Step 1: Become a Prefect

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"Get off me you oaf!" yelled Ember as she got tackled by her friends, "It hasn't been that long,"

"Where the hell were you all summer, I hardly got owls!" Draco Malfoy exclaimed.

Ember shoved Draco off of her, "Sorry! I was doing important stuff," she said vaguely.

"More important than owling your best friend?" asked Draco incredulously. "Something more important than me, as if!"

"You're not her best friend!" argued Cullen O'Connell, adjusting his robes as he stood up straight. "That job is reserved for me."

"Shut up both of you, I'm already getting a headache," Ember said, however, she was grinning wider then she had in the past two months of the summer. "We need to find an empty compartment I refuse to sit in the same compartment as midgets,"

"Blaise saved one earlier," Draco said. "Come on,"

Ember Rowle laughed as Draco and Cullen led her through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express, commenting on how her looks had finally caught up with her age over the break. Draco, Cullen and Ember had pretty much been joined at the hip since first-year, Ember had been best friends with Draco since she was born, and they quickly added Cullen to the duo after he had hexed some older year for them after they had bullied Ember about how she looked. In Ember's first year she was a short girl with chubby cheeks and the worst acne you'd ever seen, she had finally grown into her looks (or so she thought) this year, but Draco and Cullen seemed to agree with her so she was happy about that.

Ember had spent her whole summer in secrecy, no one knew where she was except for Amanda Loriss who was Ember's legal guardian and also a muggle (much to Ember's dismay).

"Ember!" greeted Blaise once they got to their compartment. "Damn, you got hot," he added after looking her up and down, making Ember chuckle.

"Hello, Zucchini," replied Ember, using the nickname she had called him for years. "Might not want to say that in front of Georgia,"

"I need to know about your summer," Draco insisted, as they all sat down in the compartment. Ember was sitting next to Draco and Cullen next to Blaise.

"Well, that's going to have to wait," Ember said sheepishly. "Sorry, but I have to go to this bloody prefect meeting,"

"Prefect!?" Blaise and Cullen exclaimed, clearly surprised that Ember had gotten that role.

"Who in their right mind would make you a prefect?" continued Cullen incredulously.

Ember shrugged with a chuckle, "Dunno... but it means I can get away with more stuff now."

"We have a meeting for that?" asked Draco, a groan laced with his voice.

"We?" questioned Ember, looking at her best friend incredulously. "You're telling me that you're a prefect too?"

Ember definitely knew that Draco had the grades and reputation for prefect, but since he had been a prick to famous Harry Potter since he first came to Hogwarts she was sure that Headmaster Dumbledore would never make him a prefect, since Dumbledore seemed to favour Harry over everyone, and especially seemed to favour the house of the brave, Gryffindor, over Ember's house, those that were ambitious, Slytherin.

Draco nodded, "Yeah, so?" he narrowed his eyes at his best friend.

Ember laughed her head off, "Never thought you'd be a prefect, Blaise seemed right for the job though. Dumbledore really has gone all loopy,"

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