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Back to when they were all being taken to their new homes, Virgil was dropped off. When he got ther he was greeted by ben Andersson, or as he know him, Travis Duff, or dad, I guess.

Virgil was in shock when he saw him, unable to tell Gracie that this was his psycho dad who ate his older brother, Harrison, torterd him and unintenionally forced him to hid in his own house like a rat or a raccoon.

Now he was back in their care. This was a nightmare. They threatened to eat him if he tried a stunt like that again, and they know where "The pathetic prince" lives, they won't hesitate. Virgil know every word they said was true. They took his phone so he couldn't connctate andyone and shoved him into a cold room, it had black blinds that was glued and impossible to move, nobody could see or hear him. That was a nother thing, silenced again. Who have had thought his last words would be "Don't die from a caffeine overdose without me!" To Remy. He couldn't wait for someone to find him, or for an opitunity to escape, then he can talk again, he longed to see Roman again.

He could hear Romans singing vocie as if it was actually near by, but he know it was just a memory.

He missed it all. While Virgil isn't every religous he internally prayed every night to gt out of this hellhouse, to finally be safe and free. It was like there was consisant trouble.

His life was a Series Of Unfortunate Events,  he was stuck in a house of psychos who eat their chilren, stuck living ing vents, on the run then in an abusive foster home (At least the others where there, at least he had friends, and more), but there was bullies at school, Roman getting shot, being attacked by Kelly, seperated from all of his friends, and placed back in the care of the psychos! What could possibly happen next. Virgil could only imagine it getting worse and worse, possibly to the point that he has the same fate as his older brother did,

RIP Harrison.

It had been a while since he'd gotten here and so far nothing too bad has happened, I mean he had still be abused verbally and physically, but no cannabalisum.

That night he had a dream, it was hopeful.

He was stuck in this room, writing in the book as he use to for a past time, ignoring the shouts of his psycho parents.
Then he heared the door slam shut, he feel of the chair, he know the door would be locked.

After about five minuets of lay on his rusted and creeky bed he stood up, he didn't know why but he did, and he stayed.
It was then when their were familiar vocies from outside his room. "Virgil? Are you here?" Virgil was to scared to speak.
But the vocie was comforting and warm, it sounded trustworthy, but was it?

The door swang open, there was Remus and Roman, Remus had a crowbar in his hand. Roman ran towards Virgil and

Virgil woke up. Tears running down his cheaks. He was going to be saved.
He was hit by a wave of joy and hope. His last dream had reasoning and truth to it, this should to then, it felt the same.

He understood tht Remus and Roman must have had that conversation already, maybe that means he can see into the future through dreams? Impossible, powers don't exist. Right?

But it definately had some sort of mean, and that gave Virgil hope.

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