and made eye contact with him "Uh.. I'm sorry hyung, but can you remind me what went down last night..?" He glared at me "I swear to god Kim Younghoon.." He mumbled to himself, but I caught it. Shit, this is my death. Goodbye world.. I looked down at the floor, feeling a bit guilty for annoying him. He began talking "Two hours into the mission and you texted me saying you needed me to come pick you up.. Turns out you were drunk as fuck and I found you passed out in the women's restroom. If I recall correctly, that wasn't part of the plan now, was it.? When I found you though, the money wasn't there so I'm assuming the deal was successful? Explain yourself." He ended with a deep sigh. Sunwoo snickered from beside me, knowing I was in deep trouble. I smacked the back of his head harshly in annoyance.

I subconsciously put a hand to my ring finger to fidget with my ring. A nervous habit. To my horror I found my ring finger empty of the ring usually in its place. I looked up at the two guys staring at me, my eyes widened and my breathes hitched in my throat. "M-my ring! It's g-gone!" Their expressions mirrored mine, as they began to question me yet again. "What? Did you fucking trade your ring with him too? Wasn't the money enough?" Sunwoo spoke. My body began to shake as i realized what had happened. Fuck. "N-no. I never made the d-deal.." I stuttered as words wouldn't form properly. Sangyeon hyung's eyes filled with rage. He got up and grabbed my collar, pulling me up to face him. I could swear I saw hell's fire within those eyes.

He calmed down and composed himself before pushing me back onto the couch. Pacing around the room in front of us. He took a deep breath and spoke "What do you mean you never made the deal..?" Sunwoo visibly gulped, as did I, not joking around anymore knowing that this was serious. "I-i went to the bar on time, you know that. And I waited at the table in the farthest corner for him to come.. An entire hour passed and there was no sign of him. I even called Juyeon, I'm serious-" Sangyeon hyung interrupted me "Sunwoo, go get Juyeon. Now." Sunwoo immediately nodded and within moments, he was back with a confused Juyeon. Juyeon cocked an eyebrow and Sangyeon hyung asked him if I called him last night. Juyeon took out his phone and checked if he had any missed calls. Unfortunately for myself, there weren't any.

"I thought you said you called Juyeon." Hyung's voice was laced with annoyance and disappointment. I felt like crawling under a rock for protection. Moreover the fact that he was acting terrifyingly calm about it was like a ticking bomb. He looked like he was ready to lose his cool at any given second. "U-uh no wait. I couldn't call him, I didn't have range. By that time I had a couple of drinks and I was feeling tipsy. Just then, this cute girl sat down alone a few tables away from me and I went to talk to her. Next thing I know, the two of us were making out in the women's restroom-" My face flushed as I continued staring at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the room. "-And then I woke up this morning, and the money and my ring disappeared. Thank god at least my watch is-" I touched my wrist, and of course, my watch wasn't there.

"I- How? Do you think it just disappeared? Maybe a ghost..?" Juyeon broke the tense atmosphere. "It must have been the girl. What do you remember about her?" Sangyeon hyung now had this look of determination on his face. Nobody took any regard to Juyeon's innocent joke as we sat down once again. Juyeon pouted but sat down nonetheless. "Uh.. her name was.. something like Lee..uh. Lee Nari I think. She's a fair height. you know, not too tall, not too short. She's pretty petite but she had really well built muscles. Must be from some type of training, maybe she's a spy..? She had uh.. blonde hair, if I'm not wrong. Oh. And really sweet lips, like damn, she knew what she was doing-" "Fucking hell hyung we don't need to know that." Sunwoo. "Ooh. What was she doing? Did they taste sweet like candy or sweet like a strawberry..?" Juyeon erupted with questions and we couldn't help but laugh at how dense he was. Everyone except Sangyeon hyung.

"This. This is definitely not good. Whoever that girl was, she took the money, your watch and the ring. If she really is as smart as she acted, god forbid she'll find out what the ring means in no time. On top of that we have to deal with him now-" Just as Sangyeon hyung mentioned him, his phone started ringing. His eyes widened upon reading the name and so did ours when we found out that he was calling us. Taking a deep breath, he accepted the call and precariously put it on speaker. Putting a finger to his lips, signalling us to keep quiet, we nodded and froze upon hearing his voice. "Sangyeon, I thought we had a deal. My man went there but yours wasn't there? You very well know what we are capable of. You think you can get away with the advance?"

Sangyeon hyung immediately put up his poker face as he spoke in a serious tone. "I understand that HUI, but we had a little situation, so we couldn't make it. How about I personally deliver the advance to you tonight, but you have to give us an extra two weeks to pay you the final amount after the job?" There was silence on the other end as we waited, intently listening to his reply. "Very well then. Tonight. Just you." And without giving hyung a chance to reply, he hung up. Hyung sighed in disappointment, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Meeting. Dining room. Get everyone. Now. Everyone better be there before I arrive." And with that, everyone scrambled around to get to the living room without pissing hyung off more than he already was.

My headache was killing me, and I felt dizzy. But I knew this was all my fault, and I could not miss this meeting. With the bowl of half eaten soup in hand, I walked around the mansion in a hurry, trying to find the other guys. Upon entering the room and counting heads, I realized that one of us was missing. After some excruciating moments of trying to think of who was missing, Chanhee came to my aid, telling me that Kevin was missing. Sitting down on one of the unoccupied chairs, I took out my phone and dialed Kevin's number. A few rings later, he picked up. "Hey hyung! What's up?" There was no time for small talk. "Sangyeon hyung is having a meeting right now, and you have approximately ten minutes before he arrives. You might wanna hurry, he's not in a good mood."

I heard some shuffling on the other side before Kevin replied with a "Shit. I'm on my way." "Alright be fast." and with that I hung up. Exactly ten minutes later, Sangyeon hyung walked into the room, breathing heavily. His eyes briefly scanned the room before he started speaking "Alright I'm gonna get straight to the point- Wait where's Kevin?" Everyone looked at each other before I cleared my throat. "H-" "I'M HERE I'M HERE!!" Kevin burst through the door and bowed to Sangyeon, who simply rolled his eyes. "Okay. Let's continue. Younghoon fucked up." He bluntly stated to which I pouted and looked at the bowl of soup. I felt eleven pairs of eyes just staring at me questionably, making me extremely uncomfortable. "Care to enlighten us..?" Hyunjoon spoke up.

"He was supposed to hand over the advance for the job with Pentagon, to one of their members last night at the bar right? Well, after an hour of waiting he didn't seem to find the guy. So he entertained himself by getting drunk, making out with a girl and losing the money, his ring, and the Rolex we gave for his birthday. We think it's the girl who stole everything." Everyone gasped at hyung's very straight-forward explanation. Some of them replied with "I didn't think you were capable of making out with strangers Younghoonie." And the others were disappointed, much like myself and our leader. What are we supposed to do now? 

 What are we supposed to do now? 

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