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-How is the fairest of them all?
-How is it going
-Are you okay?
-It's been weeks
-Why are you ghosting me?
-We have all tried to conntect you!
-If you need me i am here
-love you <3


Roman finally got a reply. He jumped at it the sight of it, instantly replying.

-Are you okay

Fine, leave me alone-

-Virgil? Whats happening?

Not for one second did he belive this was Virgil answering his texts. After that there was no reply.


"Remus! We have to find Virge, replied." Remus jumped up, "What!" Remus too Roman's phone and looked it "shit, that aint him."
"Yep, who is it though?"

They twins spectulacted about who it could be when Chris came down the stair. "How long have you guys been up?"  He ruffled Remus's hair. "Not long, dad." Roman said going through the internet.
"Ooooh, we're at dad already." Teased Chris.
"Um, I-i, yeah." Roman siad, it was weird to think he'd called someone dad, the last time he did that he was four and that man left him and his twin in a burning house to die.

"Awwww." Madi said as she can into the room. "Our chaotic family." Madi was also an orphan, but unlike the twins, her parents died in a fire. Madi was alot like the twins, like a mix of them. While
Chris was Remus, but striaght.

"Anyway, I realised we still haven't welcomed the new neighbours, and Karen keeps having a go at me for it." Madi said relating to Cassy next door, but she was Karen TM. She was probally best friends with the manager, her nam emight as well be Karen.

"Sounds fun." Remus said with a smile, which should be unnerving to the neighbours. Who know what he had planned.

They went to go, but Roman didn't he just stood in the drive way, he saw something through the window.

"Roman?" Madi asked, placing her hand on his back. "Are you okay?"

Roman was the farthest the from okay, what he had just seen was distrubing and brought back memeoried from the end of last year.

"T-thats them." He pointed at the window to see the neighbours, but they weren't any normal type of neighbours, they, they were "The Duffs'."

"The who?" Madi, she and Chris know nothing about the shooting or Virgil. "T-they shot me." Roman said, he could take his eyes away from the window, even though they'd already left the slight of the window. "They WHA-" Madi started
But Remus was already on it he'd picked up the crowbar he'd useed to help Chris break into an old safe they found under the house. "Let's go kill them!"
"Remus, Remus, lets think this through." Madi said, she know all about the rage Roman and Remus were feeling right now, it was hos she was when she meet the peopel who committed arson on her home killing her family.

"Chris!" Madi called as her husnad got close to the door woth a murderous look.

It was then when Roman paied closer attsnion to the house. There was a room with blck curtain, which where alwasy drawn, Roman hoped it was a room of secrets he could use against them, the problem was it's on the second floor.

The front door opened. The woman opened it pretending to be welcoming. Chris didn't do a thing but greeted her, he know Madi would kill him if he took action, without a plan.

He came back to the house with a confused face. "Your one-hundred percent sure it's them? Becasue she said her name was Gina Andersson." Chris questioned.
"OK, I believe you, son."

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