chapter 19

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Asher's POV

It has been two weeks, me and Matt have been going really strong. We spend most of our time in the cabin and sometimes we go out of the city so that we can go to the beach or clubs and dance. If I say that this is the happiest I have been in my life it's not a joke.

One time we went to a club and this guy came up to us and started flirting with me, at first I thought he just wanted to be my friend so I talked to him and we laughed but then out of the blue, Matt punched him so hard he fell onto the floor.

He yelled at the guy and told him to never talk to me again, he wanted to punch him again but I stopped him pulling his hand out of the club pretty confused at why he did that and when I found out that he was jealous, I felt so happy.

Right now am at the cabin waiting for Matt to come so that we can spend the whole night together again. He still haven't found out anything about Alpha Derrick or his family and he is running out of time because the elders are preparing a meeting in one week and they claim to have come to a decision about who will become Alpha.

I was brought back from my thoughts when I smelled Matt but he is with someone. I walked to the door wondering why he would bring someone here when we planned to spend the whole night alone. I found him with some girl hugging and when they moved from the hug they smiled at each other and the girl touched his chest.

I can't contain my anger, I glowed at them and Matt looked at me, he told her something and he hid her behind his back. this made me more furious, he is even protecting her

"Asher calm down" he said and I just moved forward with my fangs out and my eyes glowing red, the only thing I want is to attack and I did exactly that "go back to the pack, I will call you later" the girl started walking away but am not allowing her to leave after he just touched my mate.

She gave me a disgusted look then smiled and I ran to her but before I could reach Matt caught me taking me back inside the cabin "LET ME GO" I glowed not even recognizing my own voice. Matt took me inside with me struggling to be set free and when we entered he locked the door.

I fought out of his grip and started to run again but he caught me and he pinned me on the floor. I felt his lips on mine and I melted down under his touch feeling butterflies inside my stomach. I moved my hands behind his back and I pushed his neck deepening the kiss but he pushed his head back "Asher it's not what you think, that was Claire. I told you about her" he said giving me a hug "she is the one helping me about my parents and she wanted to come see where I spent most of my time"

"I don't trust her" I said getting out of the hug "and I don't want you to keep seeing her"

"Asher, that is unfair, she is helping me and you want me to shut her out" I got up from the floor feeling my anger rise again. What does he mean unfair.

"She likes you and I don't want her near you, get someone else to help you" I said "a guy this time" I started walking going into the bedroom and I heard his footsteps following me.

"Asher you know I don't have friends here and she offered to help me, she almost died helping me and you want me to cut her out" we reached the bedroom and I turned around seeing him get inside too.

"I don't care, the way I found her passing her fingers allover your chest with both of you smiling" I said going to the closet picking out new clothes for him "you even smell like her" I threw new clothes to him.

"She is like a little sister, nothing will ever happen between us" he said taking off his red shirt and black shorts, putting on the ones I gave him, I walked to him and got the clothes that he had removed and I threw them in the pit "isn't that too much"

"It's not enough because if it weren't for you she would be dead" I said getting close to him "that is what I want for her and if I ever find her with you she is dead, I want you to remember that" I passed him getting out of the room but he caught my hand pulling me back inside

"I thought you trust me" I turned to look at him

"I do trust you but not her" I wanted to walk out when I remembered something "have you ever fucked?"

"What no"

"So she just came to you and just offered her help" he looked away from me moving near the bed and I know he is hiding something because when ever he looks away from me when I ask a question then I just know that he is hiding something "what are you hiding Matt and look at me"

He sighed "She came wanting sex and I said no and then she offered her help"

"You're not seeing her again" I said with finality in my voice. I hated her before I knew she wanted to sleep with him but now that it is true, if possible I hate her more.

"But she has not talked about it ever since I turned her down"

"She is just waiting for a perfect moment and she will want to have sex with you" he came close to me and he gave me a small kiss on the lips. He has his hands on both sides of my face making me look at his beautiful green eyes.

"I will never sleep with her" he kissed my lips "and even if she tries something, I will turn her down again because your my one and only" he gave my lips a pec and I smiled "I like you so much and don't ever doubt that" he pecked me again making me giggle and I kissed him hard.

"My one and only" I said

"My one and only" he replied and we smiled at each other and I pushed him on the bed, climbing on top of him kissing his soft lips hard

"I missed you" I said after breaking the kiss.

"We saw each other yesterday" he said and I put my head on his chest hearing his steady heart beat and feeling his warm skin.

"It still doesn't mean I didn't miss you" I got my head off his chest to look into his green eyes that make me get lost "you're becoming an addiction" I kissed him again, his lips taste good and I wish I can kiss them forever. I started pushing my hand inside his pants but he caught it making me look at him confused.

He moved me into a sitting position "I have wanted to tell you but am scared of what you will say"

"Matt, you know you can tell me anything"

"Can you run away with me" okay I didn't expect that "I thought that if we want to live free without having to hide, that we should run away" I looked at him wondering if he really means that "what do you think?"

Anything that takes me away from Elena I do and if am am leaving with the love of my life then he'll yeah I smiled so big "I would love to run away with you" he smiled hugging me.

"Where do you want us to go?" He asked and I thought about it. I have no place in particular but he said he loved LA

"You said you have friends in LA, why shouldn't we go there?"

"Yes but the pack knows where I was and they would look for us, we need a new place" I nodded, all I want is to be with him without worry and whenever he goes, I go "I would want us to leave on Sunday this week, what do you think?"

"It's fine with me but why all of the sudden and your parents" I thought we were leaving but not so soon.

"I don't know them" he paused "and looking for people I don't know is not worth risking you, I didn't even know them and I am nowhere near the truth and top it all off Clay has been giving me looks am not liking at all"

"Are you scared that something is going to happen?"

"Yes, Clay and Alpha Clayton have been too quiet now days, they don't give me stinky eyes anymore" he looked away from my eyes "Everytime we cross paths they always smile at me and they have not argue with the elders about making Alpha" he looks back at me "I would want us to leave as soon as possible"

"Maybe they found out about me"

"If that is the reason then we have to leave as soon as possible, I will set everything up and in four days we will leave"

"Okay" I said and we cuddled up all night with me thinking about what might happen, I don't want to risk losing Matt and if he feels like we need to leave then let us get out of here and be happy. I will be running away from Elena too before that stupid wedding

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