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Roman regreated everything. He felt sick. "It's so cloudy outsideeeee" Roman complained looking out of the window in annoyance. When Roman feels sick he goes British, he even sounded like he was from Manchester. "Whyy is it soo cloudy! WHat if someone wants to put there washing out?"

Janus was weridly amazing at driving, it was a good thing at least. However was pissed at Romans consistant moaning. Virgil was trying not to laugh as Roman coninued to complain abut the weather with a Manchester accent.

"Oh my! Shut the Fuck up Roman. I will pull over this car!" Janus said going full dad mode, which was expexted from Patton but Patton was more worried about the fact Roman felt ill, I mean it was becasue he drank seven liters of tea before a car ride, but yeah.

Roman carried on, speaking in the accent and didn't even realised, he just ranted about how Remus was 'a fucking kettle for running off like that with no explination.' Virgil broke out in laughter, and so did Remy.

"Okay, but calling him a kettle?" Patto asked not understanfing Birtish people can litterly take any noun and trun it into an insult.

"Okay, okay." Roman said, before oemthing came to him. "Duff?" Roman muttered.
"What?" Virgil asked in reply.
"That's Scot-"
"Nope, don't." Virgil already knowing where his chemically inbalanced romance was going with this, well kinda.
"Aww, come on Virge. " Roman said attenmpting a scottish accent, it didn't work to well.
"OOoooh can you do a Scottish accent?" Roman asked coninuing his terrible accent.
".....no." Virgil lied.
"You definatly can! Please, please......" Roman pleaded, represtedly

The car came to a holt. "Roman?" Asked Janus in an unsettlingly clam tone. "Would you like to get out or shut The Hell Up!" Thats was no question.

Roman whispered to Virgil "Can you please"


Remus stopped in their tracks, they had almost gotten to Dots, but he stopped.
"Whats the matter, Remus?" Logan asked noticing the living suagar rush stop.

"My Roman's being a whiny bitch senses are tingling." Remus said T-posing. Logan smiled at Remus and instantly replied with "You must get that sense a lot then"


"Fine." virgil said giving in to his chemically inbalanced romance.
"YESSSS!" Roman cried which got him an annoyed look from Janus.
"What should I say?"
"ummmm, okay okay, what about 'fair is foul and foul is fair' or, or 'The milk of humna kindness' or, 'Something wicked this way comes' just something from Ma- The Scottish Play." Roman stated with joy.
"Okay, ummm.... It was have blood, they say; blood will have blood." Virgil said having a practically perfect scottish accent.

"Oooooooo, that was awesome." Roman said. As the car pulled over.

"Okay, I have been driving for half and hour now. Have any of you actually been looking out for Logan and Remus?" Janus said, not even sure where he was going.
"I have been." Patton said still staring out the windows.


Thomas and Emile where waiting for th others when they heard movement from upstairs. They looked at each other and Thomas quickly dialled Remy's phone. Even if Remy was asleep he will wake for his phone.

"Hello?" Thomas said panicked.
"Whats up, bitch?"
"Kelly's awake, have you guys found Logan and Remus yet?"
"No, we don't even know what direction they would have gone." Remy said as he noticed they were lost.
"Janus said we are trunign back, stall for us a bit." and with that Remy hang up. Kelly came down the stairs and saw the two of them. "Where are the others? There not in their rooms?" Kelly said with anger in her eyes.

"They went to get some shopping." Thomas said, he knwo he was lying, but he had to protect his friends, his family.
"I didn't say they could do that." Kelly said annoyed, escailly since she could see the Living room still in a bad condition. "Where is Logan and Remus? tehy should be in the living room cleaning."

"Umm," Emile tried to come up with soemthing, but he know he couldn't say they wnet shopping too becase they were ment to stay put. "Answer my question." Kelly said slapping Emile across the face leaving a red mark.

"Hey!" Thomas said, being confient and inpulsive. That gained him to punch to the arm. "You two better find them soon, or else." Kelly finished that with a deadly stare.


"We're here." Logan said with a smile and taking Remus's hand, dragging him to the reception.
There was a person who looked bored out their mind at the front desk. "Hello." Logan said, taking charge hoping Remus didn't speak, that could be a bit.... chaotic.
"hello" the receptional yawned.
"Would it be possible for us to speak to Ms Coleman?" Logan requested. The receptionist head lifed "sorry but- your children?" They asked in shock.

It turns out normally just adults wanting to adopt or drop of chilrden arrive, or maybe suprise inspection shit, but children that was rare. "Yeah, well I'm seventeen and he is fifteen."
"Are you guys okay? I haven't seen a child here in weeks, and before that, never."

"I'm Ms Shelly Price, tell me what happened, Gracie- I mean Ms Coleman is busy at the moment, but I can help for the mean time." Shelly smiled at them as they sat down on the waiting chairs and began to tell their story.

Shelly wasn't shocked, as if this was usual, she just looked sad. "I know that too well." Shelly said in reply to the story.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked, guessing she had lived a similar life. "Me, and Ms Coleman, and her husband, we all are orphans to. We use to live in an abusive foster home. Madi reminds me of you, Remus?" Remus nodded. Shelly seemed happy and sad, she was sublime.

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