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Logan and Remy made their ways upsatirs to the second floor. They could hear the movement from the top floor and wonder what was going on. But they had to go to Janus. "I should have brang my coffee up." Remy moaned as they got to the door. "Seriouly, Remy?" Logan said. Logan and Remy were consistanlt butting heads as Remy can be irrationl and lazy, which contridicts Logan who is always being productive and trying to keep things in line. They, however, both share a love of scarasum towards the others.

"Come in guys." Janus called form idead the room, he could hear the two of them. Remy opened the door and they both came in. "Hey Janus, while I'm not the best with emotions, and Remy is, well Remy. where here if you need to talk." Before Janus could thanks Logan, Remy spoke. "Hey! Whats that meant to mean? Remy is, well Remy? Huh?" Logan just pushed up his glasses ignoring Remy's outburst.
"Thanks." Janus said still eyeing the window. Remy know Janus only does that when he is thinking about them. "Can we please talk about this, you talk in your sleep, but never to anyone." Remy said worried about their friend. Logan nodded in agreement.

"I know it's been three months, but it still hurts." Janus said, not looking at any of them. "I know." Logan said, truly being sincere.
"NO! No you don't!" Janus said turning round, in rage. "Parker took all of the hits for us. They protected us all. They had always been there for me! I couldn't be there for them!" Janus broke into tears. Unable to hold it togther.
"NO! It's fine! Totally fine!" Janus turned back to the window. Janus know that he should talk about it, but nobody cared as much as him, they wouldn't understand. Janus know that.
"You and Parker were close,we all know you'd balme yourslef for this, but. But it's not your fault, no matter what you tell yourself!" Remy said trying get into Janus head.

"Maybe if I carried on being Janna. If I didn't tell my parents. I wouldn't have ended up here, and Parker woudn't have had to look after me and all of my shit."Janus muttered to himself. Logan and Remy could still hear, they know what he meant.

Janus is trans. He was born a girl and his parents where extremely transphobic. Janus wasn't awear of that, but when he figured out that he was trans and told his parents, things got bad. Really bad.

"Janus, you say that. They were like that before you even came." Logan said "I remeber the day they arrived. Me and Thomas gave them a name." Logan and Thomas had been here the longest, when Parker arrived there was three year old Thomas and Logan, one year old Emile and Parker. Parker was found on a park bench. There was a note saing,"Please take care of her" and thats' it. Kelly was given Parjer took foster, and Parker being namless, Kelly got Loganand Thomas to come up with a anme for them. They came up with Parker, because they were in a park.

"I get it okay, but they were 14. Theyw ere the youbgest, and yet they looked after us. Everythime Kelly was drunk, it was Parker who took the hits. When one of us did something stupid (Janus said looking at Remy ans thinking about the twins, espically Remus) It was Parker who took the blame. They, they suffered thanks to us." Janus felt like hitting something, so they better not get close. 

"Janus, if  could go back and change stuff I would." Remy said, they all had memories of Parker and how they protected them.  "We all would." Logan said. Logan ebing here for the longest, other then Thomas, he wish he had done more before Parker's death.

"Look, me and Parker were close, I have been here for the shortest time, other then this new kid, but it was Parker who made me feel welcome at first. Then they have to die. They were the only one who wasn't scared of me. " Janus said relating to their scars.


Back upsatirs they could hear some shouting and once Virgil calmed down all of them amde their way downstairs. "Hey Remus, why do you think th new kid hasn't spoken." Roman wishpered to Remus in curiousity. "Ooh, what if his voice box thing was ripped out and eaten!" Remus loudly wishpered back, which got him some weird looks.

They all made their way down stair, well to the second floor. Emile opened the door, nobody noticed any of them yet. Logan and Remy has their back to the group and Janus was satring out the window in tears. "It's, it's like Kelly is trying replace them with Vi-" Janus shut up as he turned to see the group behind Logan and Remy.

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