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After a ten hours of walking they came across another hut free of any markings. "He's been here" said Yunho. "Your omega?" Said Seonghwa. "Yes" said Yunho as he ran inside looking around. The rest followed inside also looking. "Here" shouted Wooyoung. Everyone crowded around the livingroom table looking at something that had been left. It was an envelope and Yunhos omega had wrote 'For my alpha and the Moonstone pack'. "Open it" said Hongjoong as he passed it to Yunho. Yunho opened it and took out a letter, stone and map. Yunho passed Hongjoong the map and read the letter.

To Yunho and the Moonstone pack

Incase you haven't guessed it's me; Yunhos omega. I hope you found this well. The map is showing you the way and it's the only one left in existence so please look after it. Luckily my necklace will guide the way for me. Get there safely and look after eachother.

From your Opal omega🖤

Yunho smiled and looked at the stone. On the stone a heart had been engraved. He placed the stone in his pocket and showed them the letter. "We leave at midday tomorrow so we can get to that hut" said Hongjoong pointing on the map. The rest of the wolves nodded and made their way to bed. Yunho got into bed and smiled. Soon he would be reunited with his omega and they could form a bond properly maybe in the land of the rose. 'That would be romantic' thought Yunho. After a while he fell asleep dreaming of his future with his gorgeous omega. Mingi smiled as he looked through the window watching his alpha fall asleep curled up on the bed. After a while he did a night patrol to check the pack was safe before heading into a little cave nearby and reading some of the book.

After awhile the omega got tired and fell asleep with his bag clutched to his chest. When he woke up he put his bag on and transitioned to wolf form and went back to the trees looking in the windows of the hut. He could see three wolf's in the kitchen one omega and two alphas. Two were newly marked which looked to be the leader and Luna. In another window he could see the alpha he saved kissing a pregnant omegas bump lovingly. In the next window he could see an omega changing a toddlers clothes. Mingi could tell it wasn't the omegas child but could tell the omega still loved him as if he was his own. Mingi watched lustfully as he looked through a different window finding his alpha laying naked on the bed jerking off.

Mingi hid behind a bush as he palmed himself whilst watching his alpha. Mingi cummed as he watched his alphas release. The omega panted and cleaned himself off before starting his journey to leave something at the next hut.

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