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Janus couldn't believe any of this, he hasd lost someone else he'd promised to protect. How was he such a failure?

The one thing he culdn't bare to do was show his pain to Patton. Patton was closer with Virgil then he had been with m- Parker andthis hurt a bit more. But he tried his best to be happy, but if Janus showed Patton, he wasn't sure how he'd deal.

He didn't want to hurt or worry him.

Patton was trying to disguse his anger and sadness by joking around. It was just like last time.

Janus slowly got irriated by it, they both dealt with repressing their depression differently. Patton hids it through covering it up with jokes until he ends up crying, while Janus represses it until he screams at someone, and he becomes bordered off and isolated.

However, around the same time they began to calm down, felt a bit better. But, that wasn't until after:

Patton had just made a joke and had a gient smile on his face. Janus loved Patton and all but it annoyed him , how he seemed so, calm and joyous. "Can you stop! please." Janus said.


It was werid how time flys past, it had been a long time dince the death, and yet felt like two days. They didn't even realise how much better each of them were doing, even though thye longed to see him again.

It was the day after Logan had talked to his dad, he know the cost and how to do some other stuff, like see how long people have until they die, he only wished he know that before Parker's and Virgil's deaths.

He did know if he could trust his dad, he know he wasn't lying about the cost, but his story and what he had asked for, he couldn't trust him.

Logan considered telling Roman, but he didn't know if it was a good idea.

He decided just to go home, but he invited Remus around, they arrive dat the same time. They went into Logan's room and sat on the chairs. "Soo, your room, huh?" Remus joked with a smirk.

"I found Virgil." Logan said going right to the point. Remus jumped up, "What? I thought you were giving up. Wait! WHy haven't You tOld RoMan?"
"Because, I found out I can bring him back, but at a price."

"What's the price?"


"Hey Roman, I found him."

Logan and Remus stood at the door of the house facing Roman, who from that news looked like he was going to cry of joy.

They went into the living room. Remus and Roman sat on the sofe while Logan sat on the floor. Logan's eyes began to glow, and his figers glowed more then last time.

Virgil appeared, in his stichted hoodie and purple top, Roman looked at him shocked. He looked the same as he did when he died, but no blood or cluts. He looked healtier and happy.

"Roman? C-can you see me?" Virgil never learnt about Logan's powers and when he was congered before he was scared and shocked, and now, now Roman could see him.

"Y-yes." Roman teared up, hesitated going up to Virgil, remembering that he couldn't hug him.

Remus looked at Logan as Roman and Virgil talked, giving him an unspoken message about telling Roman the rest. While Virgil told Roman how he'd been watching over him, and how seeing him suffer was the worst, he was glad he was feeling better, and that he loved him.

"Love you too." It felt so good to get a reply, Virgil had said it before, but had been unheard, and he releaved how he had, and how he had opened the window, put the cover Roman and cooked his toasts for him now and again.  "Wait! Is that why there was six cups of tea outside of my room? I thought that was Remus?!" Virgil just lauhed conferming Roman's subspitions.

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