chapter 38

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Asher's POV

"Why did you decide to come guard people you don't even know" I asked looking at both Kaylie and Kylie. We have been catching up with everything going on with Matt. They now all understand his frustrations

"We had nothing in our world and when this opportunity came we jumped to it, I don't know why she chose us but we promise not to disappoint" I nodded when Kyle replied but I still don't get why they are all humans, yes they have the eyes but can they fight. Am not willing to ask because it sounds rude but what are they capable of.

We sat there not saying anything until I smelt Matt near. Matt came back into the room, he moved where am seated and pulled me up crashing his lips on mine into a soft kiss. At first I thought it was going to be fast but he surprised me when he kept it simple.

He pulled away and put his head on my forehead "am sorry" he whispered hugging me tightly like am mad at him "I shouldn't have said that, I know I promised that we will be in this together but I broke it and am sorry" I pulled away from the hug looking him in his green eyes

"You don't need to apologise, I know how you feel it's fine" I pecked his lips softly but he still looks worried "smile for me now Mr. Cutie or I won't forgive you" am not mad at him at all but he smiled pushing me slowly away from him.

"Don't call me that" he mumbled looking around

"Why baby, you know your my cutie" he pouted closing the gap between us

"Stop saying it so loudly they might hear you and am not cute" he whisper yelled

"Who thinks he is cute and not handsome" I said loudly for everyone to hear "answer honestly, between him and his dad who is handsome and who is cute"

"Asher sto-" Matt was cut off by Kylie

"Have you seen his dad, he is so handsome and if I were to pick you're the cute one" Kylie said with dreamy eyes making us all laugh, Matt blushed making my mouth hung open. I have never seen him blush, my smile got bigger 'he doesn't want to be embarrassed in public' but honestly he is not cute, he is like super handsome.

"Aww, he is even blushing" I cooed and Matt hid his face into his hands "don't cover it baby" he just mumbled 'no' while others were just laughing their asses off. I know how to make him remove his hands from his face. I snaked my hands around his neck and jumped on him, making him take his hands off his face in order to catch me

"Why do you always do that?"

"Because I know you will always catch me and I wanted to kiss your blush" I kissed his cheeks softly making him roll his eyes and I giggled "you're really adorable"

"What if we are in front of the pack, will you embarrass me like that"

I pretended to be thinking "yes I will" I replied and he changed his eyes red and gold playfully trying to intimidate me, I got off of him to let him talk to our guardians "sorry about that"

"Am so sorry guys, I was rude to your earlier and I know you did that because you care about me but I only cared about keeping you safe not really caring about what you want" Matt said in one go making me chuckle at how nervous he sounded "what" he asked raising his eye brows. I shook my head no sitting down smiling at him

"It's fine you have been under a lot of stress" Jack accepted the apology

"Thank you guys for having my back" Matt thanked and they all nodded "thank you for coming and sacrificing your lives to come here" he looked at Kaylie and Kylie "you should get some rest, we will talk tomorrow today was a rough day"

"Thank you for letting us in, we really appreciate it my Lord" Kaylie said and Matt hissed at the word 'Lord'

"Okay, am really accepting my duties of being a leader and trying to juggle it all but if one of you ever call me that, I swear I will lose my shit. Your family, friends and you should call me Matt thank you" Matt walked to me after his no 'calling me Lord' speech. He picked me up as if I weighed nothing and I insitctively wrapped my legs around him

"Bye guys, nice meeting you" I yelled as Matt took me out of the room, when we reached the kitchen I picked up a plate of strawberries "you should have warned me before picking me up like that"

"Like you warm me"

"Fair point" I replied and we both chuckled. Matt walked me up the stairs into the bedroom and he fuckin threw me on the bed, I didn't expect that "what the hell" he just laughed at me and I threw a pillow at him "anyway I need new clothes but I left my wallet at the clan"

"I will see what I can do, I can go back to the cabin I left mine there" I nodded laying on my back on the bed while eating my strawberries "Alpha Derrick is bringing some people to help us with the pack" he said getting other clothes from the closet

"Okay but why are you changing clothes" he looked at me and then back to the pants that he is putting on and he shrugged

"Because I want to" I gave him a glare but he just made kissing noises making me laugh at him, after changing shirts he came on the bed and sat next to me. "Where will the pack be"

"Why not here, I don't think it will be that big but you will have to register it to the council"

"Will they even accept it?"

"Even if they don't, it was authorized by the goddess herself" I said touching his shoulder "you know she came to me too" he turned his head so fast to look at me "she told me to show you that we both can be great leader and for me to show you that you can do it" he rolled his eyes at the last part

"I don't need a babysitter"

"Apparently am not the only one who sees that you really, really need a babysitter" he looked at me shocked that am not on his side "what? Even the goddess sees it" he groaned falling back on the bed

"Am a grown up man who can take care of himself thank you"

"Nope, you're just a kid"  I emphasized the word kid just to mess with him more while I took a bite of my strawberry

"Asher, if anything you're the kid here" I gasped holding my chest in mock hurt and he moved up supporting himself on his elbows to look at my dramatic face "see what am talking about"

"If I act like a kid, why did she ask me to babysit you" I questioned pointing at him "don't you think it shows that you're the kid among the both of us" he jumped on top of me and I gasped in surprise throwing my strawberries on the floor. He held both my hands on top of my head and started kissing my neck where the mating mark is.

He kissed my mark while his other hand went inside my shirt, making me shiver while the other kept holding my hands in place. He moved the one in my shirt to my nipples, twisting them and I moaned. He bit down on my mark while twisting my nipples.

My hard on is really restricted in my jeans and I need them off, he kept doing that but I need more "Matt, please...ah...I need more" he moved his hand all over my stomach slowly, sending shivers all over my body, I felt butterflies in my stomach. My hands are still pinned above my head, he moved his hand back to my nipples and twisted painfully making me yell but then I felt his fangs bite down my mark, I yelled his name coming into my pants.

That was so short and intense. He moved his head out of my neck and he looked at me in my eyes, he just made me come without even touching my dick or penetrating me and I came so fast. He moved with his lips just an inch above mine, I closed my eyes waiting for the kiss "can a kid make you scream like that"

I opened my eyes to argue but he smashed his lips to mine and I moaned. He let go of my hands, I sighed wrapping my arms and legs around him, pulling him close. I sucked on his tongue making him groan. We pulled back to catch some air "I love you" I whispered wanting to hold onto his moment.

"I love you too" he said as we opened our eyes. I looked into his dark forest green eyes and I sighed in contentment. He looks at me with so much adoration just like I know am looking at him with, this is where am supposed to be, this is how it should be and this is how it should always be, just me and him as one.

'for him to be forever my one and only'

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