chapter 4

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Matt's POV

I reached the pack lands and took deep breaths before walking in. I know pack members will smell me immediately. I walk by houses feeling tired because of that flight but I can't show it now. I see many pack members getting out of their houses coming to see if what they are smelling is right.

I gave them a cocky smile I could ever master while giving some ladies who are ogling me winks. I made it through them seeing as many men started pulling their mates away, I smiled at that. I will have to fuck many unmated wolves here before I leave.

I made it to the Alpha house opening it without a care if am wanted here or not, I went straight to the kitchen to get some water while still pulling my suitcase with me. I went to the cupboard getting myself a glass before pouring some water from the tap.

I am still sipping my water when a young lady I don't know came in, she is wearing a short blue dress that brought out her perfect body curves, but I think I scared her so much she shouted dropping her bag on the floor 'didn't she smell me'. I gave her a small smirk 'wow she is beautiful maybe I should start with her' I thought to myself.

"Hi" I said but she didn't reply because she was too busy checking me out 'this won't be hard' "hey, am Matt and you are?" I asked giving her a seductive smile while giving her my hand to shake. She shook her head giving me her hand and I gave it a little peck before letting it go gently.

"Ah am ah" she cleared her throat while I laughed 'is this what I do to women' "am Sandra" she said still lost in my eyes, she is really checking me out without even hiding it and I like women who know what they want.

I walked closer to her bending down and whispering in her ear "take a picture it will last longer" I heard her moan while moving away from her ear. I haven't touched her and she is already moaning. I am going to say something when I smell Clay coming near us, looking up I saw him coming in full force. He came close pulling Sandra away from me and behind his back.

Which is for nothing because he is shorter than her, he looks really bad, but I won't say anything about it maybe his wolf is sick and that is why they said that he is incapable of leading. "Whoa brother, aren't you going to say hi" he looks really pissed off "and please let me talk to the beautiful woman, you have interrupted something" I said smiling while leaning on the kitchen counter and folding my hands over my chest. Goddess he really looks bad and too short for an Alpha like 5'7

"This is my mate asshole" Clay said angrily making me laugh "what's so funny" he asked irritated

"Oh nothing dear brother, I didn't know she was your mate because of the way she was checking me out earlier and don't worry I don't do mated wolves. Are you sure she is your mate she doesn't have your scent" I said with a smile

"That is none of your business and I have just mind linked dad, he will throw you out like you deserve"

"Clay you still need daddy dearest to fight for you and here I thought I was the weak one" I said smirking and right now he looked so pissed off his eyes are glowing golden yellow, and am not fazed "anyway mind link all the family members I would like for them to welcome me" I winked at his mate who blushed red. I really need to play this and pretend I don't hate them all.

"Stop flirting with my mate or else-" he was cut off when the family members got into the room with anger on their faces, they glowed upon seeing me. Here goes nothing.

"If it isn't the rest of my dearest family" I said standing up straight "hi brother, mom, dad" I greeted

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Alpha Clayton glowed using his alpha voice and I glowed back

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