I should've said I love you sooner

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October 10th, 2019

Dear (Y/N),

I don't know what's changed, you've been smiling more. You seem excited about something. I can't tell what it is. Ram and Kurt are slowly getting better but not enough to keep you this happy. It's hard to tell if you're just faking it for us or if you really are getting better. I wish I could help you. But you seem better. You're at least eating again. 

No one's told Piper about all this. She's stressed from work, something about her boss and clients changing their minds about menus and stuff. To be honest I don't think she has anything to worry about. People are just like that. But what's more concerning is that no matter what's going on, or who's talking to you, you're always so distant. 

I don't take personal, neither do Prue and Phoebe, we get that it's hard for you. You're slowly getting better. Sometimes you smile for no reason. You just stare out the window and mutter quietly. I don't know if I should be worried or if you're just figuring things out. Veronica says Kurt and Ram are getting better, much to Jason's disappointment. 

You didn't react much. You just said Jason is getting what's coming to him and went to go listen to music in your room. For days it's just been like that. Wake up to an empty bed, you're already downstairs on the couch, thinking about something. Then I usually spend a hour trying to get you to smile or even talk. You just lay your head on my lap and take a nap. Then Prue and Phoebe come downstairs and talk with you although you just nod your head. Then we just leave you alone. And you go back to staring out the window. 

Eventually Prue, Phoebe and I end up in the kitchen just talking about life. Then Piper comes home and makes dinner and we eat, sometimes you eat and other times you just save the plate for later. Then they all go to bed and I try to talk to you again. 

The one time I got you to talk it only lasted 5 minutes. I just said I love you and you said it back. I asked what you were thinking, you just smiled brightly and kissed me. You said I shouldn't worry about you, that this will be over soon and we can go back and be free from everything. I don't know if that's as comforting as you wanted it to be but at least it's something. I should've just said I love you sooner.

Yours Truly- Heather 

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