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"Okay, so are you goung to ask him out." Remy said once Virgil had left the room.
"No, he doesn't like me back."
Remy started right into Romans eyes. "Your so Fucking oblivious."


While Virgil had gone to the kitchen, Janus skimmed through the book. It was terrifying. It was one of the only things that Virgil had on him when he first got here. There was blood on some pages and dirt all over it, along with tear stains. He didn't read any of it because the blood and tears were to distracting.

Janus told Patton about the book, they were both worried, after all they didn't know Virgil's backstory.

Roman overheard them as he continued to attempting to write, knowing Virgil's backstory he felt bad. That book must be a consistant reminder of his past, Roman wonder if it was scaring to him, or possibly conforting. He realised that instead of writing his movie plan, he had been writing Virgil's name. "Shit" he muttered to himself, which got Janus attension, Patton and Jnaus had forgotten he was even there. "I haven't heard you being this quite before." Janus joked.

"Ha, yeah, guess I do have the abiltiy to be quite, shame Loagn isn't here, I could finaly prove him wrong."


Virgil layed on his bed, Panic! Blasting into his ears through his broken headphones. Was Janus right?
Why did that make me feel emotional?
Why would Roman ever like, me?
Virgil didn't have the answers to his many questions. He also had a lot of questions about his dream, he always found dreams can have meaning, though Logan had said they are just thoughts and not all thoughts have a profound meaning, but this one felt important.

Thats when something can to Virgil,he sprang out of his room and had to find Patton and Janus.


Roman was sat at the dining table, trying to write a screenplay for an idea he had but completely falling short with what he was trying to achieve. He buried his head in his arms and tried to think of a new direction to take with the plot.

"Hey, who's the Surely Temple now?" Virgil joked, walking over to the table and sitting opposite Roman. Roman didn't respond, he just looked up at Virgil with desperation in his eyes.

"Okay... doesn't seem like your movie is going to plan. But that's not what I came here to talk about," Virgil leaned back in his chair, "your last name is Tayler, correct?"

Roman nodded, not sure where he was going with this.

"And Tayler is an English surname," Virgil continued.

"Yes, I don't know much about my father but I do know that he was English," Roman explained.

"Yeah. Whatever. But riddle me this, Princey," Virgil grinned, "what do English people love?"

"...the weather?" Roman guessed, looking down at his screenplay and being reminded he had a project to work on, "Look, Jack Smellington, I don't have time-"

"INCORRECT! English people love tea!" Virgil exclaimed, interrupting him, "bring in the cavalry!"

"Virgil, what's going on?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy," Virgil retorted, then looked annoyed, "I said, BRING IN THE CAVALRY."

There was a shuffling outside the room and then the cavalry came in through the door in the form of Patton and Janus, both holding trays which were supporting many mugs of tea. They set the trays down in front of Roman and then left.

"Why are you giving me 7 mugs of tea? I just want to write this script," Roman sighed, picking up his pen and twirling it in his hand. Virgil leaned over the table and swiped away the sheets of paper Roman was working on, then stuffed them under his jumper and tutted.

"You've been working on this idea for too long, Dr Do-the-Most. It's time you took a break. And now, I dare you to drink all of this tea," he smirked, wanting to save Roman from wrist cramp but knowing he could only distract him with a weird and pointless dare. Roman's ears perked up at dare and he narrowed his eyes.

"You don't know what you're getting into here, Duff. I once chugged two 2 litre bottles of milk."

Virgil looked disgusted, "Why?"

Roman shook that off and picked up his first mug, looking Virgil dead in the eye as he downed the entire thing before Virgil could think of a witty remark.

Roman eventually managed to drink all 7 cups, not once breaking eye contact with a mostly disgusted, but also slightly awed Virgil.

"You are so fucking British."

Thats when Remy and Emile came barging in. Remy held something in his hands.
They were keys, car keys.

"Oh no." Janus said knowing exactly what remy was thinking. "Oh yes." Remy smirked.

"Remy found Kelly's car keys, we can go find Logan and Remus." Emile, they all found ti slightly conforting that Emile was on Remys side about this.

"Okay fine, but I'm driving." Janus said taking the keys from Remy.
"Hey! I'm the eldest here!" Remy called.

Remy got shot gun, Janus was drivng, Virgil was in the middle set, to his left was  Roman and his right, Patton. Emile and Thomas decided to say behind so if Kelly woke up they could distract her.

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