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The world was different, altered. It was like looking into a dirty mirror. It was fuzzy.
Virgil walked down the stairs to see something expected. It was Remus in the kitchen, and it was a different kitchen, Virgil didn't even think this was the same house. It definitely wasn't the same house.

At the table sat Remus with cereal, a bowl and milk. And Remus being Remus. A warm voice came from behind Virgil, it was Roman. "Remus are you seriously pouring milk before the cereal?"
"Yep! Now I just need a bowl!" Remus said so proud of himself.
"Mum and Dad are going to be pissed." Roman said. This took Virgil of guard, for two reasons.
One because Roman had just walked right throw Virgil and two, 'Mum and Dad'.

"Nah, Dad taught me to do it this way." Remus said with his usual sly grin. "Good thing these guys adopted us then." Roman sat down, and started out the window at the next door house as if he had lost something in there.

"You okay, Ro?" Remus noticed as he his brothers longing ness. Roman snapped back to reality, "Fine, I just remember what Virgil said to me once." He said that like he didn't get to see Virge much any more, which Virgil expected, especially if they had been adopted.

"What did he say?" Remus asked with a comforting smile, it was something you won't find on Remus much. "And remember your not allowed to fall in love with me."

Virgil didn't know why Roman thought about it, or why it stood out to him, it was just an incorrect quote he'd seen online and wanted to use. What did this all mean?

Virgil was happy but also upset, Roman gets adopted, and he doesn't look much older. Virgil was glad Roman was adopted, but aso jealous that Roman would be gone. But then again he was pretty sure this was a dream, after all Roman did just walk through him like he was a ghost or something.

That's when he woke up.


"Sooooo, Logie?" Remus asked as they carried on their long and triedsome journey. "Where do we stand?" Relating to their past convosation.
"I-i don't know." Logan, truly confused on what to do. He is rarly confused, so this was extra new.

"Let's just focus on the mission ahead." Logan said realising they had gone of track. "Yeah... Lo?"
"Yeah?" Logan asked as he looked over Remus shoulder for the map they found dropped in the road, after Remus got them lost.
"I....lost the cliff."
"You lost the cliff?"
"I lost the cliff"
"How do you lost a cliff?"
"I don't know?!"
"it's there" Logan pointed to the left where the edge of the cliff was.

"ooooooooh, the maps upside down." Logan laughed, this would be something that would piss him off, but for some reason it made him laugh. "Maybe I should read the map."


Kelly had arrived back, and went straight to bed and hasn't come out in hours.

Patton, Janus, Virgil and Roman sat i  the kitchen. Patton tried to find ways of making food without cooking, while playing eye spy with Janus, who sat on the counters.

Virgil sat at the table next to Roman, trying to distract himslef from is dream last night. Roman was trying to write a story for fun.
Virgil began to speak in a Naarrator Vocie "'I'm a writer,' he whispered to himself, as he doesn't fucking write."
Roman rested his head n the book "....I came out of bed to have a productive good day, and I am honsetly feeling attacked right now."

"Okay okay, I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'S'" Patton said looking at the spoons.
Janus didn't notice the spoons at first and looked around, until something else beginning with S. "Is it...'sexual tension'" Janus started at Virgil and Roman, which they didn't notice.
"Nope- wait!" Patton said truning around to see it, "awww yeah, I changed my mind, your right."
"Yay, okay-"

Janus and Patton continued to play eye spy.
But after a few hours, Janus descided to make a bet with Remy.


"Okay, I'll take Virgil, you take Roman?" Janus asked putting his hand out, which Remy shock in agreement, but didn't say anything as he was drinking some coffee.

"Virgil?" Janus said as he found Virgil still in the kitchen. "yeah?"
"Can I talk to you?" Virgil nodded and left the room, which Remy entred to go to Roman.

"Sooo, I didn't mean to find this, but it was on the floor, and I opned it to see who it belong to. " Janus said holding a leather black book. Virgil saw it and froze.
He know every page, and there wasn't one page he wanted anyone to see.
"Do you like Roman?" That took Virgil by suprise, he though the question would be MUCH worse. But Virgil sweat a little, even that page he ddin't want anyone to see. "................................................................nope"
"So why do you have a page covered in 'V+R' In hearts?" Janus said smile, knowing there was no way Virgil could get around that.
"It stands for Violence and Rage."

Janus was definatly suprised Virgil could come up with something like that so quick, but Janus knows when someone if lying.

"Okay, okay, sureeeee."

"Can I have my book back?" Virgil asked shyly, which made Janus wonder.

While with Remy and Roman. Remy sat right down to Roman, took a sip of his coffee and blurted out. "Virgil's eyes are just plain. Nothing special, at all."

Remy smirked st Roman, which caught his attension.


"Shut up."

Patton who heard it all couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Awww, I bet you have a page of your name with Virgil's surname or visa versa." Patton laughed. But Roman, blusted and looked guilty.

Patton comepletely UwU. "I must see that!" Romam rolled his eyes but know there was no way he would get away with not showing them. he pulled out two pages of 'Virgil Tayler, Virgil & Roman Duff-Tayler, and Roman Duff.' Then the secnd page was a single wedding inveration to 'Virgil and Roman's Wedding." and it was all in increibly beautiful handwriting.

"AHHHHHH! THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!" Patton was dying as if he was allergic to adorableness. And Remy laughed. Thats when Virgil, who looked very worried and upset came in.
he ddin't say anything, just stared at the floor and made a coffee and gave it to Roman and stood there. "Wha- were's my coffee?" Remy said pretending to be wonded.

"Thanks Virgil." Roman said shocked, he wanted to ask about why Virgil looked so scared. But he just drank the coffee. It tastes bitter and salty, but he drank it all. Virgil was shock. Uh, didn't it...taste weird to you?"
"Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt yout feeling, so I drank it all.
"O-oh, o-okay." Virgil said beinging to tear up and left, quickly.

Roman was very confused on what just happened.

One the second floors hallway. "Told you." Janus said without even having to aks Virgil what happened. He gave Virgil the book back.

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