chapter 52

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Matt's POV

I felt a sharp pain as Asher transported us all at once. I knew he could do it and with that I had no doubt but I didn't know it would affect him. My head hurt so much but I fainted for only 4hours and when I woke up Asher was still asleep. I was so scared when days passed and when he opened his eyes today I was so relieved

He is never doing it again, it almost killed him. My other half was proud at what my mate is capable of and all the people he saved wanted to thank him but he was still out. Most were happy we saved them, most got scared they started running but am glad dad put everyone in order. He calmed them and when they found out they are out of Lashyalla's castle, most sighed in relief but most show concerns about how she will look for them no matter what.

In all those days that Asher has been out I destructed myself, I called Santiago and he comes here in the morning to train my pack then leaves at around 10am but I refused to train until Asher is awake. I got so worried I called Esther and told him where we were, I told her to tell Asher's parents to come and they did

When Asher's dad reached here he lost it because of all the werewolves here. I calmed him down by telling him about his son and when he smelled me he confirmed it, he has been living here for a day, they all saw Asher but he was still out and when I told them that he passed out after teleporting people they didn't believe me.

Asher talked to his parents in the morning and apparently they are staying here to support their son which is great. I introduced Asher to all the pack after he talked to his parents and they thanked him. We have now 600 members in our pack, we are working on the plan to kill Lashyalla when she attacks because she has and after playing that trick, I think she has to be pretty mad

I still couldn't believe Rodrigo had a crush on me at all, just because I got a male mate doesn't make me available for others guys to crush on me. I have never had guys crush on me and this is really new

The day went by with me filling Asher in with all that has happened when he was a sleep. We even got our flag which has a picture of our mating mark with the word EQUALITY. It looks like the moon with gold fangs in the middle while a wolf howling is on the right and a vampire on the left, it looks good but we still haven't gotten a name for the pack.

"Asher, we have to get a name soon before we go to the council to register" I said talking to Asher who is still in the shower. We are about to sleep and we have alot to do tomorrow "I really suck at this"

"You said I don't know how to name staffs Matt" Asher replied as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso "but we have to think of something that has vampire and wolf in it which is hard to find"

"Vampwolf" I said and he burst out laughing as he threw his towel on the floor and pulled on some shorts then a big shirt. He moved onto the bed next to me "don't laugh am trying here"

"Sorry, I didn't think you were serious that is just silly" I rolled my eyes at him "vampires live in clans and werewolves live in packs so it has to be collided too coz we can't call it pack or clan, it has to be both"

"Now this is getting complicated" I thought about everything "werewolves are for the moon and vampires are for the night and they hate the sun...what about 'moon night' am lost at how to put the sun in the mix" I groaned

"No don't give up you were on track here, think about it, we hate the sun so don't put that and let it stay moon night but what will be the last. Coz it can't be moon night pack or clan it has to be both" I groaned but what will we call it if not pack then the Vampires will be left out and if it is clan werewolves are left out so what can it be

"Pack and clan, what if neither and it is just 'moon night ark', what do you think?"

"Where did you get ark, that is brilliant" he said smiling

"Really you think so"

"Moon night ark" he tried it on his lips and it sounded amazing "that is just spectacular" I pulled him and we both fell onto the bed "that is done now all that is left is Lashyalla and we will be good"

"And when she is gone I need a trip with you to the end of the world"

"I like the sound of that" he got on top of me and kissed me "with just the two of us, on the beach or cabin so far away" I smiled and kissed him, I squeezed his ass and he moaned as I pushed my tongue inside his mouth, I explored his lips but he pinched my nipple and took the control.

I don't mind, he moved his tongue professionally. I massaged his tongue with mine and we both groaned. He pulled back so that we can breath "let us sleep because Santiago will wake us up super early" I groaned but nodded "goodnight babe love you"

"Love you too goodnight" I pecked his lips as I closed my eyes. I fell asleep instantly. I was startled awake by a knock on the door, I looked at Asher and he has woken up too. I was about to say come in when Santiago entered the room in his gym clothes, he looks tired but he smiled at us.

"Morning sleepy heads, come out now it's training time" he walked out without another word. I heard footsteps outside our room like people running, I groaned getting up after pecking Asher's lips

"Is he always this early" Asher asked as we put on our training clothes I nodded before walking down stairs to find all fighters my dad had picked to help us fight with Santiago training them.

I watched them and man it is hard to believe he is human on how fast Santiago is. He is human but even vampire speed is just a snail walking for him "I know all of this because of all the time I spent training but since we don't have much time, am going to change what I taught yesterday and teach you only tactics and weaknesses, it is simple really you all have trained before..." he stopped and looked at us "this is your first day training and your just watching us, she will kick your ass and by the way your trainer is there" Santiago pointed at Anna who is coming our way

"Morning, we won't be staying so long because we have something to do" Anna said and we nodded "okay let us begin this" she flicked her finger and Asher was lifted up "all you have to do is watch the move of the finger or stick or anything they keep their magic in, am still young so I keep my magic in me but if someone is old they need to put it into something else, find it and destroy it. Then they will be weak and easy to kill but the hard witch is when they still have their magic in their bodies, don't attack blindly watch the finger. If they swipe like this"

She swiped her finger on the right "she is going to strangle you but the moves don't matter, all you have to do is make sure that when they swipe or flick their fingers make sure you move from where you were standing coz  that is where it will hit got it"

"I think so" Asher replied unsure, I got it but it is so hard to focus on someone's finger.

"Let us try it, am going to hurt you because if I send it and your still in the way then it will hit you" we nodded and I focused on her finger that I forgot to dodge the attack, I was thrown in the air then hit the ground so hard, we both groaned at the impact "focus on the finger but don't forget to dodge AGAIN"

"If I say training was horrible, I mean horrible. We were thrown on trees, we broke legs, we broke spines, even though it is now healed. It was so horrible that we had to cut it short because of how we were being thrown. Santiago finished his training and they all stood there watching us but we still failed to dodge even a single attack, now am afraid of facing Lashyalla coz she is even stronger that Anna and we failed

"Well let's hope we win this one"

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