Do you always jump fences or just mine?

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Readers Pov:

I'm worried about my crush on Heather. Playing it cool is making it worse. Jason is starting to notice my uncontrollable smile and blush. He knows somethings up and he'll probably beat it out of me if I don't find a way to ditch him soon.

 Maybe going to Seven-Eleven with him was a bad idea. I heard the bell chime and turned around. Veronica and Heather Mac walked in. Remember when I said this was a "bad idea". Well now it's a really shitty idea. Considering I didn't bother to wrap my knuckles or put on a long sleeve shirt everyone in existence can now see the cuts on my wrist, the torn skin on my knuckles and a bruise or two.

 So this is great. Veronica noticed me and smiled, running over to hug me. That is until she noticed my arms. I felt the world stop as she gasped. My face went pale. She slowly reached for my arm, which I withdrew and hid behind my back. Heather walked over and grabbed my forearm. "Show us." She said in a soft voice. Jason growled under his breath. He grabbed my arm from her and pulled me away. "She doesn't need to show you anything. She just got into a fight." Jason said.

 Clearly I fucked up, and clearly Jason was going to beat my ass when we got home. "With who?" Veronica pressed, staring at me. I felt my mouth go dry. If I lied now Veronica would ask Mac to check around, make sure it was true. Then when she found out it wasn't she'd make me tell her the truth. So it was either lie and eventually tell the truth or just tell the truth. Either way I'm dead. 

Everyone's just been staring at me for a solid two minutes waiting for me to say something. Anything. Jason waiting for me to fuck up his chances with Veronica. Veronica waiting for me to tell her, and Mac was just waiting. Silently staring me down. I felt my world crumble. Only one thing to do. Run. Of course I knew Jason could catch me but I could out run Veronica and Heather Mac. Or I could change the subject like a normal person. " guys hear about the Remington party?" I asked looking away. Desperately wanting the attention off me. "Don't change the subject. What happened?" Veronica said. Well I guess I could always run. I sighed and glanced at Jason. He was livid. I could tell. His hand was twitching. 

"I can't remember but I gotta go bye!" I said quickly as I dodged, moved out of Jason's grip and ducked down as Veronica moved to grab me. I heard Veronica sprinting after me. I ran as fast as I could down the street, past my neighborhood and I jumped the fence into a neighbors backyard. Veronica was miles behind me. 

So I was safe for now. I caught my breath and sat down near the pool. "Excuse young lady what do you think you're doing?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I whipped around. In front of me stood Miss Chandler. Heather's mom. I looked around and instantly realized who's backyard this was. It was Heather's. It hadn't changed at bit, just a few new chairs and a table. Everything else was the same. "I-I'm so sorry Ma'am I have the wrong house." I said, fully knowing she doesn't recognize me. I had changed a lot since we were kids. I wasn't the same person.

 "I should say you do. This isn't some-" "She's with me." Heather said cutting in as she walked out. I gulped. God I just had to choose this yard to hide in. I would've been better off with Veronica and Jason. Heather looked at me and smiled slightly. "We're doing a project for school. Come on (Y/N)." Heather said. 

I quickly moved past her mom and walked inside. I sighed quietly and hid my arm behind my back as Heather looked at me. "You really should've just rang the doorbell if you wanted to visit." She said. I gulped trying to think of an excuse. "I-I..uh..Sorry I just had to get away." I said looking away. Heather rolled her eyes. "And you thought jumping over the fence of the most popular girl in school's backyard was the best idea?" Heather said. I sighed. "..N...No, No I didn't know you lived here, I just jumped at random." I said. "Do you always jump fences or just mine?" She asked. 

I knew she was just teasing me. But I suddenly felt anxious. She had gotten pretty close to me. A few more feet and I would've been pressed against her. I took a step back. "Sorry I just needed to get away from Ronica." I said. Heather looked at me curiously. "Aren't you two like bestfriends or whatever?" She asked. "We are, I just don't want to tell her something because she'll freak out and the person it's about will literally kill me." I said. "Can you tell me?" Heather asked.

