chapter 6

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Matt's POV

I walk home so out of it, it's not possible for him to be my mate. He is a vampire for Goddess' sake, that will be forbidden by the pack and everyone will be against it. Why does my life have to be fucked up when I have just got here and to top it all, he is a guy, am not gay.

I have never been attracted to men and why Asher, I thought he will be my friend here not my mate, I can't accept him. I felt my wolf whine but he has to understand me, yes I found him attractive today and he smelled like chocolate.

He was wearing black jeans, black shirt and a black leather jacket that fit him very well, he looked so delicious with his brown almost black eyes, he has full thick brows and Goddess his lips were so pink I felt like I wanted to kiss them. He was so damn hot with his dark hair and breath taking eyelashes.

His face is so perfectly structured. He still look the same but more hot with his 6'0 height. The most choking part was me getting 'MATE' in my head and when I locked eyes with him "nope" I shook my head, am not going to think about him again although I felt like my soul was being torn when I left.

I wanted to go back but am still scared, this is a very huge blow in my life. I really need to find this woman, she must know something and if I can get all the information I need from her am leaving this place. I walk back really determined to find her this time even if it means calling for a pack meeting

I reached the pack lands and started going door to door looking for her, she is not going to escape me today, even if I don't know her name I will describe her face. I reach one door and decided to ask for all the ladies  from the age of 70-80.

I was directed to like 50 houses, but I didn't care. I started checking all the houses I was directed to until I found her house. She is not the one that opened the door which am grateful for and when I described her face to her granddaughter, she led me into her kitchen and went to go get her grandmother.

I wait patiently until I see her coming down the stairs, we look at each other until she tells her granddaughter to leave us alone. "You have been avoiding me, I don't know how but you changed your scent" I told her and she nodded her head yes while leading me from the kitchen to her living room. Reaching I sat opposite her.

"Indeed I have" she admitted while pulling her white hair out of her face "I know you heard what I said during the meeting and I know alot of the pack members heard it too and I knew if I didn't hide, you would want to talk to me"

"Why would you hide, all I want to ask is why you said I look like him" I don't see how people would have known that I would come here looking for her "just so you know, am not leaving until I find out" all she did is stand up, leaving me in the room and for a moment I thought she really wasn't going to tell me.

I have waited for like 6minutes and she is not back yet, but before I could stand up and go look for her she came back handing me 2 photos. First I see a woman who is really pretty with her blond hair and blue eyes, she looks like she is in her mid twenties .

The second photo took all the air out of my lungs, it's like am looking at my double but the older version of me with his dark forest green eyes, dark hair and strong jaw. I look back at the woman with my eyes asking her to explain.

"It's forbidden to talk about him, he was the Alpha of the pack before his young brother Alpha Clayton took over after his death" she paused looking around the house as if someone might hear her then she whispered "they went to fight off some vampires who had killed many pack members. When they came back Alpha Clayton said that his brother was killed in battle, he didn't come back with the body and when the pack hunters tried to go back and look for their Alpha, he said that they won't be able to find him because he fell into the river from a waterfall"

"And the woman"

"She is Camilla, she was Alpha Derrick's mate" she looked around again "she was eight months pregnant when she heard about her mate's death and she died with her baby after a 2 weeks, but something felt off because a day before, she had been fine and she had talked to pack members about how she was copping with the loss of her mate, then the next day she was declared dead with her son"

"So why do I look like him and how did she die" I need to find out everything about Derrick and Camila

"They said she had a miscarriage and I don't know why you look like him but I bet most pack members recognize the resemblance too." She looked around again 'woman if anyone is there you will smell them' "After her death, Alpha Clayton announced that his wife is pregnant again and then you were born 4 months later a premature but you were never taken outside" now am more confused, I really need Theo.

"I won't waste more of your time and thank you, can I take the photos?"

"Yes but am not the one who gave them to you and I never told you anything" she said and she walked back upstairs. I decided to get out of her house before I get her in trouble, I put the photos in my back pocket while getting out of the house.

I walk slowly completely out of it again, thinking about everything, Asher being my mate then Alpha Derrick and Camila. I have to go to the pack library and check it out, but I will have to go tomorrow, today am too tired. I walk into the house and before I could reach the stairs, I found someone I really didn't want to talk to.

"Why are you still living in this house when you clearly know you're unwanted" Clay said and am really not in the mood to play 'I don't hate you'. I looked at him up and down before making eye contact with him.

"Guess what Clay, am really not in the mood for your bullshit" I said walking passed him, but he pulled me back while putting all his weight on me and I just continued walking and he fell onto the floor crying out loud, I turned around finding him face down on the floor and I tried not to laugh but I failed miserably because I burst out laughing so hard I sat on the floor with him trying to get up.

"How dare you push me" he said standing up from the floor with anger on his face but I just laughed more "you push me and you're laughing" I got up trying to keep my laughter under control.

"Clay, you and I both know the real you, no need to lie when it is just the two of us here" I told him seriously.

"Am not lying you pushed me" he shouted probably trying to alert someone so that he can get me in trouble, but am not afraid of that anymore.

"You have lied so many times that you have started believing your own lies, am tired and I have had along day" I walked away from him but I turned around wanting to make him more furious "by the way, that was a nice fall" it worked he is fuming now, I laughed again while going to my room.

"Am going to tell dad" I heard him say as I made it to my room 'yeah, yeah' I went inside, taking a shower then went to bed  thinking of what to do for Asher, I really don't want to hurt him. Let me just give the both of us space so that I can get time to think of what I want to do, but the whole night I couldn't stop thinking about him.

'Goddess, when I told you to let our paths cross again, I didn't mean for you to make us mates'

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