chapter 51

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Asher's POV

I was lifted from the room by three guys who didn't smell that pleasant at all. We walked through the hall with blood passing through my shirt, I felt another whip and I was about to fall down but they caught me 'whatever is in that whip really hurts' the wounds aren't even healing.

They reached a room with a red door, they knocked and I heard a voice yell come in. They opened it and I was pushed inside. I found Matt on the bed laying with his hands bound on the bed, he also has blood on his shirt "Asher how are you feeling?" I gave him a glare at the question. I know he said something to piss her off yet we are captives "sorry, I was just concerned"

I rolled my eyes as I was pushed into a chair. They bound my hands and legs on the chair with cloths that look invisible but actually visible, how can I call it a transparent cloth 'Matt these staffs are really cool'

'yeah, I wish we could get ourselves some' I nodded smiling while looking at the transparent cloths

"Now you are going to tell me how you did it or he dies" Lashyalla threatened while looking at Matt who just kept quiet and looked at me

'you can transport us from here'

'no, I don't know how I even did it the first time' I replied. Am not even sure if that is what happened the first time

'Asher trust me, you can do it just focus on us and all the slaves here'

'are you fuckin serious Matt, if it is what happened the first time then how will I transport people I don't even know a number of'

'just-' he was cut off when Lashyalla yelled

"Are you going to talk or?"

"You know if he dies I die so you will never get your answer and please turn down your yelling it is giving me a damn headache" I complained, she is beautiful but she can screech, Matt burst out laughing "what are you laughing about?" He didn't get to answer when the witch was in my face with her wrinkled face

"If you say one word about my queen your dead" the witch threatened and I gave a humorless short laugh

"What can you do you old hug, you're just a puppet that she carries around because you can prolong her death but you mean nothing to her, so get out of my face before I inhale your diseases" she fumed and I was thrown into the wall but the chair didn't break "is that all you got huh" I yelled, she lifted me up with her stick bringing me back, she was about to hit me again but then Lashyalla yelled again

"Stop" and she stopped putting me down

"See what I said you are just a puppet now let me show you what I can do" I closed my eyes with anger, I calmed myself slowly and let my mind free, I focused on moving away from here, moving every person that doesn't want to be here. I concentrated on them then everything disappeared. I opened my eyes again looking at the witch 'i wish for us to go home with all slaves'

"Is that what you can do, close your eyes" I smiled as I felt my eyes turn, I glowed at her face

"No am going to steal from you" after I uttered that statement the white light appeared and I heard Matt laugh as I laughed with him, we started spinning around and then we were sucked up. Everything is too quiet then my head started to hurt, I feel like someone is yelling in my head "Matt did it work" I tried yelling above the noise

My head is spinning and it hurts like shit. I tried opening my eyes but all I see is darkness, I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again but my head hurts so much. I felt myself slip away and soon the darkness consumed me.

I woke up feeling someone's hand on my head. I opened my eyes to see Matt sitting on the bed looking at me with worry in his eyes "thank Goddess your awake" he pulled me into a hug "how are you feeling?"

"Good what happened?" I asked pulling myself into a sitting position. He moved and poured me a glass of water "I think I need your blood" I pulled him and sunk my teeth in his neck. I sucked his blood like a starved vampire before pulling back "so what happened?"

"You did it but then again fainted I think it was too much" he replied but all I got was I did it

"Wait I transported all those people out?"

"Yeah it was a shock to all of them but dad took care of them but you scared me when I saw you passed out on the ground" I smiled at myself, I can't believe I transported all of those people out.

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days, I was getting worried am glad your back" he pecked my lips softly before he pulled me and sat behind me. I rested my back on his chest as he wrapped his hands around me "am super proud of you but your never doing it again"

"You told me to do it"

"Yeah but I didn't know how dangerous that was" I nodded as we sat there.

"Have you talked to Carlos?" I asked and he shook his head no "it's okay he will talk to you when he is ready" he nodded and we sat there for hours with him just holding me. We talked about stupid staff as we held each other, "can I see them?"

"Are you sure your good" I nodded but he still held me tightly without letting me go "I have a surprise for you but I will show it to you later" I looked at him wanting to know my present now "later"

"Okay but let me first take a shower" he nodded I walked to the bathroom and showered, put on flesh clothes as I walked out with him holding my hand. We made our way down the stairs and the first thing I see is Rodrigo kissing a small guy like there is no tomorrow, I cleared my throat but he didn't move and I know he has smelled us but he is pretending "Rodrigo you, asshole am calling you" he broke the kiss and looked at me smirking

"Hi sleeping beauty, meet Kory my mate and if you're expecting a thank you for saving him then go find it where the sun doesn't shine" I looked at him with my mouth hung open "oh hey Alpha" his mate slapped his chest but he shrugged pulling him away while Kory mouthed sorry

"You both have a weird relationship" Matt said smiling

"Can you believe that asshole" Matt looked at me not getting me "he had a huge crush on you but like always you didn't notice and now I save his mate and he doesn't even say thank you, he will pay for this unless am not also Alpha"

"He had a crush on me" I looked at him with my eyes asking him 'you've just noticed' "I didn't notice he had a crush on he like huh"

"Just shut it"

"Okay but can I show you your gift now, you will see the members later" he asked and I was about to nod when a smell hit me, I walked to where it is coming from and I couldn't believe my eyes. My mom and dad, Esther and Peter are standing there looking at me with smiles

I smiled before running to them. I hugged my parents first them Esther and Peter "am so glad to see you, what are you doing here"

"He called us" dad said pointing at Matt, I ran to him and jumped onto him feeling so happy

"Thank you" he hugged me tight before letting go of me "I love you so much"

"Are you saying that because I brought them am hurt" Matt said showing a sad face, I touched his face going to apologize but then he burst out laughing "sorry you should have seen your face" I slapped his chest but a smile was on my lips "okay I will let you all catch up, call me when you need anything love you" he pecked my lips slowly before looking back at my parents "see you later"

I watched him go and when he disappeared I looked back at my parents and friends "am so happy to see you guys"

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