Chapter 1: Introduction (POVs)

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Korra's POV

"You have to marry her, Korra."

"This is for your own sake. You don't belong to that guy."

"Mako is not for you. Please Korra listen to us."

Urgh! What a life! Why are they forcing me to marry a girl? And why the heck did Mako involved with this?! He's just my suitor. And I don't like him. Nor love him. I'm not ready yet for this 'love' thing! I'm the avatar! I have many important 'avatar stuff' than this f*cking arranged marriage! I can't believe they did this to me. Can't I decide for my own life? I left our home and rode Naga. I'm tired of listening to my parents! I'm going to Republic City.

Asami's POV

"Asami, you don't have anything to do. You'll marry her you like it or not!"

"No, Dad! I will never marry that girl! I don't even know her!"

"You'll meet her soon Asami."

"No! I don't want to! I don't want to marry a bender! They killed my Mom!"

I can't believe this. He wants me to marry a bender? and a girl? Seriously? He knows how much I hated all the benders. Benders killed my mother.  Benders are killers. And I don't want to spend my life with a bender! I went out of my room with my keys. I'm leaving this house for a while. I'm so stressed about this marriage. I started the engine of this Sato Mobile my father gave me. I'm going to relax by myself. And I decided to go to Republic City's beautiful park. It's already late in the afternoon. At night there are so many beautiful lights here. That's why its relaxing. Its already 6:00pm and the lights started to turn on one-by-one. I smiled a little but tears started to fall down in my cheeks.

Korra's POV

We had just arrived in the most beautiful place in Republic City, especially at night. Sadly, I didn't see how these lights turned on. I walked through the park when I saw a lady sitting in a bench with her head bowed. It looks like she's crying. She's wearing a beautiful red outfit that I think from the fire nation colonies. She has this beautiful slightly curled hair. I came back to reality when Naga slightly pushed me. I walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Hey miss. Are you okay?" I said.

"Leave me alone. Please." she said while sobbing. I really want to know why she's crying. I also felt pain in my heart whenever she sobs.

"I know you're not okay. Come on. You need someone to talk to. You can trust me. " Then I smiled. she looked up to me while crying. Then out of nowhere she hugged me. Tight. I'm a little shocked but I hug her back. I know she has a problem. I can relate to her. She broke the hug and apologized.

"I-I'm .. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Its okay. I know how you feel."

Asami's POV

I can't control my tears so I let them fall. I cried hard because of sorrow. And I don't have any friend to talk to now. I need someone whom I can tell all my problems. But it seems I'm all alone. And it made me cry a lot. But that changed when someone approached me. At first I don't want to talk to her because she's a stranger. But, I can feel she's a good person. Especially when she said that I can trust her. I looked at her and out of nowhere I suddenly hugged her tight. I can't fight it. I need someone to talk to. I broke our hug and apologized quickly. But she told me she can feel how I felt. I'm glad that she's here. The very moment when I badly needed a friend to talk to then a kind stranger came by. The pain I felt before decreased a little because of this girl. I was crying just a few minutes ago but now I felt a little relieved because of this girl's silly joke. She made me happy.


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