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In the end the gourp had just decidefd towait,iff they didn't hear anything by tommorrow then they would either go looking for them or.... tell Kelly.
Looking for them was favoured. Kelly had gone out too, she hadn't evennotied the living room was empty as still a mess.

She too had been gone for a long time.

It was now night, they allsat in the living room, starving. "Okay, so we have a problem." Roman stated, which gained him some irritated looks.
"No duh" Janus muttered as his stomach growed.

Since Logan is the only on who can be trusted to cook and Kelly is out, they didn't know what to do. "What if we order something?" Remy asked coming back to reality form his caffeine crash.

They all looked at each other in annoyance, why hadn't any of them thought of that. They just had the weird convostation earlier when there was left over powered doughnuts.

~F l a s h b a c k~

"Hey, Janus?" Pattoned asked closing then cuboard door. "Yeah?"
"Have you seen the powered doughnuts, there was two left."
"No, I wonder who eat them." that's when Virgil and Roman walked into the kitchen. "Whats' up?" Roman asked. (Virgil had already explained the whole speaking thing)
"Do- Virgil? Did you eat the powered doughnuts?" Patton asked eyeing something.
" Ha- uHm........no...?"
"Then whats that on your shirt?" Patton said pointing to the white powered on his shirt. Janus chuckled at Virgil being caught red handed. Roman had a guilty grin.
"Drug-cocAIne-?" Virgil paniced.
Roman bursted into laughter at Virgils unneed worry.

Roman and Virgil had in fact eaten the last powered doughnuts.

~P r e s e n t~

"What does everyone want?" Janus asked.
"McDonald's!" Patton said excitedly.
"Wendy's." Roman said as he scrolled through Twitter.
"Chinese." Thomas said.
"Mexican." Emile said thinking about Marco's Super Awesome Nachos (?)
"Pizza." exclaimed Remy.
"Death." Virgil muttered, which only one person managed to hear.
"Pizza it is!" Janus said craving Pizza.

"So who is going to make the phone call?" Janus ashed knowing it wouldn't be him or Virgil.

It was Remy who ended up phoning the pizza place, but ended pit having a long conversation on if they sold coffee or not (They didn't) Janus just made Remy a coffee since he was 'caffeine deprived'

"Shit!" Roman said. "WE DON'T HAVE MONEY!"
"Hopefully they will be late?" PAttonsaid trying to be optimistic, Virgil just ge=ave him a 'Sureeeeeee' type of look.
As you can see ygere were two different peole. the optimist and the pessimist.

"What are we going to do if they aren't?" Emile asked, being rational (who know any of them could do that without Logan) Once again Virgil had a unsureness and a pessimistic feeling, he saw every possible why this could go wrong.

Interputing their problem there was a bang and Roman accidently hits wrist agains the table. "Ow! My armkle!"
They were all temporally distracted.
"Your.... what?" janus asked imagining how frustated Loagn would have been at this moment.
"His wrist." Virgil said with a sigh.

"Anyway, let's have a look through Kelly's room, there must be some money somwhere." Remy said just wanted to snoop.


The pizza had unexpactently been late, turns out they had to remake it because someone tried to re-act an old vine for TikTok. They tried to narraited the pizza person as a hero, but they ended up dropping the pizza's.

Never the less they all sat at the table surronded by the free pizzas and wedges. "Hey Roman, can you pass me the wedges?" Virgil asked taing a pizza slice before Remy. "What's the magic word~." Roman teasted.

Virgil smirked. "Tibi lac filio ecce ego primi cuneis scindebant placet, Tibi lac filio ecce ego primi cuneis scindebant placet, Tibi lac filio ecce ego primi cuneis scindebant placet, Tibi lac filio ecce ego primi cuneis scindebant placet, Tibi lac filio ecce ego primi cuneis scindebant placet,-" ("You suck, I want wedges please" in Latin and chanted)
Roman panicked a bit at this tiny human hanting Latin with a serious face on. "JUST TAKE IT! OH MY GODS!"

Janus knowing Latin from his past calothic school laughed understanding what Virgil had said.


"About what you said before all of the ghostie shit..." Remus frowned, then noticed Logan's hands tightening around his.

"I apologise for my earlier outburst. It does not reflect my feelings for you whatsoever, I was just letting my emotions get the better of me," Logan apologised, guilt clutching it's cold, clammy hands around his neck.

"I dunno, man. You seemed pretty genuine. Your insults weren't the kind of bullshit that Roman usually spews, they seemed real and personal," Remus continued, letting go of Logan's hands and watching his expression change to disappointment.

"Please believe that I was caught in the moment, some of your habits are admittedly rather annoying but I don't hate you for them. And nor does anyone," Logan reassured him, wanting the slightly hurt looking boy to know that he didn't hate him in the slightest.

"Why wouldn't you hate me?" Remus murmered under his breath. It was just loud enough for Logan to hear, though.

"I could never hate you, Remus. Rather the opposite."

Remus snorted, "Check yourself, Lo, the opposite of hate is love, and I don't think you mea-"

Remus saw the look on Logan's face.

"OK, so you did mean it. Well isn't this... something. This is certainly... a thing. A situation. That we are in. Right now," Remus rambled awkwardly.

"We are, presently, in a situation. But feel no pressure to reciprocate the sentiment, I'm not one hundred percent sure on my feelings at the present, as they are confusing, but one thing I think ive figured out is that... Well... I believe that I have feelings for you. "

Remus stared blankly at Logan.

He'd never had someone pay specific attention to him. Maybe that was why he was so impulsive and 'gross'. Roman was always the one with all the attention, and all the boyfriends, while he ate his deodorant in the corner and hoped he'd get attention for it. But now, a nervous nerd in front of him was confessing his feelings and all he could do was stare and be awkward.

"I think... I could feel the same way too," Remus responded eventually, never having seen Logan in that way before. But now his view of him had been transformed and he was surprised by what he saw.

He saw a boy he could love.

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