Asher's POV
"We have some great news" Matt said with a wide smile on his lips as he looked at our ark members who are living in good harmony. It has been weeks since we killed Lashyalla and everything has been going well. Many people have joined our pack and they all help each other out.
C came back days after we killed Lashyalla with many people that were left at the castle. We started building houses for all and most are done, the company is also at it's peak but we have some great news "the council accepted us as a pack slash clan" they all cheered as I smiled with them howling while Matt chuckled. It wasn't easy to convince the council to accept but they heard we killed Queen White, it all went well "we are official and our...whatever it is registered, now you are all officially welcome to MOON NIGHT ARK" he yelled the last part.
More cheers erupted throughout, we made a party to celebrate the beginning of moon night ark. Most members have got out of our house occupying the houses that are finished, we got drunk as we celebrated our ark after all the struggles. After like 3 weeks of killing Lashyalla, Logan and his mom with some members of Clayton's pack came to us wanting to join.
Claire was accepted immediately but Logan had some troubles of being accepted and it wasn't from Matt but from Jack because guess what, they are mates and when Jack found out he rejected him instantly. Matt doesn't like Logan but he pulled his friend a side and talked to him, he came back and told Logan and I quote "if it wasn't for Matt I would gladly watch the rejection kill you but am giving you a chance to prove yourself" and with that he walked away.
And then one week later Clayton, Albert and other Alpha's attacked. I was ready to kill Albert and it looked like he was ready for me too, he yelled at me and said "you killed my daughter, am going to kill you" while other Alpha's had a problem that their pack members are running to us.
Clayton was just mad about everything anyway before Albert could attack Derrick and Daniella came out. Clayton looked shocked at first but then covered it all up but my biggest shock was Albert, I have never known Albert as a coward but to say he ran I mean he ran without looking back or saying a word
Clayton was shocked too but he wanted revenge for his son. We let Derrick deal with him and it was a fight for hate, Daniella was there also fighting with other Alpha's but when Derrick killed Clayton. Claire didn't even shade a single tear for her mate which was weird but no one questioned it.
Logan ran to his dad and cried but he also got over it with time, I was so disappointed that I didn't get to kill Albert but he decided to be a coward and run which was funny by the way. "Come on" Matt pulled my hand and led me back to the mansion, we climbed up the stairs and the moment we entered our bedroom he pushed me against the wall and captured my lips in a kiss. I moaned wrapping my hands around him "I missed you" he whispered as he bit down my mark.
"I have been with you ahh" I bit my bottom lip to stop the noises but then he started grinding his dick on mine and I moaned loudly pulling his head from my neck and kissing him again as his movements increased the pace. I broke the kiss and pulled his shirt off as he pulled mine too.
I walked close to him as I pushed him going backwards until he fell down on the bed. I got on top of him and kissed him again as I moved my hands around his stomach, I unbuttoned his jeans and pushed my hands inside. I wrapped my hands around his member as he groaned lifting himself with his elbows, I moved slowly as I kissed him again
I got off of him and pulled his jeans all the easy down then his briefs. I pulled my jeans down too "someone is eager" he commented as he saw the speed I was using, I smiled getting on to of him again
"How can I not be when you make me horny" I replied licking his lips, he chuckled before pulling me into another kiss. He touched my ass pushing me down and my dick connected with his, we moaned at the sensation "I need you now" I put my hand into the drawer before pulling out lube, I applied some amount on his hard shaft that is already licking of precum. I threw the bottle away before setting myself.
"Woah, wait" he yelled stopping me as I looked at him confused "I should prepare you" I smiled before sitting on his shaft in one go, I cried out but when it hit my prostate I moaned instead. He hummed holding my hips in place, I started riding him as the sensation took over and we both moaned "you're so tight baby"
He flipped us over and got on top of me as I chuckled "telling me am eager...who is eager now" I said breathless as the bed started shaking, I moaned with every hit as he laughed increasing his pace.
"How can I not when I have someone as sexy as you" I laughed holding him tightly. The room was filled with our noises, our sweaty bodies molded together. I felt myself close to the edge as his moves increased force, I sucked his neck as he did mine and we both yelled coming. We stayed like that while breathing heavily and with five minutes he pulled out and laid next to me as we breathed hard "should we go on vacation"
"Where would you want us to go?" I asked turning around look at him. He turned to me and looked at me as he smiled
"Somewhere I can have you without interruptions" I laughed slapping his hand. Ever since we had a pack, he had been so busy that we didn't have sex that much most times. It is too much that we do and that is why we want the houses to be done so that everyone can move out. We make love yes but it is not enough and I agree with him.
"We should go to the beach but we can't leave for too long"
"Responsibilities ugh" he groaned as he threw the pillow at door as I laughed at his childishness "but at least we can go for 2 weeks" he looked at me pleadingly but I just laughed holding him
"We can't but once they move out we can do whatever we want" he nodded as he held me tightly "and we can repeat it now" with that he moved his head out of my chest immediately getting on top of me and I laughed "why act so childish"
"Oh no you're the kid here" he replied kissing my mate mark as I bit my lip wrapping my hands around his torso pulling him close to me
"I think your forgetting something" I wrapped my hand around his member as I flipped us over "I am wayyyyy older than you" I kissed his mark and when I pulled away l looked into his eyes while tracing his hand tattoo "am 123 years old" he blinked a couple of times. I laughed then got off of him running into the bathroom as I heard him yell
Author's note
Thank you all for following me on this journey of my first book and I hope you all enjoyed it. It will have a sequel about Santiago and Albert, so that we can know what is up with Carlos too.
Thank you all for the support ❤️❤️

RomanceMatt Beven Smith is a werewolf, he has two brothers and he is the youngest among three children. He is the second in line to be Alpha because the first born Logan is half Alpha and half Omega. He is hated by his two older brothers, but when his br...