Tournament (P.3)

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-From your POV-

I almost dropped my wand as I watched Vivian die, really slowly and I could tell it was painful. I looked back to Tom who was making direct eye contact with me, which pissed me off even more.

I tightened the grip on my wand and raised it up and tried a healing spell on Viper. Within a minute or two, it rose back to it's feet and stretched it's wings out. I gave it a charm and headed to the Basilisk. I turned my attention back to the Basilisk and saw no body. Oh my God, that is the NASTIEST thing I have ever seen. I try not to focus on the giant lump in it's throat, so I look back to Viper which is now flapping it's wings, lightly hovering above the ground. I give Viper another command, and it quickly latches it's talons onto the Basilisk. One claw on the head and the other on it's body. The Basilisk shrieks out as I wave my wand up, sending Viper up into the air with the Basilisk wriggling in it's hands. Tom gets angrier as he watches the sight. "YOU'VE JUST BLINDED MY BLOOD BASILISK IN ONE EYE!!" he shouts across the field. I ignore him and focus on my conjuring. Once Viper and the Basilisk are about 50 feet in the air, I give it one more command, causing it to drop the Basilisk back down to the Earth. It lands with a HUGE thud that knocked both Tom and I down. The head of the Basilisk head fell into the black pool and the tail lingered out, but it slowly crept in the water. I sat on the ground, panting and watching the field as Viper began flying my way and gradually shrinking and the Basilisk disappeared into the black waters.

Viper landed on my arm, returned to it's normal size, and the Basilisk had fully disappeared into the water. Just at that time, the passed out bodies in the stands began twitching and shuffling, signaling they were waking up. I climb to my feet and begin leaving the stands, walking towards Tom. He pulled out his wand and struggled to close the ground again, but gradually, the black water disappeared as he practically sewed the Earth back together.

We stood face to face, staring at each other. "I think we should see other people." I say dryly as I turn and walk inside of the castle. I heard no footsteps behind me. No muttering, no mumbling, no calling after me, not even cursing under his breath. I swallowed hard as I opened one of the side entrances to the school.

When I stepped inside, I placed Viper back in my pocket and just listened for clamor. I heard a lot of it coming from one direction, so I followed it. I ended up in the Great Hall, where everyone was clamored with foods in their hands and chatting among themselves as Draco was standing on one of the tables, walking across it and professing something out to them. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw me. I have no idea what he told them, but I can tell he's embarrassed himself. The least I could do to thank him was to help him out of this predicament.

I took Viper out of my pocket and set the new charm back to the knockout gas and watched as it flew circles above the crowd's head, sending them dropping like flies. Once I heard nobody else in the hall, I put Viper in my pocket and fed it a slice of cucumber that was on one of the food tables. Draco hopped down from the table and looked at my face. I don't know if it was the fact that I was on the verge of crying because of frustration, the immense sweat, or what, but he could tell I wanted to leave that room. He put his arm around me and quickly walked us to the Slytherin common room.

He moved his arm and I sat down on the couch, criss-cross, facing him. At first, I didn't say anything, and then I found what to say. "Tom and I broke up." I say dryly. His eyes get shocked and deepen as he waits for me to tell him more. I tell him what happened, every single detail, from the time he left the field to create a distraction all the way up to when I walked into the Great Hall. He looked at the clock when I finished my story and then back to me. "Shouldn't those people be waking up now?" he asks me. I sigh and lean back in the sofa some.

"If my magic is right, I used a heavier dose so they'll sleep longer and when they wake up, anythign they've experienced in the past three hours will be a dream." I say casually. Draco's eyes widen and he sits forward some.

"Really?" he asks intrigued and I nod, causing him to almost lean back and sigh, putting his hand to his chest, in relief.

"I'm about to use that gas on myself to be honest." I say with a sigh. I was staring off at the fire when I felt arms wrap around me. My entire body tensed up because I really didn't like being touched but then I gradually relaxed and melted into the hug. Draco pulled back and looked at me.

"Y/n, you're too good for this place." he says. "You just saved so many people." he says. I lightly shake my head.

"That might be so, but I'm no hero, Draco." I say to him. "I've done many things and I don't believe that this will cancel those out." Like killing your best friend, well best friends, framing someone innocent for murder, covering up a murder, oh and don't forget the petty shoplifting. "I'm still selfish; I didn't save those people today because I cared whether they lived or died, I didn't want that much obvious blood to be on Tom's hands." I say as I get up from the couch. "Even Vivian, I'm not really sad about her dying. It wasn't her. It wasn't even Victoria, or whatever you want to call her. Whatever she did to summon Galamite- or Tom's grandfather, whatever- she turned into one of them. She turned into an heir of Slytherin and it made her ugly; both physically and mentally." I finish. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to take the world's hottest and longest shower and then go to my room and mourn my damn drexels." I say as I begin walking off.

"I'm always going to look up to you as a hero, Y/n." Draco calls out from behind me. I lightly smile at the bitter-sweetness as I shake my head.

"Only if it helps you cope, Draco." I say before disappearing up the stairs and down the corridor.

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