chapter 43

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Matt's POV

We took a shower so that we can get those creatures scent and blood off and when we were done we walked to the lounge and told them what happened about how it all started. Dad tried interrogating the creature that came with our car but it was useless, all he says is that he wants us dead or alive.

All am wondering is how queen White found out about us and how she knew where we were at that time. It is all confusing we are sent to put an end to her rule but I think it will all be hard depending she was able to know where we were. I don't know if I could have done all of this without my family, friends and mate by my side.

Speaking of friends, I still can't get over the fact that they can fight like they have been doing it all their lives, it was impressive "how did you get here?" Rodrigo asked the question that I have been wondering ever since that car threw us here but that happened when I heard Asher through our mind link say 'i wish we get home'

"It all happened when I heard Asher through our mind link, I don't know if it is what caused it but after he said  'i wish we get home' a white light took us over" I explained and Asher looked at me as if he doesn't remember thinking about it

"So you can now teleport" Leona asked looking at Asher

"How would I know that" Asher said "I don't even remember saying what Matt said"

"We are learning new things like when I get hurt he gets hurt and now this teleportation thing" I said then sighed "but what I know for sure right now is that I need some rest we will continue about this later"

I stood up with Asher as we made our way to our bedroom. I fell down on the bed and my eyes closed immediately because of how exhausted I am. I heard Asher say something but then darkness took over. I groaned when I heard someone shake me awake "can you just let me be"

"Am sorry but can we talk" I looked up to see Rodrigo next to me in my bedroom with his face too close to mine that I had to take my head back so that our noses wouldn't touch. I nodded and he stood up, walked near the door but didn't get out. I looked next to me to see Asher still a sleep.

I walked to my bathroom and when I walked out I found him near the door still waiting for me "let's go" he nodded and we both walked out of the room, we deseeded down the stairs and outside the mansion "what did you want us to talk about?"

"Let us go to my car" I nodded and we made our way to his car and he drove off, am not feeling comfortable going out of the land because they just wanted to kill me not long ago "I know you had a rough day but I found out something"

"Okay but where are we going?" He smiled at my question and I wondered why he would smile, that was a serious question. I didn't hear myself make any jokes "what is funny?"

"It's just your cute when confused" I looked at him a flown on my face. When did people start viewing me as cute, am handsome and that is final. No one with a face like mine, with a jaw like mine 'what is going on in the world' now am frastrated

"What is cute about me?" I asked, I can't even believe am having a conversation like this with him.

"Your handsome but when you get frastrated your cute, when you get confused your adorable and when you get angry your hot and when confused your even more cute" that actually made me laugh, I haven't laughed ever since those creatures attacked me and Asher when having a wonderful day.

"All am getting from all you have said is that am handsome" I said with a cheeky smile and he laughed looking at me for only a second before looking back to the road

"If you say so Mr ego man" I burst out laughing when he said that, he concentrated when he was turning to a road surrounded by trees "there's a small pack here and all you have to do is win them over because  their Alpha is a rude bustard, most have run away from the pack becoming rogues but weak ones and those who don't want to become rogues are stuck"

"Why didn't we come with Asher, we have to do this together"

"No, first talk to them but without Asher's presence and see their reaction before they can meet Asher" I nodded and within minutes I started smelling them. We reached the small village with small houses and the only big house that I can see must be the Alpha's house. It looks like they are still living in old days with no electricity "ready for this"

"No I wasn't ready but I will try" I replied as I unfastened my seat belt before getting out. All pack members got out of their houses and looked at us, I know they are smelling me but they are confused of what they are smelling. They all look like they have never seen anyone new into their pack, kids moved close so that they can get a close look

I moved close to one kid but I heard them all glow, I moved away from the kid with my hands up "am not here to hurt you" I said smiling, I feel every eye on me which is really uncomfortable it is making me wish I came here with my mate but I have to do this alone now because he is also tired

I was going to say something else when an angry glow stopped me, everyone kneeled down while shaking in fear which made me feel angry, I can smell fear all over them. What kind of alpha inflicts fear instead of respect "good evening alpha" I greeted with a simple smile trying to be mask my anger

"What the hell is someone under me doing on my property uninvited" the so called alpha glowed in his alpha tone

"Okay that was rude"

"And who said I care about you low life a-'

"You know am an Alpha too" I cut him off and he glowed as everyone around whimpered in fear

"What are you doing here you stupid mutt when you weren't invited" the so called Alpha glowed again and whimpers were heard all around. "Answer or I kill you" he glowed again when I didn't answer. The fear I smell should only be felt from omegas who don't have a connection with their alphas but even normal wolves are being affected.

"am here because I want to take your pack members into my pack"

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