I'm head over heels for a murderer and I like it

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November 7th, 2019

Dear (Y/N),

Okay so...This is kind of crazy but I can't help it. So... I know I've been overprotective of you, but honestly can you blame me? You're literally planning to murder your own father, not to mention you killed Jason got hurt in the process. I know I can't protect you from everything but.. but I have to at least try. Maybe I'm going to far. 

Although you don't seem to mind it whenever I just show up and make you come back to my house and lay down with me. Your dad's a big guy, he looks really strong and you have some muscle but not enough to defend yourself against him. I don't want to lose you. I can't just lose you because you did something to piss him off. God knows I'd never recover, I'd probably off myself if you died. 

It's extreme but true. You are the love of my life, no matter how many people you kill, or what you do. I have always loved you. Murder doesn't bother me, even if it should. 

It's screwed up but in a way it just turns me on. Knowing that any second you could kill again, knowing you're strong enough to act like nothing happened...knowing you're smart enough to not get caught. It gives me a rush I guess. Nothing's ever made me feel like that before. It excites me, knowing you could run in and start throwing our clothes into a suitcase then drag me to somewhere I've never been. 

I've never left Sherwood. It's a weird thing to like about someone. Even weirder when you start to notice random things, like how you plan every single detail out, it's meticulous, no room for error, every step, every move, every breath is planned. How focused you get, nothing distracts you once you get to work. 

I should know I flaunted my body in front of you completely naked and you didn't even stop to bite your lip. 

Honestly I'd never thought I'd say this but I'm head over heels for a murder and I like it.

Yours Truly- Heather 

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