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There was no way to communitcate with the dead any more. Logan was gone, and he found he couldn't use his power to speak with the living.

Virgil found something in the after life, something he didn't notice before, his brother. "Harrison?" His brother smiled at him, with guilt in his eyes. They were both fifteen at their death.

"Virgil, I am so sorry."

Roman tried looking for his parents, he wanted to finally get answers for the fire, but it turns out their alive, with twin daughters, Rachel and Rebeeca, guess they liked names beginning in the letter R.
They were a happy family. He figure it was because they wanted daughters over sons. Remus and him were just dissapointments from birth.

Harrison had explained to Virgil that he ran away without him because he never wanted a brother, he didn't want to take repsonaibty of a child. So he left him behind, and got karma for that, he followed him on his journey regretting that everyday.

The both of them had been broken by what they found. It was hard to deal with.
At least they had each other, they maybe dead, but they were together and sfae, you can't die again, right?


"Bye Parker." Thomas said, Gracie Coleman, Thomas's adoptive mother was moving to Canada. She belived this place was a curse, with all of the deaths and decided to flee. Leaving Dots to be closed. There would be nobody to take Parker, they were on the streets.
The other adults had also left, either to other contries or states. None of them could take them in. They know the ghosts where there tho.

It was weeks on straving in a carboard box, until the ghosts of their friends successed with changing reality, having an effect.

There were two people who walked by. These people where Joan and Talyn Stokes. They saved Parker, finding them, and they adopted them. They were a family. Parker finally had security, safty, and a family.

It was like things were turning around I didn't trust it. But it's been five years, I'm now nineteen, I was in University, studying Chemical Engineering. 

I ran into Logan's dad once again. He istantly recognise me. He gave me the DNA left over from Logan. "Can I use it?"
"Yes, if you inject it into your blood stream, your be able to talk to them, but you can;t bring them back, you'd have to be born with the abilty to do that.

So that's what I did.

It was nice to see them again. Heart braking at the same time.

That's that, for know. I guess there is more to happen, but I doubt it will be anything like my chikdhood. No more playing God, no more brutal slaughters.

I finaly was safe, but at the cost of losing everyone, I couldn't tell if I should like it or not. But, it is what it it.

And before I end this, I should tell you, Thomas. He isn't dead, yet. Apperently after all of the deaths his mind began to hurt. He became haunted, it was like his mind was collapsing in on itself. He is in pain. He doesn't have long.

So it's just me. Writing this book, telling my friends stories, even though it comes off as a fiction book.

I can say that I got all of this from watching them as a ghost and from begin alive, well they told me what I didn't see. Now I have the complete story of the White Lilly Orphans, and it's not a happy story, as you can tell. Which I wrote in the book that I mentioned in my/ Vigril's old room, funny how things work.


- Parker, the only one left.

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