Asher's POV
I thought we had enough stress but what am seeing is beyond me. Do you know how I felt when I woke up feeling Matt in distress, then I found out that that bitch told Carlos that he was a vampire yet it wasn't her place and I know she knew what he was before she gave him the tests 'all of this is to just punish Matt because he told her the truth' and I can't blame Matt for forgetting to tell me about the guardians but he also looked confused when he saw his friends kneel in front of him saying 'our Lords' what the hell
That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and I would not want to experience that again, I know it made Matt uncomfortable too. Seeing your friends, the ones you take as your equals kneeling in front of you and if your higher than them is not a good sight.
And I have noticed that all guardians are humans which is weird, why would she give a vampire and a werewolf human guardians. I shouldn't be questioning her methods but right now am questioning them "can someone just explain please" Matt said in a tired voice. We have been sitting in the lounge and no one has said a thing.
"We are Kaylie and Kylie McClure" Kylie introduced her twin, it is really hard to identify them because of how much they look alike "we were at a party last night when we both got a vision of a woman, she told us that we have to be guardians and that our time is now. One day ago we both got a calling but we brushed it off like it was nothing until last night when we were crowned as guardians and we are so honored our Lords"
"Will you stop calling us that, am Matt and he is Asher" Matt said with his head in his hands, I felt him feeling like he is about to burst at any time now "now it is your turn" he said pointing at both Jack and Theo. They first looked at each other as if they are wondering who is going to explain
"The day you both mated we got a calling but we didn't want to worry you with it because you had alot to deal with" Theo explained "yesterday we didn't get enough sleep because a woman we later found out was the moon Goddess came to us with the opportunity and gave us tests, if we would like to be your guardians, that's how we are here"
"What kind of tests?" Matt asked observing all of them
"Pure hearts, if we are humans, if we would die for you, protect you for the rest of our lives" Jack answered this time and Matt looked at them with a frown on his face
"Did you think about what your parents would say and what about college?" Matt asked
"I don't care and my dad will be fine with it" Theo answered
"I won't go to college and my parents will be fine, they are not even at home most of the time" Jack said and I can feel Matt's anger
"And who said it was a good idea for you to sacrifice your lives for me" he said slowly getting up "when I found out I was going to have to make a pack, I was going to tell you guys to go back to LA so that you can resume with your lives because I knew I was stuck here" he said pacing and am feeling how hard he is trying to keep his anger in check "who said it was a good idea for you to die for me?"
"We love you and we wanted to keep our promise of being with you always, to protect you" Jack argued as the rest of us watched it all unfold
"If you love me you couldn't have done that" Matt said passing his hands through his face "we need to turn this back, am not letting myself go in battle where I have to look out for you because am not letting you die for me" he started pacing again "dad how do I call the moon Goddess, she needs to take this back now"
Alpha Derrick looked in shock when he heard his son call him dad "it's our decision Matt" Theo yelled "we weren't forced into this, it's our opportunity to make up for letting you down" Theo stood up too "you almost died and I felt guilty for not being here and on that day I promised to never let you be alone, am not leaving your side no matter what" Matt looked at him guilty
"I know I scared you guys but me losing you because you vowed to die for me is not a choice either, it would break my heart knowing I lost my friends because they had to protect me. Am not letting you die for me, you can be there for me but not die for me"
"It's not your choice to make, it's our life" Jack argued
"Am sorry guys but am not accepting this, you have your lives a head of you" I looked at Matt, I get what he is saying. I know he is scared of losing his friends because they had to protect him but it's their choice and they chose to not leave him in this alone "just don't get into all this mess please"
"Matt I know your scared but they chose to be with you in this" I said actually being on their side. They care about him, and they want to be their for him he should just appreciate it "I know your scared if losing them but let them be there for you, you need people to be here for you through all of this"
"You don't get it" Matt said looking around the room "you all don't get it, my life is a mess, I can't put my life in order, I always find a way to mess things up, I always fuck up. I fucked up Carlos' life, I can't protect my mate and your all willing to die for me, putting your lives in danger yet I don't even know how to protect you guys. Now they want me to be a leader, can you all stop putting your lives at risk because of a loser like me, stop putting too much trust in me because I will always let you down one way or another and I don't want you all to be disappointed please just...just stop"
He walked out of the room with everyone's mouth open because of that speech 'he really thinks that low of himself' "I will go talk to him" Derrick said and I nodded before looking down at my fingers
I can't believe that is how he feels about himself. I have always known he doesn't believe in himself but I didn't know it was that bad "he is going through alot guys" I said getting their attention "all we have to do is make him know that he can be a great leader if he tried, if you're risking your lives for him then he should see reason that we all trust him" they all nodded
"Nice meeting you Kaylie and Kylie, thank you for risking your lives for us"
"It's no problem, it will be our pleasure serving you two" Kaylie replied
"Well this is messed up but I will be leaving tomorrow" Carlos said getting up "am not mad at Matt but I need to confront my dad or this will kill me"
"I understand" well now, Matt has another blow coming.

Любовные романыMatt Beven Smith is a werewolf, he has two brothers and he is the youngest among three children. He is the second in line to be Alpha because the first born Logan is half Alpha and half Omega. He is hated by his two older brothers, but when his br...