chapter 10

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Matt's POV

"I have been meaning to ask you, if I wasn't your friend would you have rejected me" that is the question I have been dreading to answer.

"To tell you the truth Asher, I was never going to reject you even if you weren't my friend, promise to not get mad of what am going to tell you" he nodded waiting for me to continue "back in LA I was a how do I say this" I looked away again not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Matt whatever happened doesn't matter" I know he will be mad but I have to tell him. I knew I will get a mate but went on with fucking a lot of girls.

"I was a fuck boy and if am being honest I think only a quarter of my school was left unfucked by me and never in my life did I ever think of sleeping with a man and when I found out you were my mate I got scared" I looked back at him "I was never going to reject you, I just needed time to process this"

"Okay, but you knew you were going to get a mate eventually" oh oh Theo used to tell me that all the time and I just ignored him because I was thinking with my dick.

"Am so sorry Asher, I shouldn't have done that but I promise you, that life is behind me now" I tried getting that out so that we can let the past be the past

"That is the past but have you fucked anyone ever since you came back here" wow how does he know all of that but in my defense I did it in the first five days before we met. I have nothing to say I love sex and I think the look on my face answered him because he said "you did huh" in a low thoughtful voice.

"In my defense I fucked them the first five days before knowing your my mate"

"Can't you just let your dick rest, you had just arrived looking for the truth but you were too busy looking for it in women's vaginas" he yelled I knew he will get upset with me but before I could say something he stood up leaving the tent 'oh Goddess help me fix this'.

I ran up to him and caught his hand turning him around to face me "Asher am sorry, I know it was wrong but please give me one last chance and I will prove to you that am done with all that" I said and he is now crying

"How many did you fuck in those five days" he said pulling his hand away from mine

"Asher you don't nee-"

"HOW MANY" he yelled his eyes turning red 'why do I always fuck up'

"I don't know" he gave me a glare making me know he didn't like the answer "20 or 15 I love sex Asher but I will leave that behind me and I will not be with anyone as long as you give me a chance, it's all am asking for" I said looking him straight in the eye so that he can see I mean every word.

"Okay but if you do that again-"

" I won't" I kissed his lips immediately, putting everything am feeling in it right now, I let the kiss stay slow and meaning ful , his mouth is amazing even though he tastes like blood "I think we should leave now, I want us to go somewhere else"

"Okay where are we going" he asked as we made our way from the picnic "who is going to get all of that"

"Don't worry about that, someone will get them for me and we are going to a club" I lied about someone picking up the things, I will pick them up myself. He nodded and we made our way to the motorbike, getting on I took him to a club because after that fight I feel like I need a drink

After reaching the club I got off and we stood outside "I wanted us to be free so I decided that maybe we should go to a gay club,but only if you are okay with it"

"It will help us be free so am okay with that" I nodded and I held his hand as we made it to the bar, his hands are so soft. We went in and got a booth, I left him to go get some drinks with an empty glass for Asher, I came back to the booth, put down my drinks then cut my hand with my claw making my blood fall into the glass.

After filling it half way I gave it to Asher "thank you, what do you think" he asked looking around at men kissing.

"All am looking for is a place to be comfortable, I have done so many crazy things but this is the craziest" I said looking him in the eye "you really have beautiful eyes" he blushed instantly and I liked that on his face.

"Yours are more beautiful" he said blushing while sipping on his glass of blood.

"I bet to differ, yours are brown almost black and when you smile the brown colour wins unless when your sad they become pure black and mine are just green" I said and if he was blushing before right now he is super red.

"Stop it tell me the craziest things you have done that makes being in a gay club the craziest one" he wants to change the subject okay.

"I have done a lot and the one I thought was the craziest was jumping out of the plane" I said getting goosebumps just by thinking about it.

"How is that the craziest thing, when I tried it I thought it was amazing"

"Am so afraid of heights and when I was dared by Carlos yet he knows my fear. I was so mad I did revenge by telling him to walk the streets naked" he laughed

"Why did you do that?" he asked after his laughter died down

"What? You wanted me to let him win"

" Why make him walk naked?"

"Carlos has no fear at all and what I did to him made people think he was crazy but that idiot did it with a smile on his face saying 'i am not ashamed of my body' it didn't work but we had a good laugh" I said remembering that day, I thought he would at least be ashamed but no he was actually happy saying that it will earn him more girls.

"Do you have any other fears" he asked smiling "don't worry I won't use them on you".

"Am afraid of cockroaches" even saying them makes me shiver I hate those creatures and he is laughing "what is so funny?"

"Am sorry, but I --haha-- I couldn't help it" he stopped his laughter which is amazing by the way and I can hear it all day, it made me smile "they are so tiny and your big and a werewolf"

"But it still doesn't mean I have to like them" I leaned in for a kiss, he was surprised at first but he kissed me back. At first the kiss was slow but when I pulled him more into me and he moaned I got the opportunity to slide my tongue inside and I explored his mouth more, if kissing him is going to be this good then I will never complain.

I pulled back because I feel my pants start to twitch and I know he won't be up for that after learning am a fuck boy 'wait how are we going to have sex'. I really need to search that online "you're an amazing kisser" he said so breathless and I smiled giving him one last pec before sitting back, with his head resting on my shoulder.

"You're lips are addicting too" I kissed the side of his head "would you want to dance" I asked and he nodded no "why?"

"I can't dance" I nodded my head but I am not leaving here without dancing with him

"Okay how about a slow dance"

"I wo-" he was cut off when a slow song began and I just pulled his hand to the dance floor "one song and we are done" I nodded as we put our hands around each other dancing slowly to the rhythm of the song slowly. When the song was done we made our way back to our booth.

"I have been meaning to ask you, were you gay before finding out we are mates" he sipped on his drink but his eyes turned black "if you don't want you don't have to tell me"

"No it's not that, I am bisexual but I have never slept with a man before only with women" is it weird that him sleeping with other women really hurt, I know he isn't a virgin but it still doesn't take away that it really hurt.

"I think we should drive home" he nodded and we got up and left the bar. I drove back to the city with him holding me tight around my torso.

I drove for two hours back to his clan and I parked where I picked him up in the morning "I will call you tonight" I said giving him a small pec and he nodded, I drove off to the cabin so that I can masturbate alone with out having to be looked at with disgust, man I really need to search gay porn.

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