chapter 30

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Asher's POV

Thanks for reading hope you enjoy

"No, we shouldn't do this because you feel guilty" I shook my head looking at him in the eyes, no am not doing this because of guilt. I almost lost him because of Clay and Elena, I want to have him, for him to be mine. I want to smell like him. I want us to be one and I want everyone to know it.

"I have loved you for so long, I want to be yours and for you to be mine, I want everyone to know that I love you with all of my heart. In many years I have never loved anyone like I love you, I have never needed anyone like I need you, I have never craved for someone to look at me like I want you to, my heart breaks Everytime am not around you, I miss every second I can't touch you, your the only thought in my head Everytime your away, I want to show the world that even if we were never meant to be, fate put us together and I am not ashamed of it"

"I want to take this risk at love, I want to show werewolves and vampires that we are in love, I have never been so sure in my life like am sure right now. We can be hated by everyone and I would stick with you, so Matt are you willing to take this risk with me?" I said it all without breaking eye contact

He pressed his lips on mine so gently as if he is scared he would bruise me. He moved his lips slowly and I tasted something salty, I pulled back "I love you so much" he whispered with his eyes closed before reconnecting our lips. I felt full, butterflies in my stomach, electricity moved around my body. The kiss is so sweet, so tender without a tongue.

He pulled his hands inside my shirt so tenderly and I shivered at the contact. He moved so slowly until he reached my nipples, he pinched them making me moan into the kiss, pulling his head in a heated kiss but he pulled his hands from my shirt and pulled his head back, he laid me down onto the bed as he got in between my legs, he connected our lips again in a so much slower kiss 'what the hell am dying here'

He broke the kiss as pulled my shirt over my head kissing down my jaw "your so beautiful" he bit my earlobe making me moan. He moved to my neck and he kept sucking, biting and when he reached my soft spot I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist.

He sucked making me moan wanting more, I want his body on mine without any barriers. I pulled his shirt off, wanting his hot body on mine. He caught both my wrists and pinned them above my head.

He licked my nipples while twisting my left nipple with right hand. Am breathing heavily, am trying to control my moans but am failing 'i can't take it', I need him now. He started bitting down slowly and my hard on is so uncomfortable.

He did the same with my other nipple before kissing down my stomach, he kissed and licked my abs. He unbuttoned, then unzipped my jeans pulling them down, letting go of my wrists. He lifted my thigh and started kissing while bitting my inner thigh slowly while going down my dick but he passed it and kissed my other thigh.

He palmed me through my boxer briefs and I  moaned loudly, he pulled them down and my dick hit my stomach licking with pre cum. He wrapped his hand around my shaft pumping it slowly, he licked the tip of my dick with his tongue before wrapping his mouth around my shaft, he started sucking hard making me moan.

He has never given me a blow job before, the one time he tried he didn't get to finish. Am surprised he is this good. His right hand is at the base of my dick moving in sync with his mouth while the other on my nipple twisting it painfully. This is so good, I feel like my insides are on fire but in a good way.

He moved his hand from my nipple as it started twisting my balls and I lost control "ah, Matt that feels..." I don't know where the words went but he stopped. He made eye contact with me as he licked his fingers slowly, the sight made me moan making me wish he would put me back into his hot mouth, he removed them, sucking my dick again.

I felt one finger come near my entrance and I tensed but he sucked faster making me forget about it until it went in, making me hiss a little. He moved it slowly until it hit my prostate, I moaned loudly seeing stars. He moved another finger in, then the third. He moved them fast while still sucking my dick fast "Matt going to...ah come" I said breathlessly between moans, he moved his fingers hitting my prostate and I came hard yelling his name.

He swallowed all of it while I put my head back trying to get my breath under control. He climbed on top of me kissing my lips and I tasted myself on him "how was that, I practiced" he asked looking worried that I might have not loved it

"I loved it so much, when did you practice" he smiled kissing my lips

"It was going to be a surprise for when we reached in New York" I chuckled kissing him again. I felt him move his hand to my dick again, he stroked slowly while we still kissed until I got hard again.

"We don't have lube" he said stroking my dick faster, I need him today and nothing is going to stop me. I pulled him up flipping us over, I pulled his pants down with his boxers before taking him in my mouth and he moaned. I sucked him trying to make his shaft as wet as possible, I gasped when he flipped us over, moving between my legs again "if you keep that up baby, I might come" he kissed me roughly this time.

I felt him push at my entrance and I tensed "hey look at me relax" he said and I tried. He kissed my neck, bitting down at my soft spot as he pushed the whole way through making me yell "sorry, am sorry" I just kissed him after telling him not to moved. I feel like am being torn in half but the good thing is that it is Matt. I smiled at him

"Move" I said after seconds and he pulled out before pushing back in hitting my prostate making my eyes water, my eyes rolled in the back as he hit it over and over again. I stopped caring if anyone was listening and moaned loudly. I held him tight digging my nails into his skin and he groaned as blood slide down his back "ah, yes.. there" I moaned 'this is so much better than in my dreams'

But of course the original is always better "your so tight baby" he moaned moving faster. He hit my prostate and I felt myself reach my high "my wolf is taking over" he said as his eyes became golden yellow while his moves became animalistic.

I felt my fangs come out and I know my eyes are red now, I feel Matt kiss my neck gently as I kissed his before we both bite down each other's neck. We both reached our high as soon as our fangs connected with each other's skin. Matt licked my neck and I moaned in pleasure. I licked his as we both moved from each others neck looking into our eyes

Our eyes were back to normal, we both burst out laughing, we laughed hard still looking into each other's eyes "that was wow" I said as our laughter died down

"That was more than wow" he said pecking my lips "we should rest first before cleaning up" I nodded as he pulled out of me and I felt empty "I love you" he whispered

"I love you more" he chuckled but didn't argue. I rested my head on his chest sighing in contentment.

This is how it is supposed to be and I will move heaven and earth for it to stay this way forever.

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