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"What?!" Patton asked as Roman told him that Logan an Remus were nowhere to be found.

"They fucking left us." Remy said sipping some of his coffee. "No, no, no, I'm sure they are somewhere." Emile said anxiousely.
"We don't tolerate swear words in this house, only compilents." Patto said being optimistic, but against Remy's cursing.
"What if we swear while complimenting." Remy added.

None of them were great at focusing at one this for too long, plus they all were hopeing that Remus and Logan were somewhere in the house or had sneaked to the park like Parker uses to.

Virgil turned to Roman "You're so fucking talented."
And Roman replied "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, bitch." Roman and Virgil were lauging while the others just stared at them.
"What?" Virgil asked confused and scared. "They are just gazing at a fabulous prince." Roman joked.
"Sure princy." Virgil said, smuggly.

there was more silcence. "Virgil?" Patton and Janus asked almost in sink.
"Wha- Ooooooh." Virgil finally relised why he was being started at.
"You talk now?" Patton ask excitedly.
"Ha, yeah. It just started happeneing." Virgil said, not wanting to get into this much.

"Know what, we will talk about this in a bit, we need it focus." Janus said gaining back the groups attension.
"Yeah, okay. um." Emile said trying to think of a way to find them, but lack any ideas.


Night was arriving, Remus and Logan been walking for what felt like hours, but neither were sure. Remus was the one who knew the way to the centre and therefore Logan was putting his trust in the impulsive boy to take them there.

The sun was setting over the distant hills until the rocks and roots underfoot blended in with the mud and meant the two boys were tripping over the uneven footing.

"Remus, we should make camp for the night," Logan stated, stopping walking and sitting at the base of a nearby tree.

"Oh shit, you right. I call dibs on starting the fire," Remus grinned, digging into his pocket for a torch to look for firewood. He pulled the first torch-like object out of his pocket and shoved it back in after he realised it was a f*******t.

"Remus, you're gay, why do you own such an object?" Logan enquired, equal parts amused and disgusted. Remus did finger guns then pulled out the actual torch. Logan monitored the campfire building and restricted the size Remus wanted to make it.

"We're trying to stay warm, not trying to burn down the forest," Logan explained, talking half the firewood from Remus. Remus pouted but arranged the wood and set it aflame with paper and a lighter he found in his pocket.

"How big are your pockets?" Logan gaped, watching the array of items being pulled out of his pockets. Remus frowned.

"I can't find the raw steak I put in here a while ago," Remus sighed, sitting down against the tree next to Logan. Logan dismissed the fact that Remus kept raw food in his pockets and took off the backpack that he'd taken with him.

"Lucky for us, I took the liberty of raiding a few cupboards before we left," Logan said, unzipping the bag and pulling out two apples.

"That's it? Apples? Surely you have more in there," Remus groaned, leaning over and grabbing the backpack, rooting around the nutrition bars and neatly made sandwiches.

"When did you have time to make these?" Remus asked, pulling out the sandwiches and looking at them suspiciously. Logan explained that he'd taken them from the fridge - he had made some earlier and he knew they'd need them more.

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