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Mingi watched curiously as he saw his alpha put a note out and place down a red rose before walking away. Once Mingi was sure no one was around he approached the note and read it. Mingi smiled and decided to reply.

Dear Yunho

I apologise for my actions earlier I didn't really think. I hope my looks didn't deceive you I know that I look like an alpha not an omega, I hope you don't find that intimidating. Your very handsome and I hope that we will speak soon. I have something to do before I go but I promise you I will meet you at the land of the rose. Wait for me there baby.

Your omega

Mingi smiled and picked up the red rose and replacing it with a pink rose for Yunho. He smiled as he saw that Yunho called him gorgeous. He had never been complimented before so that meant alot for the omega. He heard the door open so he quickly scurried of with the rose in his mouth. He started running home so that he could help his brother. A few days ago his necklace shone and showed him an image. The image was of his brother lying on a bed sick. He knew that he had the power to cure him so he decided he would visit him before heading to the land of the rose like promised. After about two hours of running he arrived at the gates. He changed into his human form and showed them his bracelet confusing the guards but nonetheless they let him in.

Mingi ran in his wolf form to the palace and the guards there recognised him and bowed down immediately allowing him in. He used his senses and made his way to wherever his brother was. As he entered he saw his brother on the bed with his omega sat on the bed watching over him. "W-who are you?" Asked his brothers wife. Mingi changed, took off his coat and she saw the golden veins, immediately bowing. "Minho a relative is here to see you" said the girl. His brother woke up and spotted him. "Mingi... W-what I thought you escaped and ran off" said Minho. "Glad you recognise me... Never did visit me often... The necklace gave me a vision of you in this bed... I can cure you... But why should I?" Said Mingi.

"Please Mingi I'm sorry I didn't visit you, im sorry I took your place, I'm sorry mum and dad kept you locked up all your life... I'll make it up to you I promise but please please cure me" begged Minho. "Don't promise me anything. I only trust one person... My alpha... But because I was locked up with no interaction I seem to lack confidence to approach him... But I'll cure you. On one condition" said Mingi. "What is it. Anything please" said Minho whilst his omega pieced everything together realising that the omega didn't die at seven instead he was locked away due to appearance.

"I want..."

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