𝕀 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦

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It's been yet another week of devising plans, and preparations to get the USB back from Bangtan. I was starting to get tired of all of the constant missions and bad news we were recieving. Leaving me in a bad mood majority of the time. Sure, this field required a lot of different missions to be carried out, but never in my 2 years of experience, did I have to carry out this much exhausting activity. Tomorrow, we would set off for the warehouse, where we believe the USB is being kept. The plan is to take the USB back, without initiating any fights. We're hoping not to run into my parents, or any other problems while we're there. We simply can't afford it anymore. Everyone was both mentally, and physically exhausted.

"Hey." I heard Sunwoo's gentle voice from behind me. I turned away from the balcony, facing him instead. I leaned my back against the railings carefully, frowning. He also frowned upon seeing me, reaching his welcoming arms out as he approached me hurriedly. Sunwoo wrapped his arms around me, soothingly running one hand through my hair "What's wrong Kira?" I succumbed to his warm touch, leaning into him "I'm exhausted. I'm tired of all this shit." He let out a long sigh "I know.." He moved away and looked out the balcony. The view being a calming and serene reminder that; even though the world we live in is full of crime and mischief, there is another world waiting for us. One with gorgeous mountains, peace and tranquility. Much like the view I was currently observing.

"Can I ask you something?" Sunwoo spoke up after a short period of silence. I hummed to let him continue. He smiled softly, taking both of my hands in his. Looking directly into my eyes, he began "We confessed to each other a while back, didn't we? But you said you weren't ready to make anything official back then. But think about it, every single day after those confessions, we've grown closer. We've become more comfortable with each other. Heck, we already act like a couple. So, I think it's about time. Akira Ta- no wait. Akira Moon, will you please be my girlfriend?" I gasped. "Excuse me?" He chuckled "Yes. Will you be my girlfriend?" I moved away from his touch, tears already prepared to spill. "No! Sunwoo I thought we talked about this. I can't.." He furrowed his brows. 

"But why? It all makes sense. Everything is still gonna be the same, even if we make it official. It's not the end of the world, Kira. I just wanted to make you mine." 

"No, you don't understand. I'm already yours, label or not. I can't do this. Sunwoo, I fucking love you. If anything happens to you, I would die. In this world, the moment you catch feelings, is the moment everything goes wrong. I just can't risk anything. I'm sorry."

"But Kira-"

Unable to contain my emotions, I walked out before he could say anything else. Leaving him standing in confusion. Rushing past some of the guys -who looked at me in concern- I stormed to my bedroom. Locking the door, I sprawled out on my bed, crying to my heart's content. How fucking stupid of me. I should have seen this coming. I led him on, and now both of us are hurt. I never should have gotten involved with him in the first place. He doesn't deserve any of this. Moments later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find a worried Alex with Changmin beside her. "Are you okay?" I shook my head no, and let the two enter my room. "What happened?" Changmin asked. "Sunwoo. He asked me to be his girlfriend" 

Changmin gasped "What? That's great! Why are you crying then?" Alex looked at me in understanding. She knew why. She knew how I felt about relationships. "I'll explain it to you later, Min. Could you give us some space?" Alex told him. He pouted with a nod. Quietly leaving the room. "Talk to me, Akira.."


The events of yesterday had deteriorated my mood more than ever. I couldn't think straight anymore. I hadn't talked to Sunwoo either. Yet I've caught him staring at me sadly every now and then. When we made eye contact, he would quickly look away. My heart physically hurt, thinking about how everything went wrong. We were currently sat in the van outside the warehouse. The atmosphere was quiet, with the awkward tension surrounding us. It almost felt like the tension was choking me. I felt guilt, remorse, anxiety, sadness all enveloping me. However, I had to shake these thoughts off. I needed to focus on the mission at hand. On the count of 3, everyone began silently and stealthily exiting the van.

My heart was beating out of my chest, as I got out. Making my way to my assigned position, I spotted some of the members of Bangtan guarding the entrance and exit of the warehouse. I was certain that the rest of the members were inside, protecting the USB. After a five alligator count, I walked up to Jimin and Hoseok, who were guarding the entrance. "Would you look at that? It's Akira. I missed you so much!" Hoseok spoke in a sarcastic tone. Jimin chuckled along "Is the little kitten here to spy on us? Or did you just miss us too much?" Walking forward, Jimin gently stroked my hair. Moving his hand down to cup my cheek. I smirked "Neither. I'm just acting as a distraction." With that, I grabbed his wrist, twisting it around and making him fall to the ground.

Hoseok immediately rushed towards me, balling his fist and frantically throwing it at me. "For someone with fast reflexes, you sure are slow!" I chuckled, elbowing his stomach. Unknown to myself, Jimin had already gotten up and was advancing from behind me. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, with Jimin harshly pressing his foot down on my chest. "Did you go to a self-defence workshop, kitten?" I grunted, unable to breath due to the amount of pressure Jimin was exerting on my chest. "Wasn't as useful as the brochures claimed, was it?" Hoseok smirked, coming up beside Jimin. 

I glared at them, trying my hardest to escape Jimin's hold. Any longer, and I would probably pass out due to lack of oxygen. "Now, what shall we do with you? Naughty little kitten." Jimin lifted me up as he spoke. Locking my arms behind me as he began pushing me somewhere. Hoseok following behind. I could only hope the others were doing their jobs, and that this plan would flow smoothly. Even if I had gotten caught, I was at least able to keep two of the seven members occupied. This would work..Right..? I began hysterically laughing. I was definitely not in the right state of mind. "What's wrong with her?" Jimin asked Hoseok. The last thing I saw was Hoseok's fist coming at my face before everything faded to black.

I woke up inside a rather bright room, all alone. I tried to move but to no avail, I found out that I was firmly tied to the chair I was seated on. I looked around and my eyes widened upon seeing the USB inside a glass case. It was a few metres away from me, and had I been able to get out of the confines of the chair, I could easily take it out. The glass case displayed no lock, or any form of protection, whatsoever. More observing, and I found that there were what seemed to be booby traps, set around the case. Classic. I smirked, carefully fishing out a pocket knife from the sleeve of my oversized hoodie. Dumbasses. They didn't even check if I had a weapon. Major mistake. I rushed to cut the rope tying my hands together, freeing my hands in a few minutes. 

I then proceeded to cut the ropes tying my legs to the chair. Upon getting rid of the ropes, I was able to find a window big enough for me to fit through. I turned around and walked towards the glass case that the USB was being kept in. Unfortunately, I couldn't go as close as I had hoped, however I did notice that the USB looked rather odd. I was about to reach out for it, when I felt a stinging pain on my shoulder.  Looking at it, I saw blood seeping through the thick material of my hoodie. Great. My stitches must have come loose while I was fighting the members of Bangtan. Putting pressure on my shoulder with one hand, I precariously reached for the USB. I accidentally hit the case, causing what seemed like the USB to fall off its stand.

Avoiding the booby traps, I took the USB and hurriedly squeezed out of the window. I needed to tell the others to stop the mission, since I had found the USB. I sneaked outside of the building, hoping to find some of the other members there. Fishing inside the pocket of my hoodie, I panicked upon finding out that they had taken the intercom headphones. Just fantastic. Getting into our now empty van, I took out Hyunjoon's laptop and inserted the USB. It was empty. This was a fake USB. The real one must still be in there! Mumbling profanities to myself i threw the fake USB away and rushed back inside the warehouse. One look at the scene before me, and I knew something was bound to go wrong tonight.

"Oh fuck."


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