chapter 23

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Asher's POV

I woke up looking around seeing Elena looking at me with a smile on her face "morning handsome" I smiled at her, giving her a small pec "how was your night?" She asked

"It was good but I think I got a nightmare, I don't even remember what it was about" I got up from the bed feeling a headache and I fell back on the bed "babe, can you get me some blood" I said sitting up as she moved from the bed getting out of the room and getting out of the room while I started massaging my temples.

"Here" she said handing me a cup with warm blood and I mumbled a thank you before sipping it and it tastes good but it smells funny. I finished my cup and I handed it back to her. "Are you feeling better?" I nodded feeling my headache calm down "come we go take a shower" she smiled pulling me up and into the bathroom.

We both took off our clothes as we went inside the shower. She started kissing me but I pushed her off feeling so much anger inside of me and I don't know why.

"Why did you push me?" She yelled

"I don't know but I would really need some morning sex" I said feeling my anger disappear into horniness and I kissed her hard, she is naked in front of me and I cupped her breasts while pushing her back onto the wall and she moaned, putting her legs around my torso but I felt myself freeze the moment she did that "where is your angel wing like tattoo that should be on your hand" I asked putting her down.

"What are you talking about, I don't have a tattoo"

"You should have a tattoo" I said feeling my anger rise, she should stop lying to me "you had a tattoo just yesterday" I looked her in the eye "where is it now"

"What are you talking about" she said looking confused and she tried coming close to me but I put my hand up to stop her.

"Where is your tattoo?" I yelled pacing around the bathroom "I need need to see it, where is my mom, I need my mom" I ran out of the bathroom putting on some boxers before running to my parents house only in my boxers but I don't care.

I reached the house and I walked in going straight to my parents room. I barged in without knocking and I found them still sleeping "mom, dad" I called and they woke up, looking at me.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here this early" my mom asked and I just laid in between them crying "why are you crying baby?" Mom said hugging me.

"Why aren't you wearing clothes?" Dad asked angry but I ignored him.

"She doesn't have a tattoo" I cried more, why doesn't she have the tattoo. Maybe she is tired of me and that is why she removed it because she noticed I love it so much.

"What are you talking about?" dad asked

"Elena, the love of my life doesn't have a tattoo" I yelled but then I smiled looking at both my parents while remembering the tattoo she used to have "she used to have a wing like tattoo on her hand reaching her elbow" I got mad when I remembered that she removed it "but she doesn't have it now and I want it back"

I calmed myself down "she will put it back right?" I asked and they both nodded their head making me sigh in relief "am so happy you know, I remember when she took me to a picnic and I took her to a boat and I wish we could do it again" I smiled enjoying my parents company "will you take me to the carnival?"

"Shouldn't you go with your fiancee, your old to go with us" I cried when my mom said that.

"You think am old too, that's why I didn't tell her my real age she would have left me" I said getting up sitting cross legged in front of them "she even removed the tattoo, do you think she hates me now?"

"Asher, maybe you need some sleep" dad said

"Yeah, your right will you hold me while I sleep" they both nodded and they put me between them and I sighed in relief "you both know I love her right?" They nodded again "will you ask her why she removed the tattoo" before they could answer I jumped out of the bed remembering this morning "she gave me the best blood I have ever tasted"

I started dancing, slowly feeling the song in my head but I don't know what song "that is how she made me want to dance and I think she lost weight, has she been sick this time that I haven't been around?"

"Where did you go?" Mom asked and I laughed so hard I fell onto the floor, where did I go? Is she crazy I know I haven't been around here alot.

"I was at..." I trailed off and I stopped laughing "am pretty sure I wasn't here for sometime for her to have lost that much weight, even the height. She used to be taller than me but now" I thought about it "has she been sick?"

"She was never tall" mom said sitting up and leaning on the headboard

"Yes she was yesterday but now... Dad please come dance with me" I pulled him off the bed when he looked at mom hesitant. I guided his hands to be around my waist and I put my hands around his neck "see this mom, she used to be as a tall as dad or maybe taller and her hands made me feel safe but today when we were in the bathroom and we were going to have sex, she jumped and put her legs around me" I stopped dancing and removed my dad's hands from me and I went in front of mom.

She came at the edge of the bed "That shouldn't have happened in the previous days because she was bigger than me and I was the one that was supposed to do that" I smiled as dad went back to seat on the bed besides mom "we should play hide and seek" I kneeled in front of them "what do you guys think?"

"Aren't you too old for that?" I cried when I heard dad say that.

"Stop calling me old, what if Elena hears you say that and she dumps me" I gave them a glare "I never told her how old I am and you should never say it too" I heard the bedroom door open and the love of my life entered looking irritated at me.

"Why did you run off like that and your not wearing anything" she scolded throwing me my clothes but I let them fall to the floor and I walked to her and I kissed her because I missed her.

"I missed you" I said getting away from the kiss and she smiled with her blue eyes bright but I remember they were green. I will let that slide for now "I love you so much" I said holding her fingers which are too slim by the way. They don't fit in mine like they used to and then I noticed that the tattoo is still not there "where is the tattoo?"

"Can you stop asking about that, I don't even know what your talking about"

"Mom she removed the tattoo" I walked over to mum and sat on her lap, she fell backwards because am too big but I just hugged her wanting to sleep here with her "dad come and we sleep" he came and I got in between them again while they hugged me "go away, I don't want, what you have done to yourself and I need the tattoo back" I said to Elena and then looked away from her, hiding my face into my mom's chest "I love you both so much"

I slept and I kept on dreaming of the hands that made me feel safe, the laughs I heard, the voice that was so soothing 'why did you leave'

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