Sapphire Kingdom

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Hongjoong smiled at his soon to be mate Eunay. Eunay is beautiful and is the heir of the Kingdom. However to be in charge she would need an alpha to rule along side her. Unfortunately Hongjoong was a brilliant leader and had been in charge of many successful packs therefore was picked to be mated to her. Hongjoong didn't want to be mated to her. He wanted to find his true mate but at age 22 he had given up hope. If you hadn't found your mate by that age then it was most likely because their mate was dead or from another Kingdom. Another reason why Hongjoong didn't want to be mated to her was because he was gay and he had always hoped his mate whether soulmate or not would be a male omega.

Hongjoong looked at her Blue jewel crown and sighed as he approached her. "Hongjoong is there a problem? Our mating isn't until tomorrow" said Eunay. "I'm sorry your majesty but I think you should find a different alpha to mate" said Hongjoong. "Why's that?" Asked Eunay clearly unhappy. "I found my mate" said Hongjoong hoping she'd believe his lie. "Where?" Asked Eunay not wanting it to be true. "On the other side of the Kingdom. I will be leaving later today to go live with him" said Hongjoong. "Very well. You may go I will find someone else" said Eunay. Hongjoong bowed and made his way out of the castle sighing in relief that she had believed his lie. He quickly ran to his house and began packing.

He made sure to pack clothes, food, money, toiletries, rut medicine, water and other essentials. Once he had packed he made his way to the gates where the guard stopped him. "Where are you going sir?" Asked the guard. "I wish to leave and disconnect" said Hongjoong. The guard nodded and reached for his wrist snapping the blue bracelet off freeing him off their mark. Hongjoong bowed in respect and they allowed him out. He changed into his wolf form and ran through the forest until he reached an old hut that seemed abandoned. Hongjoong checked the area looking for any alpha markings claiming the area as theirs. When he found there wasn't any he headed inside and found a bed changing back into human form and hugging the backpack to his chest.

The alpha smirked as he fetched his blue glowing bracelet out his pocket. The guards took his fake one without a problem so now Hongjoong still had his real bracelet with him. Hongjoong closed his eyes and began drifting off to sleep dreaming about his adventure.

His adventure to the land of the rose

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