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"They were your parents weren't they?" Roman had asked as he barged into Virgil's room, the same day he arrived back from the hospital. Even though he has a still healing wound, he was desperate for the truth.

As usual Virgil jolted backwards as the door opened suddenly. Roman sat down on the bed while Virgil was sitting on the window seal. Virgil looked around the room and curiously at the door. Then he nodded.

"You still haven't spoke to the others have you?" Roman said, remembering how Virgil had spoken to him before he passed out. Virgil shook is head.

"You can talk to me, I won't tell anyone." Roman tried. He wouldn't tell anyone if Virgil spoke and he didn't feel comfortable with the others knowing yet.

"...okay." Virgil said, his voice was raspy and quiet. He had struggled to even talk.

"When was the last time you spoke?" Virgil thought for a moment, it had been such a long time, and he wasn't sure if he should say anything. He didn't really want to talk about or think about his past, it was dark and tormenting. It haunted his nightmares everyday, small things triggered memories of it, he self diagnosed himself with PTSD, anxiety and when he says anxiety it's to a paranoid level.

"for about three years now." Roman was astonished. How could someone go that long without talking. Roman was pretty sure he couldn't go silent for longer the five minuets (unless he was watching something, then it's a few minuets longer)

"Why?" The question Virgil know would come, but didn't want to answer.
"I was forced to."

"Please, please can you tell me your past. After all, secret secrets are no fun, tell me now or we are done" Roman said relating to something he had said about a week ago.

Virgil smiled, but it was a small smile, while Romans extra energy was something Virgil admired about Roman.
But his past was dark, and it all started when he was 12.

"Okay Princey, but it's, it's. I'll just get into it.

When I was 12, me and my older brother, Harrison, tried to run away. My parents are psycho, as you could tell. They hurt him, stabbing their cigarette on to our skin"

Virgil said showing his arm, it was covered in burn scares and cut scares.

"They were worse on him. So we decided to run. He got caught, and I never got to leave the house. He was going to leave me behind. But getting caught, that was a huge mistake."

Virgil began to choke on his words and memories flooded his mind. Roman ran to him and gave him a hug. Romans side may have been aching  "T-they ate him."

Vivid memories hid Virgil like a train. Glimpse of his paremsts ripping limb from limb of his crying brother, the screams haunting him.
They didn't kill him first, they just cut him open limb and organ at a time. Virgil was forced to watched, tighed to the chair. His parents were saverages, complete monsters.

once they were done he was locked in his room for a week without food and was warned not to say a word or else.
So Virgil never spoke again.

After a year of this consistant torment, Virgil had a burst of inpulsiveness. He climbed into the air vents.
In fact he ended up living in the large air vents for almost a year. Sneaking food whenever it was possible. It was difficult eating and drinking in the vents, sometimes he drank his collected tears.
He felt like a rat, and every time the parents got back from work or whatever they had been doing they'd call threats. They knew he was still in the house, bout couldn't figure out where, they had their speculations. None the less they would talk about what they would do when they fine him, how he'll see his brother again.

Virgil finished telling Roman, Virgil spoke through his tears and his voice broke as he spoke. Roman, was shocked, it was the almost terrifying back story he had ever heard. He could tell Virgil's parents where psychopaths, but wow.

"What the Fuck!" Roman shouted swiftly getting up, completely forgetting about his wounds.  He stumbled a bit as he stood which scared Virgil, Virgil got up too and hugged Roman. "I'm sorry" He muttered as he felt goosebumps cover his body, the memories were too much.

Both of them were weak, one was weak due to a physical wounds, the other from mental scares and torment.

"So that's why you never spoke, you are scare?" Roman asked tightening the hug as he felt Virgil tremble. "yeah."

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