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"Are you okay?" Janus asked as Virgil got up from when he feel on to the floor. Virgil nodded and started at Janus as if he was asking him back. Virgil had learnt sing language from his time being mute, but he wasn't sure if Janus know it.
"Me? I'm fine, just trying to get over soemthing." Janus said with a fake smile. He didn't want ot pull the new kid into his issues too. Maybe he could use Virgil to help himself. If he protects Virgil, then maybe he can feel better too. It's not tat Janus wanted to use him, its thathe new could could redem himself from what happened and protect the small bean.

Virgil wanted to see if Janus know sign language. He asked in sign language and Janus looked at his hands confused for a second, before it came to him. "I'm sorry Virgil, I don't know sign language... But, Emile does. Come." Janus said opening the door and heading downstair, Virgil followed. Virgil and Janus could hear Steven Universe on downstairs, so Janus know Emile would be down in the front room.

"Emile!" Janus called going into the living room, they all noticed how Jnaus seemed brighter then earlier. "Are you okay Janus?" Emile asked, wondering if Janus needed mental support or soemthing. Emile is like a conseller, everyone goes to him for advice.
"You know sign language, right?" Emile nodded understanding they were discussing Vrigil here. Virgil followed Janus into the room and they all sat on the sofa, well, Virgil sat on the table, but yeah. Virgil was too overwhelmed to worry about what is and isn't a chair. Roman puased the TV and watched anxiouly on the edge of his seat, for some reason this excited him.

'Hey.' Virgil signed (A/N: anytime Virgil signs ' will be used instead of "). "Hello, Virgil." Emile replied, Virgil smiled as Emile signed as he spoke. 'You can all call me Virge.'
"Okay, Virge. He said we can call him Virge." Emile explained to the others, then turned back to Virgil, "Is there anything you want ton tell us?" Emile questioned, Virgil looked at the floor, questioning what he should keep to himself and what he should reveal. The one thing he know is that he doesn't what to speak about his past much. 'i'm 14.' Emiles face lit-up, "Aww, so your the baby, me, Roman and Remus. Janus and Patton are 16, then Thomas, Remy and Logan are 17." Emile pointed at each one as he talked about them, well the ones who were in the room.

'My birthday is 19th december.' Virgil added. "Wait that's a week away!" Emile said in slight panic and enjoyment.
"What's in a week?" Both Roman and Janus asked right over each other. "Sorry It was a bit one sided. Virgil is 14, but his birthday is in a week. The 19th" Janus was taken back, the was the same day as, it was literly as Virgil was here so he could have a second chance at helping someone, hopeful this doesn't end up like, well yeah. "Well we must prepare for that glorious day!" Roamn said in the most prince way possible.

'Is he always like that?' Virgil asked smuggly, Some how he already felt at home with them. He would like to get to know all of them more. "Yeah, he is." Emile replied on the virge (*Patton has entred the chat*) "We talking about Romna?" Remus introputed. Emile nodded giggling.

"Hey! What about me?" Roman said defensivly. 'Don't worry Princey.' Virge signed. "What did he say??"
"He said, Dont worry Princey." Instead of offended Princey noises, Roman smirked. "Ooh a nickname, I like it, emo nighmare." Roman said taking a bow. Virgil smiled, he had a huge smile, one that showed he could be the virge of laughter.

'This guy sure is full of himself isn't he' Virgil signed with a smirk. Emile just nodded, not reveling what Virgil said, which Roman was jealous of. Roman was now determained to learn sign language. Without a word he left to go learn it ASAP.

"Wonder where he is going." Janus said as they all watched a gleeful Roman run out of the room. "I bet he is going to Mas-" Remus began for Janus shut him up "Nope, come on Remus, grow up a bit."
"Nah, I'd rather not."

By that point Patton started coming down the stair, being distantly followed by Logan and Remy, who were aruging. "Remy, no." Logan loudly whispered. "Remy, yes." Remy added smuggly as he looked towards the kitchen. "Remy, no." Patton aid not even paaying attension to what had been said, as he walked into the living room to see everyone on the sofa. "Remy, maybe?" reemy questioned standing in the door way of the living room, but staring at the kitchen door.

"Remy, no." Emile noticed the Remy definatly wanted more coffee, but Kelly was in the kitchen so its best if Remy styed away, plus for some reason Remy always listens to Emile. "remy, no." Remy muttered with a frown and too took a seat in the living room.

"Whats going on, Kiddos?" patton asked as he noticed how everyone had been facing Virgil, who was still sitting on the table.

"Are ou talking?" patton asked cheerfully, as if Virgil was a baby who had said their first word. 'only in sign.'
"He said, only in sign. To catch up all up, Virgil said we can call him Virge, he is 14, but his birthday is one the 19th, so next week, and then there was some talk between him and Roman."
'Or princy'
"Or Princy."

"Thats awesome, we will have to get pre[eared for your birthday!" Patton said running up to Virgil and giving him and unexpected hug. Virgil was tence, but manged to relax up a bit.

"where is Roman anyways?" questioned Logan, who at the same time covered Remus mouth so he got a resonsible reply. "He ran upstairs, I think he is in his room." But before Logan got the chance to thank Janus for the answer, this happened.

Loagn throw his hand back from Remus mouth, "Did you just LICK my hand?" Remus had a wide grin on his face.

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