Diamond Kingdom

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Yunho smiled as he left the nursery and headed home. Despite him being an alpha he was very soft and gentle and absolutely loved kids. He hoped that in the future he would find an his mate and have lots of pups. He entered his house and saw his parents sat at the table looking very serious. "Hi Eomma hi Appa is something wrong" said Yunho cheerfully. "Son we need to talk" said his mother. Yunho frowned and sat down waiting for them to continue. "We have got a omega for you to mate and we want you to toughen up and act like an alpha understand" said his father. "What? But I told you I want to find my true mate, my soulmate" said Yunho frowning. "Oh grow up will you. You should of been a beta or omega your too soft for an alpha your an embarrassment to our rank" said his father.

"I will not mate them" said Yunho. "Mate her or leave" said his father. Yunho looked at his mother for help but she looked like she agreed with his father. "Fine. I will leave" said Yunho. He left the table and ran to his room starting to pack his bags. He quickly grabbed his fake diamond bracelet from his drawer and put his real one in his pocket wearing the fake one. Once he had packed as much as he could he made his way out the house not even sparing a glance at his parents. Once he got to the gate the guard said "where are you going beta?". "I'm an alpha now disconnect me" said Yunho growling to show his dominance. The guard looked surprised but reached out and snapped the fake bracelet.

The gates opened and Yunho walked out heading into the fields. After a while he found a little cave which was big enough for him to sleep in so he changed into his wolf form so he had more space and climbed inside getting comfortable wondering where he can go now. Would he be safe? He wasn't sure but he knew his parents were right he was a embarrassment to the alphas. An alpha should be strong and courageous whereas he was gentle, soft playful and practically a teddy bear. After a while he fell asleep thinking of some tales he was told.

The land of the rose

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