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"What are we doing here?" Janus asked as they sat in the same spots as they did congering Parker. "D-did you find Virgil?" Patton said noticing Romans upbeat mood. 

"Yeah he did! Me and Virgil talked yesterday!" Roman had such joy and excitement in his voice and a wide smile on his face. Janus and Patton gleemed, until Logan said "There is something else."

"I, I can bring them back." Logan regreted it as soon as he said it. He saw their faces change. Before Janus could jump up and scream at him "I just found out, and... I meet my dad."

Janus relexed and everyone sat in shock, but Remus of corse. "How? How do we do it?" Roman said with deseration in his eyes.

"Someone who is willing to share their life span with the ghost can, all they have to do is stand beside each other and wait." Logan said putting it simply.

"Bring Virgil, please." Roman pleaded. He couldn't waiyt he would be able to see him once again. "Not yet, there is a time limit, and Parker's is almost up."

Janus hesitated getting up, he know Patton wouldn't want him to do it, Thomas noticed his doubt. "I will do it." Loganwould have said he was suprised, but for some reason he had suspected this to happen.

Logan got Parker, they appeared by the side of Thomas. "Okay, when I want I can tell when your going to die, and it will half. Thomas if you go through with this your die at forty-four." Thomas nooded, it was younge to die, but hw know it was for he benefit of everyone. I wish he didn't.

That was that, blue flames overcame Parkers ghost and Thomas, the flames turned green as they died out. There, I um Parker was, alive, living, breathing. It was magical, to breath, see, live once again. It was unreal and a blessing. And yet they remembered how they die, the pain and the darkness of it, and it was like it never happened. They were alive.

Janus ran up to Parker finally getting to hug them once again. It was so weird.

Now it was time for Virgil. Roman jumped up, he was going to do it. "No, who else." Logan said quickly, not wanting to make a fuss about it. "WHy not? He is my boyfriend, if we share a life then we wil die together, neither of us would have to wait in death for the other."

"It's just because your a twin, it a lot of enegry for an unexplainible reason." Logan said which got Janus to give him a look, which Remus caught on to.

That was that. Two people who were previously dead where living, breathing humans again. Interesting how both had the same birth date and ended up in the same orphange.

Just as Virgil did, but more anxiously and terrified, Virgil was alive and back, free, safe.


It was a beautiful and emotional renuint between them all, but as they walked awya together, like last time Remus hanged behind to talk to Logan.

"How long have they got?" Remus said relating to his brother, Roman, and Virgil. "They die tomorrow, late in the afternoon." Logan couldn't look Remus in the eyes as he said the truth.

"WHy din't you tell him?" Remus said, clearly in pain. "Because it's days not years, if told him he would have died on the spot. I would have litterally killed him."

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