 "Did you not just hear that I would literally die. If i tell you, you'll be dying to tell Veronica, who will then confront this..person it's about, who will then turn around and kill me with whatever he- they've got handy." I said. Heather scoffed. "Oh please I'm not that much of a gossip. What's so bad about it anyways?" She asked. 

I sighed. "Okay...look I'll show you but try not to overreact." I said slowly. I slowly moved my arm out. I looked away as she gasped and reached forward grabbing my hand and gently moving her thumb along my knuckle. "What happened?" She asked softly, as if she was afraid to speak any louder. Like I'd shatter if her voice was any louder. "That's what Veronica wants to know." I said. I pulled my hand away from her and sighed. "You shouldn't just leave those open." Heather said. "Yeah well I don't have any medicine." Heather shook her head and pulled me upstairs to her room. "Wait here." She said as she walked away. I sighed. Wait...I'm in Heather Chandler's bedroom. I was sitting on her bed. Her room also hadn't changed much, red still being the primary color. She got a new glass coffee table and a lounge. Heather walked back in carrying some bandages and medicine. She sat down next to me and gently grabbed my arm. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. It didn't make sense. The girl who just dropped me, who left me like I was nothing more than a speck in her life, was now the only one who I thought could help, although I never thought she would. "Because...I..Let's just say I'm sorry I left." Heather said looking at me. 

"Oh.." Was about the only coherent thing I could say. Everything else was just one loud mess. "I really am sorry you know..I didn't mean to just...leave you. Can we be friends again?" Heather asked as she carefully applied medicine to my bruise. If I was someone else. If I didn't have a history with Heather. I would've already had my way with her. I can't help it. Can you blame me? I mean if you're not Jason then of course you can't blame me. Everyone wants to bang Heather Chandler. But I don't want to just bang her. Sure it'd be nice but I respect her. I love her. Heck if she asked me to I'd jump out the window of a 10 story building. That girl has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it. 

"S..sure I gu-ow!" I said getting cut of as Heather applied pressure to my bruise. I flinched and moved my arm away. "Sorry try to hold still." Heather said. "Is..that a yes?" Heather said as she focused on my bruise. I smiled slightly. " should go actually Jason probably needs me to help him with his bike." I said getting up. Heather raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to talk or stay for a while?" She asked. "Uh..well yeah. I do I guess...I'll just call Jason..." I said. I walked over to the door and winced. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To Jason and let him know I won't make it." I said. 

I sped down the stairs as soon as I left her room. I walked into the office and closed the door. Slowly picking up the phone and ringing my house. "Hello?" Jason said, picking up. "H-hi." I mumbled. "Where the hell are you! You're supposed to be home helping me!" Jason yelled. I shivered as he yelled. "I-I...I didn't want to tell Veronica, I..I just ran, I'm sorry." I said. Jason growled. "For now I'll accept that answer. And you're off the hook. But your ass better be careful and wear a damn jacket next time!" Jason said. I nodded quickly forgetting he couldn't see me. "Y-yes..Yes I'll remember..." I said slowly. I felt like I was going to faint. "Where the hell are you anyways?" He asked. "Heathers." I said. I covered my mouth and silently gasped. "Chandler?" He said. His voiced raising. "Y-yeah..."Great now he's gonna ask me all these questions and blah blah blah. He's going to overreact. "I'm sorry. I think you're mistaken. MY SISTER would never be caught dead at Heather's. NOT after she left us. NOT after she ditched us to become Miss Americana? RIGHT!?!?" Jason screamed. I flinched and closed my eyes trying to breathe. "I..I didn't have anywhere else to run and I didn't know it was her house until her mom caught me in the backyard but Heather took me inside and she covered my wounds for me." I said quickly trying to make up some reasonable excuse for why I was still there. "Fine. But be careful. You know how she is. She's a bitch. And remember. She left you. She left us. Don't think she won't again just because she helped you. Get home before 11." He said hanging up abruptly.

 I hope I don't die when I get home. Heather wants to be friends so that's good, but bad. Bad because Jason will never forgive her for ditching us, mostly me. He'll never let it go. He won't forget that he's not the only person that made his sister cry. And now he'll be more abusive. Isn't it great to be your brother's punching bag?

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