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"Please, please let me go" I begged as the tears rolled down my cheeks. He simply stood there with a sadistic smile on his face, looking down on me. "Don't worry sweetheart, I won't harm you just yet. It's been a while since a pretty thing like you made it up to here, I'm going to enjoy this a bit longer."

"NO" I yelled, instantly sitting up straight. I blank a couple of times, adjusting to the darkness of my own, safe and familiar room. I let out a sigh of relief. It was just another nightmare of something that might go wrong. It wasn't real. You will survive this, or so I kept telling myself.

Today was the big day. The day me and my "friends" were invited to join the fun house of murder. It was quite simple, like the name suggested. A funhouse, like one you see on the fair. Like those, you have to get through challenges to get out. Here, however, the challenges simply are deadly. Many have tried to go through these. Why? Because if the entire group of 9 survived, each person received one billion won. If only even one person died, no money, and you'd just be lucky to get out alive. So far, only one person was rumored to have survived, but the money was reason enough to join.

Though officially only 9 people were allowed, there was 10 of us. The other girls never really liked me, but I insisted on joining. I needed the money to get away from home, whatever it took. No matter how bad the abuse could be in that "funhouse", it couldn't possibly be worse than what I had to endure at home.

About a week ago, we were sent an email, or at least, Melissa got the mail, saying we were invited to join, with a special code. She was the one who gave us up in the first place. She and her two best friends, Maya and Laura, already checked it out and sent pictures, though it seemed rather deserted. It was a huge gate, with an enormous building behind it. No one would be able to see what was going on behind those walls.

The ten of us met up just a few blocks away, walking up to the gate together. As soon as we entered the code and got inside, more confusion arose. The ten of us weren't the only ones there. "What the heck? Who are you guys?" Melissa sneered at them, already with disgust in her eyes. Eight other guys were standing in the same place as us, the gate closing behind us again. "We could ask you the same question" one of the other guys snarled back at her.

"My my, let's not already make this a survival game when it hasn't even started yet" an unfamiliar, high pitched voice laughed. All of the heads turned to the source, seeing a small girl, all dolled up. "What's a little kid doing here?" Laura chuckled, but instantly shut up when a knife flew past her, not even an inch away from hitting her. "This little kid here is the youngest and only girl to have survived this place, Ellie. Nice to meet you too Laura."

As soon as Laura heard her name she peered up again, finally looking away from the knife. "How do you know my name?" Ellie chuckled, shaking her head with an innocent smile. "My my, I know everything about all of you of course. Now, let's get this started. As you noticed, there's two groups today instead of one." She rested for a while, allowing us to take a good look at each other. I quickly looked up at them, locking eyes with one of them, the tallest among them. I instantly broke off my stare, looking back at Ellie, who continued.

"As you also noticed, neither of you have followed the rule of needing 9 people to enter. The girls are with 10, the boys with 8, so we decided to hold a little mixing for the two of you to still have a chance of entering. Now, who shall it be to jump over to the guys side, cuties?" Within an instant, all the eyes went to me, Melissa already smirking. "I'm sure our cute Y/N would love to, wouldn't you now?"

I couldn't even answer, it was as if all the oxygen got sucked out of my lungs. I didn't want to. Not after that piercing gaze from the other guy. Though these girls absolutely are horrible, they were the only bit of security I had. Before I could even object, Ellie already clapped happily. "Perfect, that's settled then! Y/N, why don't you meet your new teammates? If you're in luck, you'll be spending a lot of time with them!"

I didn't even dare to look at them. Great. Those girls, I knew I'd probably survive with them. These guys, I had no idea. I just had to hope they'd want to live through and make sure to help me. "What do you mean lucky? I thought we were already good to go. I demand we're being let in!" Melissa screamed, making me roll my eyes. Honestly, maybe it'd even be better to be with these guys than with her.

"You know, I was gonna be nice and and do a blind pick, but no. You've been annoying me for long enough already, I do not want to watch you any longer than I already have. Guys, you're in, congrats!" The guys faces lit up, as well as mine. My eyes met one or the other's,  the both of us smiling at each other. In a split second I got lifted up and swirled around by him, a small yelp coming out. "We got in!"

The funhouse of murder • Stray Kids X readerWhere stories live. Discover now