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Hongjoong tossed and turned in bed as he woke up. "Baby baby are you ok your smell is really strong" said Seonghwa coming in the room. "I think it's my rut" said Hongjoong. Seonghwa ran out and told the others not to come near the bedrooms before coming back to help Hongjoong with his rut. The rest sat downstairs as Yeosang and Wooyoung finished breakfast. Once they had eaten the three alphas went out on patrol looking for food. As they walked Yunho could smell something and he couldn't help but follow the scent. "Yunho where are you going?" Asked Jongho. "Don't you smell it?" Asked Yunho. "No. smell what?" Asked San. Yunho followed the scent and the other alphas followed him.

Soon the three came across a gorgeous boy in the same waterfall place Jongho and Hongjoong found their mates. "I can smell him" said Yunho. "Is he your mate?" Asked San. "But he looks like an alpha?" Said Jongho. "Do I look like an alpha?" Asked Yunho. The other two shook their heads. "Exactly. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover" said Yunho. They watched as he changed into a wolf and went behind the waterfall. When he came out he was wearing black jeans, pink jumper and had red hair. "Look at his neck" said Jongho. The other two looked closely and saw golden veins going up his neck. "What colour is his eyes?" Asked San. "Red... wait pink... Now green... Black... He keeps changing it" said Jongho.

"Go say hi" said San. Yunho gulped and made his way down to the pond. He quietly slipped in and changed to a human underwater. He carefully swam underwater to the edge where the boy was sat. Once he was close enough he came up from the edge and onto the grass startling the boy. The boy looked even prettier up close. The boy picked up a daisy chain he'd made and placed it on Yunhos blue hair. Yunho smiled and reached out to touch the boy but as he touched him he felt tiredness overcome him and he fell asleep. The boy pulled him onto the grass completely so he wouldn't go under water and kissed Yunhos forehead before grabbing his bag and transitioning to wolf form and running off.

Jongho and San looked at eachother in confusion before running to Yunhos side. Jongho quickly picked him up and San got the meat as they rushed back home. When they got inside their leader and Luna were downstairs meaning Hongjoong's rut must be over. They got Yunho into the living room placing him on the sofa again. "What happened?" Asked Wooyoung. "He found his mate but when he touched him he just dropped" said San. "He gave Yunho a daisy chain though so we'll have to look after that so that he has atleast something that connects to his mate." Said Jongho.

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