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Virgil. There right behind Logan's dad was Virgil. He looked scared and confused. He tried to speak but Logan couldn't hear anything he said. "Where am I, I- Logan?" Parker said, speaking for Virgil. Logan smiled at him and let go. All three of the remining ghosts disapeared, and Logan sat back down.

"Son, I was lying, your powers seem to be based on anger and peace, odd. I loved your mother, but my work was dangerouse and I had to leave to protect both of you, I just didn't think she'd, that she would kill herself." Logan's dad explain, it sounded like a film plot, a backstory out of a story.

"Let me guess, they wanted to found what you created so you had to flee?" Logan asked not sure what to trust. "I know it sounds fake, but it's the truth and it's up to you to decide if you trust me or not."

"So, carry on." Logan said pointing to the card. Logan's dad nodded and sighed "Your friends, the one that was behind me and the one that was beside you. You can bring them to life, but at a cost"

"What's the cost?"

The Orphans   //A Sander Side Orphan Au//Where stories live. Discover now