𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪

423 18 24

Kim Sunwoo: 

Why did I even apologize to her for calling her a slut? It's not like I care anyways. We made up for it though, so I guess that's good. I was sat at our table along with the rest of the guys, watching as Akira danced with each of us one by one. The annoyed expression on her face made it clear that she really didn't want to be dancing out there. Oh well. Too bad for her. She disappeared from my sight for a moment so I went back to eating. Soon after, Juyeon hyung approached me, looking all disheveled. His hair was ruined, his face was the color of a tomato and his lips were swollen. "What happened to you? Did she beat you up?" He just smiled giddily at me and motioned towards her "You're last. Go on, she's waiting." I honestly didn't want to dance either. But I was simply doing this to irritate Akira. I found that it was fun for me to tease her and annoy the heck out of her pretty little face.

As I met her halfway to the dance floor, she took my arm and we walked in silence. I turned to her and wrapped my arms lightly around her waist as she did the same but around my neck. This song was an extremely slow song, and I cursed inside my head at the coincidence. Why, of all songs did this song have to play? I looked at her and noticed how her lips were slightly puffed just like her bright red cheeks. Her makeup was a bit smudged but not enough to notice from afar. As my gaze wandered to her eye, I was immediately captivated by the gorgeous hazel pupils. I felt like I was getting lost deep inside them, and I quickly looked away. "Awkward much?" She chuckled at me. Using one of her hands to lightly push aside the bangs that were covering my face. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. What is happening?

I cleared my throat. "I'm not awkward. It's just, this song is really slow.." My eyes wandered around the room again. "Look at me. If you're not awkward, then look at me." She spoke ever so softly. I redirected my gaze towards her as we made eye contact once more. "Haha. You're blushing. Totally awkward!" She teased me and I was starting to get annoyed. My brain scrambled to find ways to get back at her and my body proceeded to do some very irrational things. I smirked and my arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to me so suddenly. She almost crashed onto me, and used her arms to stop herself from crashing onto my chest. Our faces were so close. So close. I had never been this intimate with a girl before and I really didn't have a clue as to what I should be doing.

She looked at me confused, I could feel her breath fanning my face. "What was that for?" She asked me. "Still awkward?" I smirked again. It was her turn to get flustered as her face turned a beautiful shade of red. I felt proud of myself for being the reason this intimidating and powerful woman was flustered, and a blushing mess. She placed her hands firmly on my chest and pushed me away. I almost lost my breathe because of how strong that singular push was. "Um, ouch?" I rubbed my chest over my heart. "Wanna go get some drinks instead?"She looked away from me. I walked up to her and looped my arm with hers. "Let's go, M'lady!" I chuckled. "Shut up you peasant!" She slapped my arm lightly and laughed along. This is actually pretty fun. She's actually pretty fun.

We stopped by the table serving drinks and I took a coke and waited as she picked out a drink for herself. She turned to me with a glass of water at hand. "Seriously? You ruined our little moment just so you could get some water?" I cocked an eyebrow in surprise and slight betrayal. She poked my forehead "Shut up douche." "Whatever you say, hoe." In the midst of our laughter, we sensed a figure approaching us. Both of us turning to see who it was as we stood side by side. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my baby sister with a member of The Boyz. Figured you ran away so as to not get involved with any gangs. Looks like I'm wrong." The tall figure with curly hair smirked. I looked between the two and saw that they looked somewhat alike. "Yuto." She said his name. "What, no oppa anymore? Did your respect run away from you too when you ran away?" 

Akira looked visibly hurt by his comment, unconsciously stepping closer to me. I unconsciously responded to that action by wrapping an arm around her waist protectively. She froze for a second and I sensed it. About to retract my arm before she put her hand on mine, stopping me from doing so. "Hiding behind your boyfriend? No wonder Mother and Father were so disappointed in you. Tch. Can't even stand up for yourself." I heard her growl as she stood up taller, almost face to face with the member of Pentagon. "Listen here Oppa. I don't need some man to protect me. I am part of The Marionettes in case you didn't know. And if you know the Marionettes, then you know that we can get our job done exceptionally fine. At least I'm successful unlike your sorry ass. Mother and Father created Pentagon so that you could practice leading them before taking over for them. Yet you couldn't even do so much as becoming the leader. Working under HUI and following him everywhere like a minion. You're just as disappointing as I am then."

Damn, she is pissed alright. "Come on, we don't need to waste more time here." She said before grabbing my hand and turning around to leave. She stopped in her tracks and turned around "Oh, and for the record. I already talked to Mother and Father earlier, and they are both very proud of my achievements as a member of The Marionettes. When's the last time they applauded you for an achievement?" She was on fire! I love it. Yuto began stuttering. Obviously struggling to come up with an answer as she turned back around and dragged me to the table. She put her hands on her head and sighed. The other guys looked at her worriedly, mouthing to me asking if she was okay. I nodded and told them she was feeling tired.

Moments later, she stood up and walked off without saying a word to any of us. Sangyeon hyung gave me a look as if to say "Go after her". I immediately understood, since I was the only one who knew the truth. So I quickly rushed behind her. She entered the bathroom and I followed suit. In my defense, this was a Manor and there was no specific bathroom designated for each gender. It was absolutely not because I was worried about her. She stood in front of the sinks and looked at herself in the mirror. I could tell she was trying to stop the tears from falling. "I'm sorry you had to see that." She mumbled to me. I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and smiled "It's okay. Wanna talk about it?"

She nodded "I ran away from home when I was a teenager. My parents wanted me to marry the son of this drug dealer, but I didn't want it. My brother, Yuto. He was always the favourite, so he rubbed in it my face. He never liked me to be honest. When I was younger, I remember he told me I was never meant to be here, and that I was a mistake. I used to believe him. He used to boss me around, knowing all the power he had over me. I hate him. I really do. Just please, don't tell anyone about this. I can't risk more people finding out. You weren't supposed to know either. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" She reached out a hand for me to take. I took her hand with both of my hands and smiled at her "Not a single soul."

She smiled and pulled me into a hug. Totally uncalled for. "Thanks douche. And you better accept it cause I don't willingly hug people." She mocked me from earlier. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly. "No problem hoe." We stayed like that for a while before she sniffed and unwrapped her arms from around me. I instantly felt cold, and empty but I paid no heed to it. Probably because the bathroom was already so cold. "Let's head back. I'm sure the others must be worried." She said, and walked out. Myself following behind her, deep in thought. I feel really bad for her. Having to deal with all of that taunting from her brother all alone. She's undeniably grown to be very strong and fierce though. I like that about her. So badass and carefree. I don't know her that well, but I wouldn't mind getting to know her. She would make a pretty great friend. If she wasn't so stuck up and bloody proud. Not to mention rude and annoying, too..

 Not to mention rude and annoying, too

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