chapter 32

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Asher's POV

Everytime he says he loves me he makes me the happiest man in the world and all my fears disappear into thin air. I can't believe I managed to get this man to be mine and mine alone and since last night I feel like we are one "I love you too" I whispered after breaking the kiss "so transform"

"Someone is excited" he said laughing, I punched him on the hand. He started taking off his clothes and I felt hypnotized by his body, the way his muscles flex when he is taking off his shirt. He really has a body to die for.

He started removing his jeans and then his boxers, I felt myself get horny just by looking at his dick "someone is now excited about something else" I felt my face heat up from his comment.

"Shut up and transform now before this run becomes something else" I said and he smirked coming close to me as I took a step back

"I wouldn't mind" he pecked my lips "but I really need to free up my wolf" he took a step back from me then I felt him concentrate but it feels like he is struggling with something. In less that a minute I saw his transformation begin to happen but he glowed in pain 'the last time I watched him transform, I don't remember it being this painful'

He is hiding something from me but I won't force him to tell me if he is not ready. In a few minutes there stood a black and gold wolf but this time it has changed. The last time I saw it, it was only black and gold but today it has a red line crossing from it's neck to his tail. It has our mating symbol on it's neck and it is bigger than before.

He looks even more beautiful than before. I kneeled down on one knee and hugged its neck tightly "your beautiful" he purred getting close to my touch "let us go" I said storming off into the forest. I watched as his fur moved when it was hit by wind and I heard his paws hitting the ground. I could feel how peaceful he feels right now

I ran past him and yelled laughing "let's see who is the fastest" I laughed when he glowed teasingly. I used my super speed, leaving him behind but in only a few seconds he was by my side running as if he has super speed. We ran side by side shoving each other until, I felt so free 'this is so peaceful'

I looked back at Matt's wolf and then burst out laughing when I heard him in my head 'so we can talk through our mind link'

'i guess' I nodded as we continued running until we got tired and ran back to where we left Matt's clothes, he transformed back "we can now talk through our mind link" I nodded smiling at him "and I can run as fast as you" he smiled putting on his clothes "am stealing all of your abilities and am loving it, soon I will be so much stronger than you"

I looked at him in disbelief, he winked at me and then ran off  "you didn't just say that" he turned around and stuck his tongue out at me "oh you didn't just do that"

"I did, what are you going to do about it when am faster than you" I ran after him using my super speed while he used his, I ran after him but Everytime am about to reach him he lifts his shirt up showing me his abs which I get lost in because they are wonderful and he knows it

"You cheater" I yelled jumping him and we both fell down with me on top of him, I started tickling him and he hates it "say am stronger than you"

"Yes your...more powerful" he said in-between his laugh. I stopped tickling him and he laid there breathing hard "your also a cheater" he said sitting up next to me while I just looked at him smiling. I feel so happy to the point that I feel like am living a dream, I looked into his eyes seeing my everything in them, I felt butterflies in my stomach

"I love you" I whispered kissing him, feeling his lips that I am so addicted to. He brought his hands pulling me into his lap, I pushed him onto the ground, taking control of the kiss and he made a whining noise making me chuckle "always with the control"

"Can you blame me" he said crashing his lips on mine again until we heard someone clearing their throat. We both looked up finding Theo standing there with a ringing phone in his hand. I moved off of Matt quickly feeling my face heat up from embarrassment 'how did we not hear him and with a ringing phone'

"Sorry" I mumbled and they both had the nerve to laugh at me "you don't have the right to laugh at me" I said glaring at Matt

"And he has" he pointed at Theo, I rolled my eyes while Theo chuckled shaking his head as if we are kids playing a silly game

"Anyway, your phone has been ringing" Theo said handing Matt his phone "I should go"

"Wait" Matt said and Theo turned around "where did you guys find my phone"

"Derrick said it was in your hands when he found you but it was off" Theo explained and Matt nodded looking at his phone checking it because it had stopped ringing.

"It was Esther you should call her back" he handed me the phone, I nodded dailing her number again "I will leave you two to catch up" he pecked my lips "love you, Theo wait for me" he yelled running to catch up with him and I sighed

I waited for Esther to pick up "hello Matt I have been calling you" she said feeling relieved that 'Matt' picked up the phone "hello" she called again making me remember I haven't answered her yet

"Hi, it's Asher"

"Asher, we have been looking for you"

"What do you mean we?"

"Elena told the whole clan that you were kidnapped, at first I thought you finally ran away with Matt but then I found out from your parents that you were here for 2weeks with Elena" she explained "so am guessing you ran away with Matt now" I told her the true story of everything that happened in those 2 weeks before I disappeared, to me being stolen from the clan by Albert himself and being taken to Matt. I told her everything that Elena did to separate us "where are you now I need to come see you"

"I don't know but know am more than fine now" she sighed in relief "am sorry I made you worried"

"It's fine don't worry about it am just glad your fine" we started catching up and I told her about my mating yesterday but she cut me off before I could give her all the information "something happened yesterday too here, we all got stuck and got a calling from the moon Goddess" what, I thought it only happened to werewolves but if our mating affected the vampires too then what does this mean?

"At what time did it happen?"

"Around 6:30pm but it started at 6, the whole clan froze"

"Esther I will talk to you later bye" she said bye and then hung up. I ran back to the mansion feeling like I can't breathe. What is going on, I reached the house and opened the door passing through the kitchen to the stairs

I was about to go up the stairs when I saw Matt walking down the stairs with a worried face "I was coming to you, I felt you anxious what happened?" Matt asked reaching down the stairs. His friends were behind him, maybe they were chatting before I came in all worried

"Do you know the thing that Derrick said happened to them when we mated" they all nodded and I continued "it happened to vampires too"

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