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That name, Gina Andersson, it played in Romans mind, he had heard it somewhere, maybe it was a murder vitium or an aurthor. Someone mentioned in the News that the Duffs stole, like Count Olaf. They discuss themselves, escaping prision, shoting people, killing, sounds like it came right out of a book.

Another week had past and they were unable to do anything, Roman had told Madi and Chris that when they leave the house empty, Remus and Roman are going to break in, he know there was something in there, something hidden, but what?

He looked out of the window, he had only been awake for a bit and he was already imagine what could be in that room, or where he heard the name before.

"Ro!! Roman" Remus came barging into his room. "They, they left. The cars not in the driveway, they left, I watched them both go." Roman didn't hesiated rushing downstairs and putting his shoes on. Remus ran outside, barefooted and carrying his crowbar. He broke the back door and Roman run up to him. They were inside.

It looked like a perfectly civilised house, but the atmosphere didn't feel right. It was cold and hot at the same time. It was unnervingly quite, but Remus was enjoying it.

The went through the kitchen first, it freaked Roman when he opened the draws and found all the knives and spoons where gone. Remus found an ear in the kettle. "This is definaly the Duffs."
Roman looked at it, he was terrified on who that belonged to "Harrison?" He questioned.

"Oh, Virgil's deceased older brother."
Roman forgot he was the only on awear of Virgil's past and his brother.

They found the rest of the house was more or ess avaerge, though they did find bloody tissues in the bathrooms bin. "Where is the room with the blacked windows?" Remus asked as they still had about six rooms to cover. "I can't think. But they still could be stuff any where."
"Should we call the police."
"No, not yet. Adults can be idiots, plus we broke in."

"I think this is their room." Remus stated as they walked into a lareg room, covered wall to wall in blood and marks in the wall. "kinky." Remus muttered.
"REMUS! Not the time."

In the draws where drugs, the knives, spoons, papers smothered in blood. What had happened?

"This people are pure psychos" Remus said, and that coming from Remus is definately something. "Tell me about it, they ate their own son." Roman thought of Virgil's story.
"They what! I want to say fun, but your own child, dam."
"Remus, please, calm a little. Anyways, we have to find out what theses sickos are doing now."

They left the room, heading towards the smallest room of the house. "It's locked." Roman said as he took his hand away from the handle. "This must be the black-out room."
And with that Remus crowbared the door open. Roman laughed as Remus stummbled as the door opened.

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